This article is for Spektrix users in the US who use the Ingenico Lane 3000 Chip Reader to take payment by Credit and Debit Card in the box office. It will help you troubleshoot issues you might encounter while using the Ingenico Lane 3000.
Before troubleshooting, make sure you are familiar with:
- Introduction to Chip Readers (US Only)
- Setting Up the Ingenico Lane 3000 Chip Reader
- Installing the Spektrix Box Office App
- Troubleshooting the Spektrix Box Office App
You can work through this article in order, or go straight to the section most relevant to these issues:
- Initial Checks
- My Chip Reader won’t turn on/the display is blank
- I’ve rebooted my Chip Reader but it still isn’t working
- My Chip Reader is not listed in Spektrix
- My Chip Reader is not properly installed
- My Chip Reader is not taking any payments
- There is a “Lane Closed” message on my Chip Reader
- There is a “Card not authorized by bank” message in Spektrix
TIP: Before you troubleshoot, start with the following initial checks. These can often save you time.
Initial Checks
These initial checks may require you to contact Spektrix Support. Once these checks are complete, the rest of this article will enable you to troubleshoot independently.
- Have you contacted Spektrix Support to make sure the Chip Reader is set up in your system? If not, make sure you have the following information ready from Worldpay: Account ID, Account Token, Acceptor ID, Terminal ID. You can retrieve this information from your Worldpay account portal or contact Worldpay directly.
WARNING: Please only share this information with a member of the Spektrix Support Team via phone or video call after contacting them. Do not send this information over email, Support ticket, or SendSafely.
- Is the Chip Reader only connected by USB? Spektrix does not support Ingenico Lane 3000s connected by other methods. You can watch a video to see how to connect your Ingenico Lane 3000 correctly.
Once you have completed these checks, ensure the Spektrix Box Office App is running.
Checking the Box Office App is running
When troubleshooting, always make sure the Spektrix Box Office App is running. The app icon is green when connected.
When hovering your mouse over the icon, it should show Connected to Spektrix as seen in the video below:
Note: this video uses Windows 10 Pro. Your screen layout may vary depending on which version of Windows you use.
If the Box Office App isn’t connected, read Troubleshooting the Spektrix Box Office App before proceeding.
Rebooting the Chip Reader
After completing the initial checks above, reboot the Ingenico Lane 3000 by holding down the yellow button and the 0 (zero) button together for 5-10 seconds. The reboot cycle can take a few minutes.
If the Chip Reader does not reboot, hold down the .,#* button and yellow button together for 5-10 seconds.
TIP: If the Chip Reader is not turning on, you will need to reach out to your supplier for support.
After restarting the Chip Reader, check to make sure it is selected in your Spektrix System.
Selecting the Chip Reader in Spektrix
Once you’ve checked that the Box Office App is running and you’ve rebooted the Chip Reader, check if the correct Chip Reader is selected in Spektrix:
- Log into your Spektrix account on the PC connected to your Chip Reader.
REMINDER: The Chip Reader must be connected to the PC that it is registered to.
- Navigate to the Control Panel in the lower left corner of Spektrix and select Change local settings.
- Select the Chip Reader under Select Chip Terminal to ensure it has been registered to your Spektrix system; you can do this even if it is disconnected/switched off by checking Include offline?.
- If you can’t see the Chip Reader, continue to the next section, Register the Chip Reader in the Box Office App.
- Click OK to save any changes.
Registering the Chip Reader in the Box Office App
Check if the Chip Reader has been registered in the Box Office App.
- Open the Spektrix Box Office App by right clicking on the Spektrix icon in your system tray and selecting Open.
- Click on the Chip & Pin Terminal tab.
- Check if the Terminal type is correctly selected as Element (Vantiv).
- Check if the Lane Id matches the Lane id in the triPOS.config file.
- Check if the Config file path is pointing to the correct folder. Check in Modify the triPOS.config file for possible folder locations.
- Check if the Terminal Port is listed as 8080.
- Click OK to save any changes.
For more information on the other fields needed for the Terminal Settings, please read Registering your Chip Reader in Setting Up the Ingenico Lane 3000 Chip Reader.
Proceed to the next section to check if the triPOS.config file is correct and to make any changes.
Modifying the triPOS.config file
The triPOS.config file contains settings for your Chip Reader. Begin by checking that the information in this file is correct.
Navigate to one of the following folders:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Vantiv\triPOS Service” (for 64 bit PCs)
- C:\Program Files\Vantiv\triPOS Service” (for 32 bit PCs)
TIP: You can check whether your computer is 32 or 64 bit here.
