In this article we’ll guide you through creating and managing user accounts for Spektrix payments in the Adyen Essentials Dashboard. We’ll take you through the steps to verify a user’s account, set up multifactor authentication and manage your user accounts.
Getting Started
Logging into the Essentials Dashboard requires users to set up Multifactor Authentication (also known as Two Factor Authentication, or 2FA).
Multifactor Authentication is designed to help protect accounts from unauthorised access. This process requires more than one form of security authentication to access an account or application.
A user logging to their Adyen account will need to provide the following:
- Username: Your Adyen account username
- The answer to a secret question: Your Adyen account password
- A OTP (one time passcode): Accessed through an authenticator app
- Fingerprint or facial recognition: Used to verify your identity when accessing a code through the authenticator app
Before creating the User Account, the user should download and set up a Multifactor Authentication app. The most commonly used authenticator apps are:
TIP: There are several authenticator apps you can choose from. When making a decision which app to use, you should consider app reliability, compatibility and whether the app offers encrypted backups.
Creating the User’s Account
To create a Spektrix Payments user in Adyen, follow these steps:
- Log into the Essentials Dashboard
- In the left hand menu, click Users:
- Click Create New User:
In the User Details screen complete the following fields:
- Choose a login method for this user: Select Email and Password. Do not choose SSO via Spektrix. This is for Spektrix use only.
- Email: Enter a unique email address. This is your username and where the user will receive password reset emails.
- First name.
- Last name.
Once you have completed the information, click Continue.
Granting Access to your Merchant Account
Once you’ve set up the User details, you’ll be taken to the Accounts screen where you’ll see your Merchant account. Place a check in the box to give the user access to your Merchant account:
Click Continue when you’re ready to proceed.
Assigning Roles to the User
Once you’ve granted access to the account, you’ll be taken to the Roles Screen:
Account Settings
Role Permissions Merchant manage bank accounts The user can manage bank accounts for receiving payouts from Adyen. Disputes
Role Permissions Merchant dispute management The user can manage payment disputes (including chargebacks and request for information) and upload defence documents TIP: Roles in Account Settings and Disputes are granted by default when your Adyen account is created.
Role Permissions Download Reports The user can download all reports. Generate Reports The user can download and generate all reports. Merchant Reports The user can download, generate, and subscribe to all reports. Merchant Financial The user can create a payment link or top up their available funds to ensure the account contains enough funds to process refunds. General
Role Permissions Merchant allowed own password reset The user can reset their own password. This is enabled by default for all users.
If you disable this role, you’ll need to contact an admin to request a password reset for this user.
Merchant standard role The user can log in to the Customer Area.
Enabled by default for all users.
If you disable this role, the user is no longer able to log in to the Customer Area.
Role Permissions View Payments The user can look up payments and offers, and access the payment search pages.
Enabled by default for all users.
Merchant manage payments The user can refund, cancel, or capture a payment from the Payment details page. This role must be combined with the View payments role. TIP: The Merchant manage payments Role is granted by default when your Adyen account is created.
Role Permissions Merchant POS Terminal View The user can view terminals and stores. Users
Role Permissions Merchant user management The user can create and edit users, and give out all roles and account access that they themselves have.
To add a permission to a Role, click the down arrow to the left of the Role name:
To add a Role or Permission, place a check in the box next to the permission you want to add:
TIP: You’ll need to add at least one permission to assign a Role to a User.
Add the relevant permissions and roles to the user account. Once you’ve finished, click Continue.
Summary of User Account creation
Once you’ve added the Permissions and Roles to a user, you’ll see the Summary screen:
Click the down arrow to expand each section and make sure all details are correct. To make any changes, click the pencil icon:
Once you’re ready to proceed click Continue and then click Create new user:
You’ll then see User successfully created pop up:
The user will then need to verify their email address and set a password.
Verifying the User’s email address
Once you’ve created the User Account, the user will receive an email asking to verify their email and set a password.
TIP: The email verification link is valid for two weeks. If the link expires, you’ll need to resend an email verification to the user. Read Resending email verification for more information.
