This article is for Spektrix users in the UK and Ireland who use the Verifone VX820 PIN Pad. It will help you troubleshoot issues you might encounter while using Verifone VX820 PIN Pads (also known as card machines, Chip & PIN, Contactless, PDQ machines and PEDs/peds).
WARNING: You can still use the Verifone VX820 PIN Pad, however it is no longer available to purchase. It will cease to be PCI compliant on the 31st May 2025. To remain PCI compliant you must stop using the VX820 and replace them with the Verifone P400.
Before troubleshooting, make sure you are familiar with:
- Setting up a Verifone VX820 PIN Pad (UK and Ireland)
- Installing the Spektrix Box Office App
- Troubleshooting the Spektrix Box Office App
You can work through this article in order, or go straight to the section most relevant to these issues:
- Initial Checks
- I can’t download the PIN Pad software or I see a message 'Failed to Initialise Download'
- I can't take Contactless payments over £30
- I’m getting an error when taking a Chip and Pin payment
- My PIN Pad is unresponsive
- The Guardian pop up does not display when taking a card payment
- The PIN Pad was unplugged and plugged back in, now it no longer works
- When I attempt a payment, I’m prompted to key in the card number
- My PIN Pad restarts every time I take a payment
- I see a Contactless Error or Failed Initialising Contactless Reader message
- I see a Chip Error message when taking a card payment
- Receipts don’t print when I process a Chip and Pin transaction
- My Chip and Pin transactions aren’t reflected in MyOpayo
- My PIN Pad displays a ***TAMPER*** message
TIP: Before you troubleshoot, start with the following initial checks. These can often save you time.
Initial Checks
- Is the PIN Pad’s USB cable connected directly to the PC?
- Is the Box Office App running?
- Has the PIN Pad been correctly added to the Box Office App?
Checking the Spektrix Box Office App is running
After checking that the PIN Pad's USB cable is connected to the PC, check that the Spektrix Box Office App is running. The app icon is green when connected.
When hovering your mouse over the icon, it should show Connected to Spektrix as seen in the video below:
Note: this video uses Windows 10 Pro. Your screen layout may vary depending on which version of Windows you use.
If the Box Office App isn’t connected, read Troubleshooting the Spektrix Box Office App before proceeding.
Check settings in the Box Office App and Local Settings in Spektrix
After checking the Box Office App is running, make sure the PIN Pad is set up correctly in the App. Untick the Guardian V14 checkbox (this is only used for the P400 PIN Pad).
Check that the Terminal name in the App (shown above) matches the Chip and Pin Terminal name in Local Settings (shown below). You can check local settings by clicking Change Local Settings from the Spektrix control panel in your Spektrix system:
If you don’t see a prompt to Insert or Tap Card when taking a payment, it’s possible that the Box Office App is not connected. Read Troubleshooting the Spektrix Box Office App for more information.
Errors during installation
You may encounter issues when installing Verifone VX820 drivers on your PC. Read the following sections to resolve these issues:
Read this section if your PIN Pad isn’t showing correctly in Device Manager.
Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
Scroll down to Ports (COM & LPT).
The PIN Pad should show as VX820 (COM9). If you see an entry in Device Manager that reads USB Serial Device (COM9) or USB Trident Device this means the PIN Pad drivers haven’t installed correctly:
If you can’t see any COM9 devices listed, read Alternative method to uninstall PIN Pad Drivers, otherwise continue reading this section.
Unplug your PIN Pad and read Setting up a Verifone VX820 PIN Pad (UK and Ireland) for details on how to install the PIN Pad Drivers.
If you see an entry in Device Manager showing either USB Serial Device or USB Trident Device beside a yellow exclamation mark, this means the drivers haven’t installed correctly or have corrupted.
