The Express Checkout

Rachael Norris
Rachael Norris
  • Updated

Express Checkout is the newer alternative to the legacy Classic Checkout.

For most new integrations we recommend using the Express Checkout, since it offers a more efficient purchase path for customers. We still maintain the functionality for Classic Checkout, although we won’t add any new features to this in the future. 

In this article, we’ll cover what the Express Checkout looks like and what the benefits are of using it.

If you’re still using Classic Checkout but want to discuss switching over, this article is a great place to start. You can always get in touch with Support if you’d like to discuss what switching over might mean for you.


What is Express Checkout?

Express Checkout is an iframe checkout flow which is the newer alternative to the legacy Classic Checkout.

In the online journey for customers, checkout refers to the step which comes after the Basket/Cart page in the purchase path. 

When a customer chooses to check out, they’ll be asked for their details and prompted to make a payment. 

Using an iframe is the only way to process payments through Spektrix on your website at the moment. Therefore, this part of the purchase path must be hosted on an iframe on your website. The rest of your purchase path, including your Basket/Cart page, can be hosted using iframes, API or a combination of integration tools.


What you can do with Express Checkout

Express Checkout offers a range of benefits over the Classic Checkout flow.


Express Checkout Can…

Using Express Checkout lets you unlock a number of benefits, including:

  • Quick checkout for new customers: Customers can make orders without setting a password. All of the important information will still be stored and only one customer account will be created per email address.
  • Easier to log in and manage duplicates:  Returning customers can request a login link be sent to their email address, instead of having to remember or reset their password.

TIP: If you are using Spektrix Payments, you can use Apple Pay or Google Pay to make the checkout process even faster! To use Apple Pay, a Customer must use an Apple device and the Safari browser when buying online. The device and browser must be updated to the latest version.

  • Faster Checkout: If a Customer already has a billing address or payment method stored against their Customer Record, the Customer won’t have to enter this information again.
  • View all of the Order information on one page: Customers can see everything about the Order on the page, allowing them to easily go back and make changes.
  • More mobile friendly: Express Checkout is designed to be viewed on a mobile screen, so it’s easy to scroll through.
  • Makes it easier to apply styling: it’s easier for Web Developers to apply CSS Styling to the Express Checkout.
  • Compatible with Ticket Subscriptions and Spektrix Payments: If you’re planning to use any of these, you will need to use the Express checkout. 
  • Available on Spektrix Subsite: Express Checkout is the default option for subsites.


Express Checkout Can’t…

While Express Checkout is generally the better option, there are a few features which aren’t yet available:

  • Capture customer Tags from Online Tag Groups. These can still be captured in My Account area.
  • Capture Customer Attributes.
  • Capture a Customer’s date of birth.
  • Pay with PayPal. However, Express Checkout is compatible with Spektrix Payments, which includes Apple Pay and Google Pay.
  • Capture questionnaire responses.
  • Capture Donation Tributes in the checkout. They can still be captured in other parts of the website and be recorded against the transaction.

If you’re using any of these features and it’s stopping you from using Express Checkout, contact our support team and we can support you with exploring further options.


Express Checkout Flow

Express Checkout offers a quicker flow, making it easier for the customer to check out. 

Watch the videos below to see the steps involved in Express Checkout. The flow is different for returning Customers who can log in with or without a password, and for new Customers who can choose whether or not to create an account by setting a password.


New customers - create an account and set a password


If a Customer chooses to create a password, the next time they buy a ticket they can be given the option to log in with password or receive an email with a login link.


Returning Customers - without a password

If a Customer chooses not to set a password they will be emailed a login link to access their account.


Returning Customers - with a password



Checkout Steps

The steps involved in Express Checkout are:

  • Start Checkout: Customers are asked to enter their email address. Existing Customers are asked to enter their password (and given the option to reset their password if needed), or choose to login with a link. New customers are directed to the next stage.

  • Personal Details: New Customers are asked for their name as well as their phone number or mobile / cell number which you can set as required or optional. You can also collect a customer's date of birth and set this field as required or optional. Existing customers automatically skip this section, but can make edits.

    To change the personal details collection settings, go to Settings > Configuration > Website.
      • To make a phone number required in Express checkout, you will need the Settings Administrator User Account

        Go to the Settings Interface > Configuration > System Set Up > Website.

         Check the Ensure customers enter a phone number when creating a new account on the website box:

        This will make the field mandatory.

        Under the Express checkout field visibility heading, you will also need to check the Display phone field in express checkout box:

        This will make the field visible in Express checkout.

        REMINDER: Enabling these settings will mean customers must enter any type of phone number to be able to continue with the purchase.

      • To make a mobile or cell phone number required in Express checkout, you will need the Settings Administrator User Account

        Go to the Settings Interface > Configuration > System Set Up > Website.

        Check the Ensure customers enter a mobile / cell number when creating a new account on the website box:

        This will make the field mandatory.

        Under the Express checkout field visibility heading, you will also need to check the Display cell phone field in express checkout box:

        This will make the field visible in Express checkout.

        REMINDER: Enabling these settings will mean customers must enter a mobile or cell phone number to be able to continue with the purchase.

