Configuring iframes

Rachael Norris
Rachael Norris
  • Updated

In this article, we’ll walk you through the possible ways to configure what appears in your iframes. Configuring your iframes gives you more control over their look and feel, as well as the information they display.

Before getting started with configuring iframes, we recommend you take a look at the following articles:

TIP: You can use the iframes Content Tool to identify which parts of your iframes can be edited and which cannot be changed.

How to configure iframes

There are three main ways to configure iframes:


Styling your iframes

Styling can be applied to your iframes using CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). Writing the CSS rules should be carried out by your web developer. 

Stylesheets can be set in the Website Admin Interface.

Take a look at our article, CSS Styling for iframes to learn more.


Configuring settings in the Admin and Settings interfaces

You can make edits to some text and choose what information displays in your iframes by configuring settings in the Admin and Settings Interfaces in your Spektrix system.

The content and messaging on your iframes mostly comes from two places in the system:

  1. Website Content allows you to add text or visual content about items such as Merchandise, Memberships, Fixed Series, Events, and Offers which will appear on your iframes. Website Content is set in the Admin Interface.
  2. Custom Website Messages allow you to add or change text which appears on your iframes across all items. Custom Website Messages are set in the Settings Interface.

Website Content and Custom Website Messages both use Wikitext, to learn more take a look at our article Editing content on iframes using Wikitext.


Filtering iframes

You can use Attributes or Web IDs to filter your iframes in order to display only certain information or items. 

For example, if you were hosting a festival or series of Events that you wanted to group together and host on an Event page, using an Attribute filter you can separate out the rest of your Events. 

Once you have set up the relevant Attributes, your web developer will be able to use them in order to filter the content. 

To learn more, take a look at our article about Filtering iframes.