Follow these steps to resolve the issue:
- Right click on USB Serial Device or USB Trident Device and select Uninstall Device
- If you can’t uninstall the PIN Pad from Device Manager, read Uninstalling Verifone VX820 PIN Pad Drivers for further help
- Repeat the steps in the Installing the VX820 Drivers
The process of installing the SagePay (now known as Opayo) Guardian software on a PIN pad is detailed in Setting up a VX820 PIN Pad (UK and Ireland). It involves making TMS calls, during which the PIN pad checks for any software downloads from Opayo.
Occasionally it can take at least two TMS calls to completely download the software to the PIN Pad.
If this happens, the PIN Pad may display the message WAITING FOR DOWNLOAD REQUEST.
This suggests the first download has failed - you’ll need to make more TMS calls until the download completes.
To force a TMS call, simply make a change on any one of the Guardian screens. You can do this by following these steps:
- Launch the Guardian Configuration Utility if it isn't open. You will find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard\IntegralConfig.exe. Double click the file to run the utility.
- Click Next until you get to the Size, Positioning and Logo screen.
- Untick and re-tick the Force Guardian to always be 'on top' check box:
- Click Finish.
- On the next screen, select Run TMS Call. The PIN Pad will now show the progress of the download and installation:
Occasionally it can take several TMS calls, but the PIN pad should eventually display the Sagepay Welcome screen. This means the installation is complete.
If you see the message Failed to Initialise Download, you may need to press the green Enter key (on the device itself) before the PIN Pad will return to the WAITING FOR DOWNLOAD REQUEST message, at which point you can continue running TMS calls.
It’s normal to see a Certificate Error message while the PIN pad is updating.
Uninstalling the VX820 PIN Pad Drivers
If you need to uninstall the PIN Pad drivers, for example if they are corrupted or haven’t installed correctly, you will need one of the following:
- Administrator permissions on your PC; or
- Access to your Administrator Password (ask your IT team); or
- A member of your IT team to complete the uninstall on your behalf
TIP: During installation you may see a Windows User Account Control screen pop up asking Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Click Yes to proceed with the uninstallation.
- Open the Control Panel by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar. Type Control, then click Control Panel.
- Click Programs and Features.
- Under Uninstall or change a program, look for Verifone Vx Installer version 1.0.0.XX (where XX represents the version you have installed):
- Right click on Verifone Vx Installer version 1.0.0.XX and select Uninstall.
- Click OK on the message confirming the uninstallation is complete.
Alternative method to uninstall PIN Pad Drivers
If you can’t see USB Serial Device (COM9), USB Trident Device under Ports (COM & LPT) in Device Manager, you’ll need to uninstall the drivers using an alternative method by clicking one of the boxes below.
Follow these steps if you’ve already downloaded the PIN Pad Drivers:
- Go to C:\Program Files\Verifone\USB Driver.
- Double click to open the folder.
- You'll see a file named unin000.exe.
- Double click on unin000.exe.
- You’ll see a black screen with scrolling text. Once this disappears, the uninstall is complete.
- Unlug the PIN Pad if plugged in.
If the driver file is missing, or you can’t find it on your PC, follow these steps:
- Download the file VX810 & VX820 from our Software Downloads article.
- In your PC’s Downloads folder, create a new folder called VX820 Drivers.
- Locate the zip file VX810 & VX820 and copy it into the newly created VX820 Drivers folder.
- To unzip the folder, right click and select extract all.
- You'll see a file named unin000.exe.
- Double click on unin000.exe.
- You’ll see a black screen with scrolling text. Once this disappears, the uninstall is complete.
- Unlug the PIN Pad if plugged in.
Manually assigning the PIN Pad to the COM9 Port
If you have unplugged your PIN Pad and plugged it back in, or moved it to another USB Port, Windows may assign it a different COM port number.
The Guardian software looks for the PIN Pad on COM9. If the PIN Pad uses a different port, it may stop responding, or the Credit Card Transaction screen may not appear when taking a payment.
To reassign the PIN Pad to COM9, follow these steps:
- Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager window, expand the Ports menu by clicking the arrow next to it.
