Introduction to Attributes

Rachael Norris
Rachael Norris
  • Updated

You can set up Attributes to collect and store extra data in Spektrix. You can then use the information stored in Attributes to power things like Reports, Offers, Mailings and Web Integrations.

This article will cover the concept of Attributes and link out to different guides which will walk you through the steps of how to set up Attributes for different purposes.


What are Attributes?

Attributes let you capture custom data against various concepts within Spektrix. 

Each concept in Spektrix has standard data fields. For example, for Customers you can collect name, address, phone number and email. 

If you’d like to collect information that isn’t found in a standard data field, you can use an Attribute.

What are Attribute Values?

An Attribute is the field where you store extra information.

For example, the Event Attribute ‘Genre’.

An Attribute Value is the data that you or the Customer has entered into the field.

For example, ‘Comedy’, ‘Musical’, ‘Drama’ etc.

VIDEO: If you're new to Attributes, take a look at our Attributes concept video.


Where to find Attributes

Attributes can be found in the Settings Interface > Attributes.

TIP: You'll need the Settings Administrator user role to create and edit Attributes.

In the Attributes menu, you’ll see a list of all the concepts you can apply Attributes to. This includes:


Attribute Definitions

An Attribute Definition is where you can input information to define the parameters of your Attribute:


Attribute Types

There are five different types of Attributes available.


Dropdown List

The Dropdown Attribute allows you to set a number of pre-filled responses which can then be chosen from the dropdown. This is useful if you’d prefer not to have free text responses but need to collect a range of values:

TIP: Dropdown Lists are best to use if your responses will mostly be from a range of limited answers. This is because similar variations of the same Text Field response will not be grouped. For example, if the free text responses are ‘Vegetarian’ ‘vegetarian’ ‘veg’ they would be counted as individual responses. Using a Dropdown List can be particularly useful for Reporting purposes by limiting the options available.

You can also:

  • Allow users to enter free text: If you want to account for additional values, you can add an additional free Text Field to your Dropdown List so that a custom option can be added as well as the pre-filled responses.


Dropdown Values

When creating a new Attribute Definition, if you choose Dropdown List then you will be prompted to add Dropdown Values:

To add Dropdown Values, enter each value you want available in your Dropdown List, typing each on a separate line:

Once you have created your Attribute, you can return to update the values, add to them or remove them at any time.

  • Select the Attribute you want to edit. 
  • Go to Attribute Values.
  • To add a new Attribute Value click New Attribute Values.
  • You can rearrange the Values by clicking and dragging them from the grey dots on the left:

  • Clicking the grey trash can icon will delete the Attribute Values:

  • Click on the name of the Attribute Values to edit:

WARNING: Editing the name of an Attribute Value will replace all existing values with the new value. If your website integration uses this Attribute then this may prevent your website from working properly.


Text Field

Text Field Attributes let you enter a free text response:


You can also configure:

  • Length: Choose the maximum characters that can be entered, or set the exact number of characters which have to be entered to proceed. A Text Field can contain a maximum of 255 characters.
  • Ensure users enter a unique value for this Attribute: Check this box if you require a unique value to be entered every time. Users will not be able to continue unless they enter a unique value. For example, you might use this to collect Student ID numbers or to ensure Customers give a response to a dietary needs question.


Check Box

A Check Box Attribute lets you provide a single option with a Yes/No response that can be checked or left unchecked

Although Check Box Attributes let you collect yes/no responses, bear in mind that you cannot use special characters in the name of your Attribute. This means that you can’t use question marks so you may want to phrase the option more clearly, for example: ‘Check this box to agree to the code of conduct’.


WARNING: Check Box Attributes can never be set to required, as they work on a binary yes/no response; as such, leaving the box unticked is considered a valid response

If you need to collect a required yes/no response, you could consider creating a Dropdown Attribute with the values Yes and No, or just Yes if you require the response to be yes.}



The Date Attribute will require a date to be selected from the calendar:


You can also:

  • Ensure users enter a unique value for this Attribute: Check this box if you require a unique value to be entered every time. Users will not be able to continue unless they enter a unique value.



The Currency Attribute will allow you to store a numerical value with two decimal places.

The currency symbol will reflect your system’s default currency. For example, $ in North America, in the Republic of Ireland:


You can also:

  • Ensure users enter a unique value for this Attribute: Check this box if you require a unique value to be entered every time. Users will not be able to continue unless they enter a unique value.


Editing and Deleting Attributes

You can delete Attributes by clicking the grey trash can icon next to the Attribute you want to delete.

WARNING: If you delete an Attribute which is being used in any Custom Report, Customer List, Tag, Web integration, or anywhere the Attribute has been used for eligibility it will cause an error.

If you delete an Attribute but then recreate it with the exact same name, all of the previous values will be restored even if the new Attribute does not have the same values.  


Confirmation Text Attributes

Attributes can be used to add more information to your plain text confirmation emails that are generated when someone makes a purchase. If you're using Classic Checkout, Confirmation Text will also display to customers on the Order Summary page. 

Confirmation Text can be useful for adding extra details that you wish the Customer to be alerted to. For example, directions to an external venue, running times, or age guidance. 

You can set up Confirmation Text Attributes for:

To create a Confirmation Text Attribute you’ll need to:

  • Choose the concept you would like to create a Confirmation Text Attribute for and create a new Attribute Definition
  • Choose either a Text Field or Dropdown List Attribute Type
  • Name the Attribute: Confirmation Text

WARNING: The name of the Attribute needs to match exactly and is case-sensitive.

  • If it is a Dropdown List, set up the Attribute Values.

REMINDER: Attribute Values are limited to 255 characters.

  • Apply the Attribute to the Event, Fund, Instance, Membership or Merchandise item by selecting a Dropdown Value or inputting Free Text during set up.

The Attribute Values will then automatically pull through to the Customers’ confirmation email and Summary Page when they purchase the item. 


Account Code Attributes

Attributes can be used to add Account Codes to Items. This can then be used to group items by Account Code for Reporting purposes.

You can apply an Account Code Attribute to:

To create an Account Code Attribute you’ll need to:

  • Choose the concept you would like to create an Account Code Attribute for and create a new Attribute Definition
  • Choose either a Text Field or Dropdown List Attribute Type

TIP: Depending on how your organisation manages account codes, you may want to consider limiting the number of characters that can be entered as a response. You can also make responses required and/or require a unique response.

  • Name the Attribute: Account Code

WARNING: The name of the Attribute needs to match exactly and is case-sensitive.

  • If it is a Dropdown, apply the Attribute Values.

REMINDER: Attribute Values are limited to 255 characters.

  • Apply the Attribute to the Event, Fund, Instance, Membership or Merchandise item by selecting a Dropdown Value or inputting Free Text during set up.

Account Code will pull into the Payments and Activities Report and can be included in Custom Reports.


Further Reading

Next, you may want to take a look at one of the following articles for specific information on setting up Attributes for each concept in Spektrix:

To continue learning about some of the key concepts in Spektrix, take a look at the Navigating Spektrix section on the Support Centre.