First, check that the original triPOS.config file had been saved, with no other copies located in the folder. Delete extra copies, if found.
Next, check if all information has been modified correctly in the original triPOS.config file.
You can see how to correctly modify the file in the Modify the triPOS service section of Setting Up the Ingenico Lane 3000 Chip Reader.
Update the file accordingly.
Updating Fields in the triPOS.config file
</testMode>replace true with false The Chip Reader can be in test mode and will not take any live payments if this is set to true. This should be set to false. <pinPadIdleMessage>
Welcome to YourCompany
</pinPadIdleMessage>replace YourCompany with your company name This field does not have a direct impact on the Chip Reader’s ability to process transactions, however changing this field will help you recognize when the config file is set up correctly, as whatever message you input for this field will appear on the screen. <allowPartialApprovals>
</allowPartialApprovals>replace true with false Spektrix cannot support partial approvals. This should be set to false. <isDebitSupported>
</isDebitSupported>replace true with false This field is asking if the client would like to accept Debit card payments. This should be set to false. <isGiftSupported>
</isGiftSupported>replace true with false This is referring to gift card payments. This should be set to false. <isEmvSupported>
</isEmvSupported>replace false with true EMV is shorthand for chip payments. This should be set to true. <driver>
</driver>replace Null with IngenicoUpp (see tip below) The driver is the software that allows the Chip Reader to communicate with the computer. This should be set to IngenicoUpp for Ingenico Lane 3000s. TIP: You may see <driver> in several places within the file. You should only change the one under terminalType, with IngenicoUpp listed above it, as follows:
</comPort>replace COM9999 with the COM Port you noted earlier in the installation process. You can find this again in Device Manager under Ports (COM and LPT). The COM port lets Spektrix know where to look for the Chip Reader. A computer can have any number of different COM ports, so providing the correct COM port number is essential, otherwise Spektrix will not know the Chip Reader is connected to the computer. <message>
</message>This will appear on your chip reader between transactions. You can change this to anything you like, or keep it as Welcome! This is the message that will appear on your Chip Reader when a transaction is not in process. The default is set to “Welcome!” but feel free to change this to whatever you would like. While there’s no character limit, we recommend that you keep your message short to ensure it remains on the screen. <transactionAmountLimit>
</transactionAmountLimit>replace 10 with 100000 This allows clients to limit transactions to a certain amount. It is recommended practice that the limit be changed to 100000. <terminalId>
</terminalId>replace 0000009999 with your Terminal ID. The Terminal ID is connected to your payment service provider. Make sure this number matches the unique Terminal ID found in your Worldpay settings. The terminal ID connects the Chip Reader with the payment service provider. <serialLane description="NULL PIN pad" laneId=" 9999"> Make sure that laneId is set to 9999. This number must match the number in the Spektrix Box Office App. The lane ID tells the Box Office App where to look for the Chip Reader. Once you have checked all information is correct or has been changed to the correct information, save the triPOS.config file.
Saving the triPOS.config file after editing
If you are having problems saving the triPOS.config file, this often relates to Microsoft Administrator permissions. Please follow these steps to open editing permissions to all users:
- Right click on the triPOS Service folder
- From the dropdown menu, select Give access to and then Advanced sharing…
- From the triPOS Service Properties window, select the Security tab
- Under Group or user names, highlight ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES then click Edit…
- If you are prompted with a pop-up asking “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?”, click Yes
- From the Permissions for triPOS Service window, check the box for Allow next to Modify
- Click OK to save the Permissions for triPOS Service
- Click OK to save the triPOS Service Properties
You can watch these steps in the following video:
Note: this video uses Windows 10 Pro. Your screen layout may vary depending on which version of Windows you use.
Restarting the triPOS Service
After updating the triPOS.config file, restart the TriPOS service:
- Click the Windows symbol in the bottom-left corner of your desktop
- In the Search Bar, type and then select Services
- If you are prompted with a pop-up asking “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?”, click Yes
- Select triPOS.NET
- Right click and select Restart
Check to see the Status for triPOS.NET; if it is not running, right click and select Start.
Once the triPOS service is running, proceed to the next step to check the driver in Device Manager.
Checking the driver in Device Manager
Once you have checked triPOS.config settings are correct and the triPOS service is running, check if the driver is properly installed.
- Keep the Chip Reader plugged in and connected to the PC
- Click the Windows symbol in the bottom-left corner of your desktop
- In the Search Bar, type and then select Device Manager
- If you are prompted with a pop-up asking “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?”, click Yes
- Scroll to PORTS (COM and LPT)
- Check that the device is listed as Ingenico Lane 3000 or Ingenico Lane 3xxx
WARNING: If the device is listed as a USB device or something similar, this means there was an error installing a driver. Follow the instructions in Uninstalling the Ingenico Lane 3000 before reinstalling the driver.