- Right click on the VX820 PIN Pad and select Properties:
- Click on the Port Settings tab and then click Advanced:
- Click on the COM Port Number dropdown. Choose COM9:
- Click OK on both windows to return to Device Manager.
- If you see a message that the COM port is already in use, click OK.
- Restart your PC.
WARNING: If changing the COM port number causes another device to stop working, speak to your IT team.
Understanding and using error logs
To be able to troubleshoot TMS calls and transaction errors from this point, you will need to view information contained within log files stored on your PC.
These error logs can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard:
You’ll normally look at two of these logs, P2_zontalk.log and prclient.log. These are explained in the next section.
How do I know which log file to look at?
When troubleshooting, there are two things you'll look for in log files:
- The results of a TMS call
- The results of a transaction
To view an error log, open it from C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard and scroll down to the bottom of the file. This will show the latest entry and the status of the PIN Pad leading up to the error.
If you’ve run a TMS call through the Guardian software or a scheduled task, you can check whether it worked in the P2_Zontalk.log. This log also allows you to check the progress of the update or installation.
If you see an error when processing a transaction, you can check the PRClient.log. This contains the logs of any transactions that have been processed. You find more information in the section Errors when attempting transactions.
How can I tell if a TMS call has worked?
You can check if the TMS call has worked by viewing P2_Zontalk.log. Scroll down to the bottom of the log file to view the latest entries.
Look for the messages socket destroyed or connection closed at the bottom of the file.
This message shows the TMS call has completed successfully:
Further up this log file you can see no download configured; this corresponds to a no download available message that might appear on the screen of the PIN Pad. This means there are no updates available. The TMS call will still apply any changes made from the Guardian software to the PIN Pad.
If you see an error Connection Attempt (1) failed after several attempts to connect to a particular port or IP address, then your firewall is blocking the TMS call from being run. Please contact your IT team for further assistance.
Errors when attempting transactions
Read this section to troubleshoot the most common transaction errors with PIN Pads. Click on the boxes below to understand why each error occurs and how to resolve the issue.
TIP: During troubleshooting, you may see a Windows User Account Control screen pop up asking Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?
Click Yes to proceed
Read this section if you can’t take contactless payments above £30.
On 1st April 2020 the limit for contactless card payments increased from £30 to £45. It later increased to £100.
If you can’t take any contactless payments greater than £30, you’ll need to update your PIN Pad(s) to increase the limit to £100.
WARNING: Daily TMS calls must be run as a Scheduled Windows Task.
A Scheduled Windows Task runs a TMS call every day at a time when the PIN Pad isn’t being used but the computer is switched on. The PC must be logged in as the user running the Scheduled Task.
To schedule a TMS call, from Task Scheduler in the Windows Start menu, create a basic task to run this file C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard\tmscall.vbs
If you're not confident setting up a basic task in Windows, ask your IT Team to complete this for you.This process needs to be carried on each PC a PIN Pad is connected to:
- Run a Daily TMS call as a scheduled task every day.
- After two consecutive days, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard and look for a file called P2_zontalk.log.
- Contact Support, attaching a copy of the P2_zontalk.log file with Contactless Limit Increase in the subject line.
- Our Support team will forward your log file to Opayo to confirm the TMS calls have been run.
- Once Opayo has seen two days of TMS calls, they’ll increase the contactless limit.
- One of our Support team will get in touch to confirm the limit has been increased.
- Finally, you’ll be asked to Run a TMS Call to update the PIN Pad with the increased limit.
WARNING: Opayo will check the P2_zontalk.log file to ensure TMS calls have been run for two consecutive days.
If TMS calls haven’t been run for this length of time, our Support team will get in touch to advise this and you’ll be asked to run TMS calls for a further two days, repeating the steps above.Once completed, you’ll be able to take contactless card payments up to £100.
If your PIN Pad isn’t responding and there are no error messages on its screen, it may have frozen.
To resolve this, unplug the PIN Pad and plug it back in. Restart the PC it is attached to.