      • To make a date of birth required in Express checkout, you will need the Settings Administrator User Account

        Go to the Settings Interface > Configuration > System Set Up > Website.

        Check the Ensure customers enter a date of birth when creating a new account on the website box:

        This will make the field mandatory.

        Under the Express checkout field visibility heading, you will also need to check the Display date of birth field in express checkout box:

        This will make the field visible in Express checkout.

        REMINDER: Enabling these settings will mean customers must enter a date of birth to be able to continue with the purchase.

      TIP: Deciding to switch from  collecting phone number to mobile / cell means you can more reliably use this data if your organisation communicates with customers using SMS. Before making the switch, consider that collecting mobile / cell numbers will mean you have two phone number fields on your system going forward.

    • Ticket Delivery: If there is more than one delivery method available, Customers can select whichever they prefer. If only one delivery method is available, this section is skipped, and the delivery method is displayed in the Order Summary.
    • Merchandise Delivery: If any Merchandise items are in the Basket/Cart which have more than one delivery method available, then Customers can choose a delivery and add a delivery address if needed. If only one delivery method is available, this section is skipped, and the delivery method is displayed in the Order Summary.
    • Additional Details: If you’ve set any Order Attributes up to be visible online, they will be displayed under this section. If not, this section is skipped.
    • Donations: Any available Funds which the Customer is eligible for will be displayed here and the Customer can add a Donation to the order. If the Customer adds a Donation and you use Recognitions or allow Anonymous donations then this will also be displayed here. You can also make your donation ask dynamic. If there are no Donations in the Basket/Cart, this section is skipped.
    • Gift Aid (for UK organisations): If a Donation is added, UK Customers will be prompted to make a Gift Aid Declaration. If an existing Customer already has a valid Gift Aid declaration, this section will be skipped. 
    • Contact Preferences: Any Contact Preferences currently set to Not Asked will display here, along with relevant Partner Company Contact Preferences. If there are no Contact Preferences, or all are answered, this section is skipped.
    • Order Summary: This section shows a breakdown of everything in the Basket/Cart and is always displayed. Customers can redeem Gift Vouchers here, and also choose to use Credit to pay for their order. If the Customer uses credit or Gift Vouchers for the whole amount, the next two sections are skipped.
    • Billing Details: New Customers are asked to enter their billing address, while existing Customers can select an existing billing address. Customers can also check a box to store their card. If the order has zero value, or the customer selects to pay the full amount using Account Credit / Gift Voucher, this step is skipped. 
    • Payment: Customers are asked to enter their card details here or can choose to pay with Apple Pay / Google Pay (if applicable).
    • Order Confirmation: The Customer will receive confirmation that the order is complete. If this is a Customer’s first order, they will be given the option to set a password.


    Passwords and accounts

    When a new Customer makes their first order using the Express Checkout, at the end of the process they’re given the option to set a password.

    If a Customer chooses to set a password, they can log into their account in the future using their password or by requesting a login link. 

    TIP: This is not a ‘reset password’ link, but rather a login link. It generates an email containing a link that will allow the Customer to complete their booking. This link remains active for ten minutes. If you would like to make any changes to the text of the email, contact Support.

    If a Customer chooses not to set a password, they can still return to your website using the same email address in future by requesting a login link. This way the Customer never has to set a password but can always log their purchases against the same account, reducing the number of duplicate accounts on your system. 



    Your Web Developer can style the Express Checkout to match your website’s look and feel using CSS for iframes

    You can direct your website developer to the Integrate Portal: Express Checkout for further guidance.


    How to set up Express Checkout

    Before you can start using the Express Checkout, there are a number of steps you’ll need to complete.

    TIP: You can’t use a mixture of Express Checkout and Classic Checkout. If you enable the Express Checkout then it will apply to everything on your website, unless you use multiple domains.

    1. Contact Support to let us know you want to use Express Checkout. There are a few settings that we can enable for you, and it’s also useful to run through any questions you might have before you make a start.
    2. Get in touch with your web developer to discuss styling options and send over the documentation. Get a quote for how much it will cost and how long it will take to complete.
    3. Once the CSS Styling is ready, you’ll need to upload this into the Resources section of the Website Admin Interface. Follow the steps in CSS Styling for iframes to do this.

      TIP: You’ll need the Web Integration Administrator User Role to access the Website Admin Interface. If you don’t have this Role, ask the administrator in your organisation.

    4. Switch on the Express Checkout Flow. When you are ready to switch the Express Checkout on, go to Website Admin Interface > Domain Specific Config and find the setting marked Use Express Checkout Flow. Click the Edit button, check the box and click Save.

    5. If you use Donation Recognition, you can also enable this feature in the Express Checkout. Go to Settings Interface > Configuration > System Setup > Donations, where you’ll be able to see a toggle for Capture donation recognition on the Express Checkout.

      TIP: You’ll need the Settings Administrator User Role to access the Settings Interface. If you don’t have this Role, ask the administrator in your organisation.


    Further Reading

    You can continue learning about web integrations in the Integrate your Website with Spektrix section of the Support Centre.

    We also recommend taking a look at: