Ordering a PIN Pad (UK and Ireland)

Dave Carr
Dave Carr
  • Updated

This article is for Spektrix users in the UK and Ireland who use Opayo to accept payment by credit or debit card. When taking card payments in the box office, you will need one or more PIN Pads (also known as Chip & PIN machines or PEDs/peds). Spektrix uses the Verifone P400 integrated PIN Pad provided by Opayo (formerly SagePay).

Users in other regions who use different payment solutions should read the following articles:

This article explains how to order a Verifone P400 PIN Pad and provides links to help you install your new device.

The Verifone P400 PIN Pad

Spektrix offers a single model of PIN Pad for purchase in the UK and Ireland: the Verifone P400.

WARNING: If you use the Verifone VX820 PIN Pad, it will cease to be PCI compliant on the 31st May 2025. To remain PCI compliant you must stop using the VX820 and replace them with the Verifone P400.

The Verifone P400 is PCI compliant and can accept both Chip and PIN and Contactless Payments.  All P400 PIN Pads are supplied with P2PE enabled.

The P400 PIN Pad fully integrates with Spektrix. This means that any payments taken are processed within Spektrix and sent directly to your Merchant bank account.


Ordering a Verifone P400 PIN Pad

When you are ready to place an order, contact Spektrix Support for information on prices and to raise a quote. 

Please have the following information ready:

  1. Your Contact Name
  2. Your Delivery Address
  3. Your Contact Email
  4. Your Contact Telephone Number


Installing a Verifone P400 PIN Pad

Once you receive your Verifone P400 PIN Pad, the next step is to install and configure the device.

The Verifone P400 connects to Spektrix through the Box Office App.

For information on the App and how to proceed with an installation, read these articles:

  1. Introduction to the Spektrix Box Office App
  2. Installing the Spektrix Box Office App
  3. Introduction to Hardware
  4. Setting up a Verifone P400 PIN Pad (UK and Ireland)


You now have all the information you need to order and install a Verifone P400 PIN Pad for use with Spektrix