NOTE: This article refers to the use of ‘opens’ and/or ‘open rates’. In Apple's iOS15 (released 20 September 2021) and MacOS12 Monterey (release date TBC) software updates, new mail privacy settings will affect the usability of 'opens’ as a metric in Spektrix. For more information please click HERE.
Spektrix can integrate with the Dotdigital email platform, allowing you to send targeted campaigns direct from Spektrix. If you don’t already use the Dotdigital integration, here are some frequently asked questions:
What is the benefit?
- Using the Dotdigital integration allows you to target your communications and ensure you are sending emails out to the right people at the right time.
- By using an integrated email solution you can save time by not having to manually pull customer data out and load it back in to create address books.
- It also means that if customers choose to either opt-in or opt-out of receiving marketing emails, their record in Spektrix is automatically updated.
- You can write all customer activity back to customer records in Spektrix, including opens, click throughs and unsubscribes, and therefore segment on this information to target future campaigns. Due to Apple's update, ‘opens’ will no longer be a reliable metric for measuring email Campaign engagement. You will want to bear this in mind when reporting on your Mailings and look into referring to click rate as a more reliable means of tracking your customers’ engagement
- Our Scheduled Customer List tool allows you to build campaigns based on everything stored in Spektrix, including customers’ interaction with previous email campaigns via Marketing Segments.
- Pre- and post-show emails can be automated for any events taking place.
- Depending on when you went live with using Dotdigital, you may also have access to Dotdigital's survey tool. If you're not sure whether you have access to this or not, please check with the Spektrix Support team - if it isn't included in your contract, you can add it on at additional cost.
What doesn’t it do?
- We don’t offer Dotdigital's SMS tool, as it can’t be integrated into Spektrix - there’s no way of writing data back into Spektrix based on the results of the SMS campaign.
- Dotdigital has some tools around email automation but we don’t recommend using these as they relate to address books in Dotdigital and you won’t be able to segment or report on these campaigns in Spektrix. Instead we recommend using the Scheduled Customer List tool, as mentioned above.
How much does it cost?
Some Spektrix users have an allowance of Dotdigital email sends included in their agreement, whereas others pay per-send. If you'd like to find out pricing information for your organisation or add an allowance, please get in touch with the Spektrix Support team who will be able to help, or direct you to our Sales and Account Management team for further discussion.
Are there any setup costs?
No, setup is free.
Will we have training?
Yes, the Support team will provide over the phone training on how to build campaigns in Dotdigital and how to send integrated emails.
Spektrix Support provides first line support for all Dotdigital questions, and are usually able to help with most queries. Any more complex questions can be escalated via the Support team to Dotdigital.
What do we do with our templates that we’ve already built in another email system?
Pre-made templates can be imported into Dotdigital as HTML. You can also edit the HTML of existing templates using Dotdigital's markup guide so that it can be edited via the Easy Editor drag and drop tool.
Can I import mailing lists from my old email tool into Spektrix, for use with dotdigital?
Yes. See this article for more information on how to import customers into Spektrix.
If you have any further questions, or would like to go ahead and start the process of setting up Dotdigital, please get in touch with the Support team.