If the PIN Pad doesn’t respond, check the PIN Pad has the correct COM port assigned in Device Manager.
TIP: If you’ve plugged another USB device into the computer, this can cause the COM port that was originally assigned to the PIN Pad to change. If this happens, Windows can no longer communicate with the PIN Pad.
To check the COM port, follow these steps:
- Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager window, expand the Ports menu by clicking the small arrow next to it.
- The PIN pad should show as VX 820 (COM9):
If the PIN pad is showing a different COM port, you’ll need to manually assign the PIN Pad to COM9.
To do this, follow these steps:
- Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager window, expand the Ports menu by clicking the arrow next to it.
- Right click on the VX820 PIN Pad and select Properties:
- Click on the Port Settings tab and then click Advanced:
< - Click on the COM Port Number dropdown. Choose COM9:
- Click OK on both windows to return to Device Manager.
- If you see a message that the COM port is already in use, click OK.
- Restart your PC.
Once your PC has restarted, try taking another payment.
WARNING: If changing the COM port number causes another device to stop working, speak to your IT team.
If the Credit Card Transaction screen doesn’t appear when taking a payment, check the following:
- Check the PIN Pad is installed and connected
- Check the Box Office App is running
- Check the Box Office App has been configured correctly
- Check the PIN Pad is selected in Local Settings within Spektrix
- Check the Guardian Configuration Utility (see below for more information)
Finally, try minimising all windows that you currently have open on your PC. If the Credit Card Transaction screen is underneath other windows, you should be able to complete the transaction.
If you’ve completed the transaction, you’ll need to change a setting in the Guardian Configuration Utility. This forces the Guardian software to appear on top of any open windows on your PC
Follow these steps:
- Launch the Guardian Configuration Utility if it isn't open. You will find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard\IntegralConfig.exe. Double click the file to run the utility.
- Click Next until you get to the Size, Positioning and Logo screen.
- Tick the Force Guardian to always be 'on top' check box:
- Click Finish
- On the next screen, select Run TMS Call. The PIN Pad will now show the progress of the download and installation:
- The next time you process a Chip and Pin transaction, the Credit Card Transaction screen should appear on top of your other windows:
If the Credit Card Transaction window isn’t underneath other applications you have open, and you use multiple PIN Pads, it’s possible that you have selected a different PIN Pad from the Change local settings menu in the Spektrix Control Panel.
Read Check settings in the Box Office App and Local Settings in Spektrix for further information
Read this section if you’ve unplugged your PIN Pad and it stops responding after plugging it back into the same or a different USB port.
When your PIN Pad is plugged in, Windows will assign COM9 port to the PIN Pad.
If your PIN Pad has been unplugged and plugged back in, this can cause the COM port number to change.
The Guardian Software will attempt to communicate with the PIN Pad on COM9. If this has changed, it won’t respond.
To check the COM port number, follow these steps:
- Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
- Scroll down to Ports (COM & LPT)
- Under Ports, you should see the PIN Pad listed as VX 820 PIN Pad (COM9):
If the PIN Pad shows a different COM port number, you’ll need to manually change this.
To do this, follow these steps:
- Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager window, expand the Ports menu by clicking the arrow next to it.
- Right click on the VX820 PIN Pad and select Properties:
- Click on the Port Settings tab and then click Advanced:
- Click on the COM Port Number dropdown. Choose COM9:
- Click OK on both windows to return to Device Manager.
- If you see a message that the COM port is already in use, click OK.
- Restart your PC.
WARNING: If changing the COM port number causes another device to stop working, speak to your IT team.
Read this section if you’re prompted to key in the card number, rather than to tap or swipe the card.
If you see the following screen, this indicates that the Guardian software is working but can’t communicate with the PIN Pad:
This may happen if the COM port assigned to the PIN Pad has changed, or a Windows update has corrupted the driver.
To check the COM port, follow these steps:
- Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager window, expand the Ports menu by clicking the arrow next to it.
- The PIN Pad should show as VX 820 (COM9):
If the PIN Pad shows a different COM port number
Follow these steps to reassign the COM port:
- Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager window, expand the Ports menu by clicking the arrow next to it.
- Right click on the VX820 PIN Pad and select Properties:
- Click on the Port Settings tab and then click Advanced:
- Click on the COM Port Number dropdown. Choose COM9:
- Click OK on both windows to return to Device Manager.
- If you see a message that the COM port is already in use, click OK.
- Restart your PC.
WARNING: If changing the COM port number causes another device to stop working, speak to your IT team.
If the PIN Pad doesn’t show as VX 820 or shows a yellow warning sign
If the PIN Pad is showing as COM9, but with anything other than VX 820 (COM9) displayed, or has a yellow warning sign, you’ll need to fully uninstall and reinstall the PIN Pad drivers.
To do this, follow these steps:
- Right click on the PIN Pad and click Uninstall Device:
- Unplug the PIN Pad
- Go to C:ProgramFiles and delete the Verifone folder
- Restart your PC
- Download the VX820 Drivers from our Software Downloads article
- Follow the steps in Installing the VX820 Drivers
- Plug the PIN Pad back into the PC once drivers are installed
After reinstalling the drivers, check the PIN Pad is assigned to COM9. If a different COM port number shows, follow the steps in Manually Assigning the PIN Pad to the COM9 port.
If your PIN Pad restarts every time you take a payment, this indicates the Guardian software has been incorrectly configured.
The Guardian software should not be set to run a TMS call after the first transaction of the day.
To check this, follow these steps:
- Launch the Guardian Configuration Utility if it isn't already open. You’ll find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard\IntegralConfig.exe. Double click the file to run the Utility.
- Click Next until you reach the Configuration (General) screen. Check the Perform TMS Call after first transaction of the day checkbox is not ticked:
- Click Finish and then Run TMS Call on the final page:
- The PIN Pad will check if any additional downloads are required. The progress will be displayed on its screen, returning to the Sagepay Welcome screen when finished.
Once you have completed these steps, try taking another payment.
If you see a Contactless Error or Failed Initialising Contactless Reader message when switching on the PIN Pad, this means the PIN Pad software needs to be updated.
To update the PIN Pad, follow these steps:
- Launch the Guardian Configuration Utility if it isn't already open. You’ll find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard\IntegralConfig.exe. Double click the file to run the Utility.
- Click Next until you reach the final screen, Size, Positioning and Logo, then untick and re-tick the Force Guardian to always be ‘on top’ checkbox:
- Click Finish.
- On the next page, from the drop-down menu, select Force full download to ped and then click Run TMS Call:
- The PIN Pad should begin downloading and installing software, with the progress displayed on its screen
- If the software doesn’t download or install, repeat the steps above. This time select Run Standard TMS call, then click Run TMS Call:
- Once the PIN Pad has returned to the Sagepay Welcome screen, unplug the PIN Pad and then plug it back in.
Once you have completed these steps, try taking another payment.
If you see a Chip Error message on every transaction, this may mean the PIN Pad software needs to be updated.
To update the PIN Pad, follow these steps:
- Launch the Guardian Configuration Utility if it isn't already open. You’ll find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard\IntegralConfig.exe. Double click the file to run the Utility.
- Click Next until you reach the final screen, Size, Positioning and Logo, then untick and re-tick the Force Guardian to always be ‘on top’ checkbox:
- Click Finish.
- On the next page, from the drop-down menu, select Force full download to ped and then click Run TMS Call:
- The PIN Pad should begin downloading and installing software, with the progress displayed on its screen
- If the software doesn’t download or install, repeat the steps above. This time select Run Standard TMS call, then click Run TMS Call:
- Once the PIN Pad has returned to the Sagepay Welcome screen, unplug the PIN Pad and then plug it back in.
Once you have completed these steps, try taking another payment.
If no receipt prints when you process a Chip and pin transaction, this suggests that the PC the PIN Pad is connected to has recently installed Windows Updates. This can corrupt the Guardian software.
