Using Account Credit to pay for an Order

Dave Carr
Dave Carr
  • Updated

In this article we’ll guide you through using Account Credit as a method of payment in the Sales Interface. You’ll also find information on how Customers can spend their Account Credit online. and links to other helpful resources.

Before you read this article, you should be familiar with:


Where to find Account Credit

You’ll find Account Credit in the Credit/Vouchers section of a Customer’s Record:

Using Account Credit in the Sales Interface

When performing a Sale, you can use a Customer’s Account Credit to pay for an Order.

TIP: If a Customer has Account Credit available to spend, you’ll see an exclamation mark in the Payments section of the Basket/Cart.

Once you’ve added a Customer and Items to the Basket/Cart, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the + button to expand the Payments section in the Basket/Cart:


  2. Click on the Credit Deposit and Vouchers tab:


  3. Click Use customer’s credit / vouchers:


  4. You’ll see a Credit / Voucher Payment screen:


Check the following before clicking Confirm:

  • Customer: The Customer’s Name.
  • Account Balance: The amount of available Account Credit.
  • Amount: This will default to the Order total. To make a partial payment, enter the Amount the Customer would like to use.
  • Reference: Enter a Reference (optional).

You’ll be taken back to the Basket/Cart. You’ll see the Payment made in the Payments section and the updated Balance underneath Use customer’s credit / vouchers:

TIP: You can also remove the Account Credit Payment by clicking the red x button next to the Payment.

When you’re ready to confirm the Order, click Confirm/Confirm & Print:


Using Account Credit online

Customers making an online purchase can spend their Account Credit during checkout. 

At the Payment stage of an Order, Customers will be given the option to use existing Account Credit. Here’s an example of how this would look on an unstyled iframe:


To pay for an Order using Account Credit, a Customer would tick the checkbox Use my credit. The Account Credit balance and Total to pay will automatically update.

The total value of Account Credit will be used as payment. If the total value of Account Credit is less than the Order total, a partial payment would be made and a Card payment will be required for the remainder.

Here’s an example of using Account Credit would look on an unstyled iframe:

This article should give you the information you need to use Account Credit to pay for an Order. For other helpful resources, visit the Sell Items and Fulfill Orders category section of our Support Centre.