Redeeming Gift Vouchers

Dave Carr
Dave Carr
  • Updated

Once a Gift Voucher has been sold in Spektrix, a printed or email Gift Voucher is issued, containing a unique Gift Voucher code. The Gift Voucher can be redeemed by entering the Gift Voucher code in the Sales Interface, or by the Customer online.

This article will guide you through redeeming Gift Vouchers in Spektrix.

Before you read this article, make sure you're familiar with:


Redeeming Gift Vouchers in the Customer Record

You can redeem a Gift Voucher in the Sales Interface through a Customer’s Record. This will add the value of the Voucher as Account Credit. To redeem a Gift Voucher in a Customer’s Record, follow these steps:

  1. In the Sales Interface, click Customers:



  2. Search for the Customer Record you want to redeem the Gift Voucher against. You can search using any of the following fields:
    • Name: Type the Customer’s surname followed by a comma and their first name or initial.
    • Customer Id: If you know the Customer Id, type this in the Customer Id field.
    • Postcode/Zip code: Enter the Customer’s Post Code/Zip Code in full.
    • Email: Enter the Customer’s email address in full.
  3. Click Search:



  4. Select the Customer Record:


    search_customer_record_to_redeem_voucher - Copy.png

  5. Scroll down the Customer Record and click Credit/Vouchers:



  6. Type the Gift Voucher code and click Redeem:



  7. The value of the Gift Voucher will be added as Account Credit to the Customer’s Record:




Redeeming a Gift Voucher during a Sale

You can redeem a Gift Voucher while performing a Sale. This will redeem the Gift Voucher and use its value to pay for an Order. Any remaining balance will be added to the Customer’s Record as Account Credit.

To redeem a Gift Voucher during a sale, follow these steps:

  1. Add any items to your basket.
  2. Click Payments:



  3. Click the Credit, deposit & vouchers tab and select Use customer’s credit / vouchers:



  4. You’ll see a Credit/Voucher Payment screen. If an Order total is more than the Account Credit on a Customer’s Record, the Amount will default to the available amount of Account Credit:



  5. On the Credit/Voucher Payment screen, enter the Gift Voucher code and click Redeem Now:



  6. The Account Balance will automatically update, adding the value of the redeemed Gift Voucher to the Customer’s Account Credit. If the Order total is now less than the total Account Credit, the Amount will update to reflect the total value of the Order:



  7. Enter an Amount if you don’t want to use the full value of the redeemed Gift Voucher. Any remaining balance will be added to the Customer’s Record as Account Credit.
  8. Enter a Reference (optional) and click Confirm:



  9. If a Gift Voucher is used for partial payment, click the Payments tab and take the remainder of the payment.
  10. Click Confirm or Confirm & Print (if you’re printing paper Tickets):


    confirm_menu - Copy.jpg

  11. In the Information pop up that appears, choose whether to send a confirmation email for the transaction:




Using multiple Gift Vouchers to pay for an Order (Sales Interface Only)

When performing a Sale, you can pay for an Order using multiple Gift Vouchers. This is useful if a Customer has Gift Vouchers that are due to expire.

  • To use multiple Gift Vouchers as payment, follow these steps:

    1. Add any items to your basket
    2. Click Payments:



    3. Click the Credit, deposit & vouchers tab and select Use customer’s credit / vouchers:



    4. You’ll see a Credit/Voucher Payment screen


    5. Click Advanced to split the Amount across multiple Gift Vouchers or Account Credit:



    6. Enter the Amount to use from each Gift Voucher:



    7. Add a Reference (optional) and click Confirm:



    8. Click Confirm or Confirm & Print (if you’re printing Tickets):


      confirm_menu - Copy.jpg

    9. In the Information pop up that appears, choose whether to send a confirmation email for the transaction:




Redeeming Gift Vouchers Online

Customers making a purchase online can redeem and spend their Gift Vouchers during checkout. You’ll need to switch on the option to Display the Account Credit section on your website’s “My Account” Page. Read Setting Up and Managing Gift Vouchers for more information.

At the Payment stage of an Order, Customers will be given the option either to enter a Gift Voucher code if they have one, or to use existing Account Credit.

Here’s an example of how this would look in the iframe:


To redeem a Gift voucher, a Customer would enter the unique Gift Voucher code and click Redeem. The value of the Gift Voucher will be used as payment for their transaction, or part payment if the value is less than the Order total. Any remaining balance will be added to the Customer’s Account as a Credit balance.

Customers can log into their Account to see when any Gift Vouchers they've redeemed were issued, when they expire, and how much of their total value they’ve already used.

Here’s an example of how this would look in the iframe:



You now have the information to redeem Gift Vouchers. For other helpful resources, visit the Sell Items and Fulfill Orders category section of our Support Centre.