Uninstall and reinstall the Guardian Configuration Utility to resolve this issue.
To do this, follow these steps:
- Open the Control Panel by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar. From the search bar, type Control, then click Control Panel.
- Click Programs and Features.
- Under Uninstall or change a program, look for Sagepay PayRouter Guardian v1.XX (where XX represents the version you have installed).
- Right click on Sagepay PayRouter Guardian v1.XX and select Uninstall:
- Click OK on the message confirming the uninstallation is complete.
- Go to C:\Program Files (x86) and delete the IntegralCreditCard folder.
Next, download and configure the latest version of the Guardian Configuration Utility, by following these steps:
- Download the Guardian Software and follow the instructions in Installing the Guardian software
- Follow the steps in Configuring the Guardian PIN Pad software
- Follow the steps in Running a TMS Call
Once you have completed these steps, try printing another receipt.
Read this section to troubleshoot POS not configured for merchant. Client not currently logged into PayRouter messages.
You can check for this error by viewing the PRClient.log file. You’ll find this log in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard. Scroll down to the bottom of the log file to view the latest entries.
You may see an error message POS[*] not configured for merchant. Client not currently logged into PayRouter (where [*] = POS1,2,3 etc).
This indicates that the POS number entered in the Guardian Configuration Software hasn’t been issued by Opayo.
You can resolve this temporarily by changing the PayRouterClient ID to POS1 in Guardian Configuration Software as follows:
- Run the Guardian software by double clicking on the file IntegralConfig.exe found in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard
- Click Next and to go to the Merchant Configuration screen
- Change the PayRouter Client ID number to POS1 as shown:
- Click Finish
- Click Run TMS Call:
Once you’ve completed these steps, Contact Support to request a new POS number.
Using POS1 temporarily on more than one PIN Pad won’t cause any issues, however when viewing transactions in My Sage Pay, you won’t be able to see which PIN Pad took the payment.
Once you have been advised that your new POS number is available to use, don’t forget to change this from POS1 to the new POS number.
Read this section to troubleshoot No POS[*] available, client not currently logged into Payrouter messages.
[*] = POS1,2,3 etcYou can check for this error by viewing the PRClient.log file. You’ll find this log in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard.
Scroll down to the bottom of the log file to view the latest entries.
If you see No POS[*] available, client not currently logged into Payrouter, please Contact Support who will check the correct payment channels are set up in Spektrix.
As a temporary measure, change the PayRouterClient ID to POS1 to accept payments in Guardian Configuration Software.
Follow these steps:
- Run the Guardian software by double clicking on the file IntegralConfig.exe found in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard
- Click Next and to go to the Merchant Configuration screen
- Change the POS number as shown:
- Click Finish.
- On the next screen, select Run TMS Call. The PIN Pad will show the progress of the download:
- Once completed, try processing another transaction.
Using POS1 temporarily on more than one PIN Pad won’t cause any issues. However, when viewing transactions in MyOpayo, you won’t be able to see which PIN Pad took the payment.
Once the issue is resolved, remember to change the POS number back to its previous setting.
Read this section to troubleshoot Failed opening COM Port COM9 messages.
You can check for this error by viewing the PRClient.log file. You’ll find this log in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard.
Scroll down to the bottom of the log file to view the latest entries.
If you see the Failed opening COM Port COM9 error below, this means the PIN Pad isn’t plugged in, or the driver has become corrupted or hasn’t installed correctly.
First, check the PIN Pad’s USB cable is connected to your PC.
If this doesn’t resolve the issue, check the following:
- Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager window, scroll down to the Ports menu. Expand the menu by clicking the arrow beside Ports.
- Under Ports, you should see the PIN Pad listed as VX 820 PIN Pad (COM9):
If you can’t see your PIN Pad listed in Ports under COM9, or it is showing a different device name, first, restart your PC.