- Check that the COM number next to the device name matches the COM number in the triPOS.config file. To update and modify the file, refer to Modifying the triPOS.config file.
If you need to reinstall the driver, please proceed to the next steps to uninstall the driver first.
Uninstalling the Ingenico Lane 3000
To uninstall the Chip Reader from your PC, begin by removing the driver:
- Keep the Chip Reader plugged in and connected to the PC
- Click the Windows symbol in the bottom-left corner of your desktop
- In the Search Bar, type and then select Device Manager
- Scroll to PORTS (COM and LPT)
- Select the listed as Ingenico Lane 3000 or Ingenico Lane 3xxx
- Right click on the device and select Uninstall device
- Click Uninstall
- Restart PC if prompted
Continue the uninstall process by removing the Chip Reader’s files from the PC. To do this, navigate to one of the following folders
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Vantiv” (64 bit PCs)
- C:\Program Files\Vantiv” (32 bit PCs)
Delete the entire folder and empty your trash bin. Make sure all files are completely deleted before following the installation instructions in Setting Up the Ingenico Lane 3000 Chip Reader.
Once you’ve reinstalled the Ingenico Lane 3000, be sure to restart your PC, the triPOS service, and the Spektrix Box Office App.
Understanding and using error logs
If you are experiencing any transaction issues such as not being able to take any payments or seeing error messages on your Chip Reader, you can troubleshoot by looking at error logs stored on your PC. Error logs provide detailed information on issues happening with the Chip Reader.
REMINDER: Make sure to take a note of the date and approximate time when the error occurred. The date and time will help you identify the correct error in the logs.
The error logs will be located in one of the following folders:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Vantiv\triPOS Service\Logs” (64 bit PCs)
- C:\Program Files\Vantiv\triPOS Service\Logs” (32 bit PCs)
Within the folder you will see several files. Take a look at these files in the following order, using the date and time that the error took place as the identifier:
- Error.log
- Verbose.log
- Debug.log
TIP: Each of the log files provides different messaging. It is possible for the same timestamp (therefore the same error) to appear in all files, but with different messaging and information.
Here is an example of a log file:
A single error log begins with the timestamp of the incident and then follows with various error messages. The messages have keywords that can help indicate what is causing the error; therefore, It is not necessary to understand the entire message.
Below are common error logs and what they mean:
If you see the message “No processor request attempted”, this means there is no Payment Service Provider listed in your Spektrix system under Chip payments and refunds. Contact Spektrix Support to make sure the Chip Reader is set up in your system. Make sure you have the following information from Worldpay ready: Account ID, Account Token, Acceptor ID, Terminal ID.
WARNING: Please only share this information with a member of the Support Team via phone or video call after contacting them. Do not send this information over email, Support ticket, or SendSafely.
If you see the message “Could not find a PIN pad tethered to the lane specified in the request: {Your Lane Number}”, this means your PC could not locate the Chip Reader in the specified lane. This often indicates a Lane ID mismatch. Ensure the lane ID matches in both the triPOS.config file as well as the Box Office App. For more information, please check Registering the Chip Reader in the Box Office App and Modifying the triPOS.config file.
If you see the message “The port 'COM#' does not exist”, this means the COM port number does not match the COM port number found in Device Manager. Ensure you have the correct COM port number entered in the triPOS.config file and update the driver for the correct COM port if you haven’t done so already. For more information, please read Modifying the triPOS.config file and Checking the driver in Device Manager.
If you see the message “Initializing the NullPinPad”, this means the driver has not been installed or the driver has not been specified in the triPOS.config file. Please update the <driver> tag in the triPOS.config file. For more information, please check Modifying the triPOS.config file.
If you see the message “The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request”, this means the Spektrix Box Office App has crashed. Begin Troubleshooting the Spektrix Box Office App.
“Lane Closed” message on Chip Reader
If you see the message “Lane Closed” on your Chip Reader, check to make sure the <terminalId> matches your WorldPay Terminal ID. For more information, please check Modifying the triPOS.config file.
“Card not authorized by bank” message in Spektrix
If you see the message “Card not authorized by bank: Please try another card” after confirming a card payment in Spektrix, please follow the step best suited to your situation as follows:
- If this issue is extending to all card sales, including online sales, and not just the Chip Reader, contact WorldPay support.
- If this issue is only with this Chip Reader, please check the error logs and contact Spektrix Support.
You should now have all the information needed to troubleshoot your Ingenico Lane 3000 Chip Reader.