Importing Customer Data from a CSV into Spektrix

Dave Carr
Dave Carr
  • Updated

This article is about importing Customer data from a CSV file into Spektrix. We'll explain what data can be imported, how to import existing Customers into Households, and what you need to do to get your data ready before requesting an import.

TIP: This article covers importing Customer data. Our Support Teams can import other types of data into your Spektrix system. Contact Support to discuss this further.


What is a Customer Data Import?

If you have a large list of Customers in another system (such as an email database or an old CRM system), it’s possible to import them into Spektrix to keep your data in one place. 

Through an import, you are able to create new Customer Records or update Customers already in your system. This includes adding or updating a Customer’s Name, Address, Phone Number and Birth Date. You can also add Tags and Attributes and Contact Preferences to the Customer Record. 

Additionally, you can also group existing Customers in your system into Households through a Household import.

All imports must be requested using The Import Request Form. The data to be imported must be submitted using a specific format (according to type of import) and specific file format (.CSV).

TIP: Our Support Team can only import data where there are 50 records or more. If your file contains fewer than 50 records, you’ll need to manually add or update the Customer data in your system.


What file format should I use to send you my data?

The data to be imported must be submitted using a specific format (according to type of import) and specific file format (.CSV)

WARNING: Incorrectly formatted files can lead to delays in importing the data into your system.

The template you use depends on whether you are requesting a Customer import or Household import.

Click on the following links to save the template to your PC to fill out with your Customer data:

TIP: You can also find these templates at the bottom of this article.


Preparing your Customer Data Import File

Once you have saved the template to your computer, make a copy and add in the Customer data.

In order to create or update Customer Records using an import, you must include at least one of these identifiers:

  • Email Address: Best for creating and updating Customer Records. The Spektrix system will always check if the email already exists in the system. If it doesn’t exist, a new Customer Record will be created. If it exists, the Customer Record will be updated accordingly with any information imported from the CSV.
  • Customer ID: Can be used for updating Customer Records. If you don’t know a Customer’s Customer ID, we recommend using their email.

TIP: Emails can’t be updated or replaced. These must be updated manually. Customer IDs cannot be changed.

Each Customer Record in Spektrix must have a unique email address. We won’t be able to import your data if an email address is used more than once in your CSV file. This will help you manage any potential duplicate Customer Records in your system.

If your CSV file contains duplicate email addresses, you should consolidate the information into one row or delete duplicates. To learn how to remove duplicate values from your import file using Microsoft Excel, read Find and Remove Duplicates.

You can then fill in the columns in the template. If there are columns you do not need in your template, you may delete these columns.

You should take the following into consideration when importing the following information:


Customer Name

If your file contains any Customer’s name, the file must always have both a First Name and Last Name. A file cannot be imported with only one name in either column. If a First Name or Last is unavailable, you’ll need to insert a hyphen in place of the name before sending your data to Spektrix

Once the data has been imported, you’ll need to replace any hyphens by updating the Customer’s name manually. This ensures you can communicate with your Customers effectively.



We can import Customer data where there is no address. However if you’ve included an address, you’ll need to provide full address data.

If you have address data in any of the following fields, all the fields below should contain data:

  • Address1
  • PostTown (UK)/City (US and Canada)
  • Postcode (UK)/ZipCode (US)
  • Administrative Division(UK)/State(US)/Province/Territory(Canada)
  • Country

For example, if you have data in the Address1 column in your file, ensure you have entered the PostTown, Postcode, Administrative Division and Country.

If one field is missing, for example PostTown, the import will fail. When an import is performed by our Support team, they’ll receive an email with the results of the import, highlighting any errors and missing fields.

When importing your data we can update existing addresses if they match the address in the import file. You can decide if you’d like for the import to overwrite and completely replace the address or add an additional address.

TIP: Two addresses are considered to be a match if the first line of the address and postcode match after all non-alphanumeric characters have been removed. Matching addresses isn’t case sensitive. This means if the case of the letters in each address differ, a match will still be detected.

In overwrite mode, if the provided address matches any existing addresses in Spektrix, the existing address will be overwritten with the address provided in the import file. This may update the letter case, for example an address in lower case may be updated to include capital letters.

In append mode, if the provided address matches any existing addresses, the existing address will not be updated. If the address does not match, a new address will be created as a secondary address but will not be set as default.



If you want to add Tags to the Customers in your import file, add the Tags to the file before sending to our Support Team.

TIP: If the Tag Group and Tag Name don’t exist, they will be created as part of the import.