If your PIN Pad still doesn’t show up as VX820, follow these steps to resolve this issue:
- Check the PIN Pad’s USB cable is connected to your PC.
- Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
- Right-click on the PIN Pad in the Ports section and select Update Driver Software.
- Select Browse My Computer for Driver Software.
- Click Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.
- Click Have Disk.
- In the pop up, click Browse.
- Go to C:\Program Files\Verifone\USB Driver\Vx-Xp.
NOTE: always select the Vx-Xp folder, even if using a later version of Windows. - Double click VFIUSBF.INF.
- You'll be taken back to the pop-up window titled Install From Disk. Click OK.
- You'll see a pop-up window titled Update Driver Software. Click OK.
- Once you're notified that Windows has finished installing the driver software, click Close.
In the Ports (COM & LPT) menu, you should now see the pad correctly listed as VX820 (COM9). You may need to close and reopen Device Manager to see this.
If your PIN Pad is not displaying as COM9
PIN Pads may show on another COM port number. If this happens you can set the COM port to COM9 by following these steps:
- Open Device Manager by clicking the Windows/Start button in your taskbar, typing Device, then clicking Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager window, expand the Ports menu by clicking the arrow next to it.
- Right click on the VX820 PIN Pad and select Properties:
- Click on the Port Settings tab and then click Advanced:
- Click on the COM Port Number dropdown. Choose COM9:
- Click OK on both windows to return to Device Manager.
- If you see a message that the COM port is already in use, click OK.
- Restart your PC.
WARNING: If changing the COM port number causes another device to stop working, speak to your IT team.
Read this section to troubleshoot the Please check Client/Merchant/CardScheme/Currency combination and try again message.
You can check for this error by viewing the PRClient.log file. You’ll find this log in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard.
Scroll down to the bottom of the log file to view the latest entries.
If you see an error message Please check Client/Merchant/CardScheme/Currency combination and try again, this indicates that the SagePay ID or PayRouter Merchant ID may have been incorrectly entered.
You can resolve this by following these steps:
- Run the Guardian software by double clicking on the file IntegralConfig.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard
- Click Next and to go to the Merchant Configuration screen.
- For Sagepay ID, select PR142 from the dropdown list:
- PayRouter Merchant ID: Contact Support for confirmation of this ID, e.g. ADN-SPTX-ORGANISATIONNAME. This will be unique to your organisation.
- Click Finish.
- On the next screen, select Run TMS Call. The PIN Pad will now show the progress of the download:
- Once completed, try processing another transaction.
On rare occasions, where SagePay ID and PayRouter Merchant ID are correct, the issue may point to a configuration issue with Opayo. When you Contact Support, one of our team will contact Opayo on your behalf to resolve this.
Chip and Pin transactions aren’t showing in MyOpayo
PIN Pad transactions are visible in My Opayo the day after they’ve been processed. If transactions still haven’t appeared the next day, this may mean that the security permissions are set incorrectly for the IntegralCreditCard folder on the PC.
All users who log into a PC connected to a PIN Pad must be able to read from and write to the IntegralCreditCard folder in order for transactions to appear in My SagePay.
Follow these steps to resolve the issue:
- Locate the folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\IntegralCreditCard
- Review the Setting Permissions section of our article Setting up a Verifone VX820 PIN Pad (UK and Ireland)
Once you’ve checked these settings, if Chip and Pin transactions still don't appear in My Opayo, Contact Support who will contact Opayo on your behalf to investigate.
PIN Pad displays a **TAMPER** message
Verifone VX820 PIN Pads have a security feature designed to disable the device in the event of any security threat.
If you see a **TAMPER** message on your PIN Pad screen, this suggests the PIN Pad has either been dropped or damaged.
This security feature cannot be reversed. If your device displays the message **TAMPER**, the PIN Pad will no longer work and must be replaced. To purchase a new PIN Pad, read Ordering a PIN Pad (UK and Ireland).
You should now have all the information needed to troubleshoot your VX820 PIN Pad.