Ask the user to click on the link in the email:
Once the user has verified their email address, they’ll see the following screen:
The user will need to set a password by entering their password in the Password and Confirm Password box.
The Password must contain at least:
- Eight characters
- One lowercase letter (a-z)
- One uppercase letter (A-Z)
- 1 numeric character (0-9)
- 1 special character
TIP: Don’t use currency symbols or accented letters.
Once the user has entered and confirmed their password, click Save. The user will see the following screen asking them to continue to log in:
Once the user logged in, they'll need to set up Multifactor authentication.
Setting up Multifactor Authentication
Once the user logs in for the first time, they’ll be asked to set up Multifactor authentication:
TIP: The user will need to complete this section.
Complete the following:
- Create device name: Enter a name that will help you identify your device
- Scan QR Barcode: Open your Authenticator app, add a new account and scan the QR barcode that appears on your screen
- Enter verification code: Enter the 6-digit code that appears in the Authenticator app
Once you scan the QR code, the account will be automatically added to your Authenticator app.
TIP: Consult the help guide for your authenticator app if you’re unsure how to add a new account.
Once you’re ready to proceed, click Add. You’ll then be taken to your Adyen Essentials Dashboard.
Managing User Accounts
When managing a User Account you can:
- Reset a user’s password
- Change a user’s details
- Change a user’s Roles or Permissions
- Managing Multifactor Authentication
- Deactivate a user account
- Reactivate a user account
Resetting a User’s Password
To reset a user’s password, follow these steps:
- Log into the Essentials Dashboard
- In the left hand menu, click Users:
- Click on the username you want to manage:
- Click Send Password reset:
TIP: The link in the Password Reset email is valid for 24 hours. If the link expires, you’ll need to complete the steps above.
Changing a User’s details
To update a user's details, follow these steps:
- Log into the Essentials Dashboard
- In the left hand menu, click Users:
- Click on the username you want to manage:
- Click on the pencil in the top right corner of the User details box:
- You’ll see the User details screen:
In this screen, you can update the user’s First Name, Last Name and Email. Once you’ve updated the User’s details, click Save.
TIP: If you change the user’s email address, the user will need to complete email address verification before logging back in.
Changing a User's Roles or Permissions
To change a user’s Role, follow steps 1-3 in Changing a Users details, then:
- Click on the pencil at the right corner of the Roles box:
- Click the down arrow to the left of the Role name to view the Permissions:
- Place a check in the box next to the permission you want to add to that role:
- Once you’ve finished adding permissions, click Save.
REMINDER: To add a Role to a user’s account, you’ll need to add at least one permission to assign a Role to a user.
Managing Multifactor Authentication
You can remove an existing Multifactor authentication method, if, for example, you’ve lost your device, or reinstalled your authenticator app.
To delete a Multifactor Authentication method, follow these steps:
- Log into the Essentials Dashboard
- In the left hand menu, click Users:
- Click on the username you want to manage:
- Scroll down to Multifactor authentication and click on the bin/trash button:
- You’ll see a Delete authentication method pop up. Click Delete:
TIP: When you next log in, you’ll need to set up Multifactor authentication again. Read Setting up Multifactor Authentication for more information.
Deactivating a User Account
If a user has left your organisation, you’ll need to deactivate the user.
TIP: You can only deactivate a user account. Deactivating an account enables you to view that user's actions within the Essentials Dashboard after the account has been deactivated.
To deactivate a user, follow these steps:
- Log into your Essentials Dashboard
- In the left hand menu, click Users:
- Click on the username you want to deactivate:
- Click Deactivate user:
- In the Deactivate user pop up that appears, click Deactivate:
Reactivating a User Account
Once a user has been deactivated, you can reactivate them at any time.
To reactivate a user, follow these steps:
- Log into your Essentials Dashboard
- In the left hand menu, click Users:
- Click on the Status: Active filter:
- Click Inactive and then click Apply. This will display a list of inactive users:
- Select the user you want to reactivate:
- Click Reactivate user:
- The user will be able to log in using their username and password.
This article should give you the information you need to create and manage Spektrix Payments user accounts in Adyen.
To learn more about Payments, visit the Manage Payments section of the Support Centre.