In the Customer Import Template you’ll see the following column:

Your tag column heading must be in the following format: Tag:Tag Group:Tag Name

TIP: Tag Groups and Tag Names in your CSV file should be 50 characters each or less.

  • Tag: This indicates you’re importing Tag Data
  • Tag Group: The name of the Tag Group the Tag is in
  • Tag Name: The name of the Tag you want to apply to the Customer’s Record

For example: Tag:Development Tags:VIP Guest

Reformat the column header so it looks like this:

TIP: Don’t include curly brackets {} or more than one tag in the column header.

If you want to apply multiple Tags to the Customers you’re importing, add a new column to your CSV file and format the column header with the details of your second tag

In the example below we’re adding two tags - VIP Guest and Wheelchair User:

To add the Tag to a Customer in your import file, locate the row for that customer and add Y in the column corresponding to your Customer and Tag.

If you don’t want to add a Tag to a Customer, add N to the column corresponding to your Customer and Tag

Your data should display as follows:



If you want to add Attributes to the Customers in your import file, add the Attributes to your file before sending to our Support Team.

TIP: If the Customer Attribute doesn’t exist in your system, it will be created during the import as a text field type. If you want to set the Attribute as a Dropdown List or Check Box, you’ll need to manually create the Customer Attribute in your system before sending your data.

Your Attribute column heading must be in the following format: CustomField:Attribute Name

TIP: Your Attribute column heading must be in the following format: CustomField:Attribute Name

  • CustomField: This indicates you’re importing Attribute data
  • Attribute Name: The name of the Attribute you want to apply to the Customer

For example: CustomField:Preferred Name

Reformat the column header so it looks like this:

To populate the attribute, enter the value of the Attribute next to the customer you want to add the Attribute to:

If the Attribute type is a checkbox, enter TRUE for a ticked checkbox or FALSE for unticked checkbox. You can also use 1 for true and 0 for false:


Contact Preferences

Add Contact Preferences to the Customer data you want to import before sending the file to our Support Team.

TIP: You can import Customer data to existing Contact Preferences only. New Contact Preferences cannot be created. The Contact Preference Name must be exactly the same as it is in your Spektrix System and must be 100 characters or less.

The Customer Import template contains a column for Contact Preferences:

The Contact Preferences column header must be in the following format: ContactPreference:Contact Preference Name

  • ContactPreference: This indicates you’re importing a Contact Preference
  • Contact Preference Name: The name of the Contact Preference

For example: ContactPreference:Agreed to email

Reformat the column header so it looks like this:

To add a Contact Preference, locate the row for that customer and add Y (agreed), N (declined) or Not Asked (not asked) in the column corresponding to your Customer and Contact preference:

TIP: You should only set a Contact Preference to Y if the Customer has explicitly agreed to receive marketing information from your organisation.


Household Data Import

You can group Customers into Households as part of a data import. You can find more information on Households by reading Setting Up and Using Households.

TIP: The Household import is separate to a Customer data import. The Household import is only for existing Customer Records in your system.

To perform a Household data import, you’ll need to provide a CSV containing the Customer data you want to import. Make a copy of the Household import template and add your Customer Data.

You’ll need to consider the following as you complete your CSV file:

  • Column Headers must not be changed. If you change the column headers, the file will not import. If in doubt, make another copy of the template and start again.
  • You’ll need to provide a Spektrix ID or Foreign ID. The Spektrix ID is the Customer ID in the Customer Record, which displays as I-XXXX-XXXX. The Foreign ID must be a Customer Attribute with a unique entry for each Customer.
  • There are four columns in the template - SpektrIxIdPrimary, ForeignIdPrimary, SpektrixIdMember and ForeignIdMember:


    The Primary Householder must only be included in the SpektrixIdPrimary or ForeignIdPrimary column. Everyone else in the household should be included in the SpektrixIdMember or ForeignIdMember column
  • If there are multiple people in the Household, you should enter each member on their own row. You’ll need to repeat the Primary Householder in the SpektrixIdPrimary or ForeignIdPrimary for each row:


  • Enter the Household name in the HouseholdName column:
  • Two Person Household



    Multiple Person Household

    TIP: You will only need to add the HouseholdName once



The Import Request Form

Once your file is ready, make sure you save it as CSV UTF-8 (Comma Delimited). Our Support Team can only import CSV files into Spektrix.

When you’re ready to request an import, read The Import Request Form.


This article will give you information on how to securely send your data to Spektrix.