The Customer Record in Spektrix contains all the available information you hold about a Customer.
You can manage a Customer’s details, keep track of Orders, Subscriptions and use the information within a Customer Record to build up an understanding of your Customers. You can also use this information as eligibility criteria to power Offers, Priority Booking and more.
This article looks at how to understand and find information within the Customer Record. You’ll also find links to other articles you may find helpful when interacting with the Customer Record.
Before you read this article, you should be familiar with:
Where to find Customer Records
TIP: You’ll need the Sales User or Sales Administrator permission on your User Account before you can access Customer Records. If you don’t have this, ask the Administrator in your organisation.
Customer Records can be found in the Sales Interface by clicking on Customers:
TIP: If your organization uses the Opportunities Interface, you can also access Customer Records from the People Dashboard.
Searching for Customers works the same as that in the Sales Interface, and Customer Records look similar to what you can find in the Sales Interface, except with a few additional features. For more information on these extra sections, read The Customer Record in the Opportunities Interface.
How to Navigate around the Customer Record
A Customer Record contains all the available information you hold about a Customer. You can access this information by clicking one of the menu options within the Customer Record.
You’ll see the following menu at the top of the Customer Record:
Any information that’s underlined will take you to that section, for example clicking on an Order number will take you directly to that order:
At the bottom of the Customer Record, you’ll see the following menu:
Proceed to the next section to understand the information contained within each menu.
Pop up notes
At the top right corner, next to the Actions menu, you’ll see a blue post-it note. We call these Pop up notes:
A Pop up note is a note you can add to a Customer Record. You can use pop up notes to pass on information to colleagues about a particular Customer. When you access a Customer Record with a Pop up note attached, you’ll see the note appear:
TIP: Pop up notes are only visible to Spektrix Users. A Customer won’t be able to see these.
Actions Menu
At the top right corner of the Customer Record, you’ll see an Actions button:
TIP: The menu options will differ depending on whether you’ve accessed an Individual or Organisation Customer Record.
Click on the Actions menu to perform the following:
- Merge: Select this if you want to merge Customer Records. Read Merging and Converting Customer Records for further information.
- Convert to Organisation: You’ll see this option in an Individual Customer Record. Read Converting an Individual to an Organisation for further information.
- Convert to Individual: You’ll see this option in an Organisation Customer Record. Read Converting an Organisation to an Individual for further information.
- Download Statement: Select this to download a Statement which will show all transactions within a given date range. You’ll see a list of all Tickets, Merchandise, Memberships and Donations purchased. You’ll also see any Commissions applied to these transactions.
- Add Relationship: Select this option to add a Relationship with another Customer. Read Customers and Relationships in Spektrix for further information.
- Send Change Password Email: Select this option if you want to send the Customer an email to let them change their password.
- Join a Different Household: Select this option if a Customer has left one household and joined another. Read Setting Up and Using Households for further information.
Add to Basket/Cart
In the top right corner of the Customer Record, you’ll see a blue basket icon. Click this to add a Customer to the Basket/Cart where you can perform a Sale:
TIP: When you view a Customer Record, you may see extra fields known as Attributes. Attributes are custom, unique fields you can use to store additional Customer information, for example - an alternate email address, dietary requirements or student I.D. Any Attributes you have set up will be unique to your system.
Under the details tab you'll see the following:
- ID: The Customer I.d
- Title: The Customer's Title
- Last name: The Customer's Last Name
- First name: The Customer's First Name
- Email: The Customer's Email address
- Phone: The Customer's Phone number.
- Mobile/Cell phone: The Customer's Mobile/Cell Number (if different from Phone)
- Date of birth: The Customer's Date of Birth
- Age: The Age of the Customer. This is automatically calculated from the Customer's Date of Birth
- Active: This indicates the Customer Record is active. The Customer Record will appear when searching for the Customer. You’ll also be able to perform a sale with that Customer.
- Online account active: This indicates the Customer has an active account on your website, and is able to purchase tickets online.
TIP: If you’re using Express Checkout, Customers whose online account is inactive will be able to purchase tickets on your website when using the email address linked to their Customer Record. This is because Express Checkout doesn’t require a login. Orders will be stored against that Customer’s Record.
Sometimes you might see an image attached to a Customer Record. This can be useful if you need to identify a Customer, for example when updating any personal information:
The Addresses section will display all addresses you hold for the Customer. You’ll see Default Billing and Default Delivery Addresses:
- Billing Address: The address connected to a specific payment type, for example the address a Debit or Credit card is registered to.
- Delivery Address: The address where Tickets will be delivered (if different from the Billing Address
In the top right corner of the Customer Record, you’ll see the Household feature:
The Households feature allows you to keep a record of the relationship between a group of customers and choose whether you would like to consider each member of the household individually or as a unit.
Every household has a Primary Householder. In a single person household, the Customer is, by default, the Primary Householder. In a multi person household, the record of the Primary Householder should contain the address details of the householder.
You can use the Primary Householder in your segmentation, for example when building a Customer List to send out an integrated email. This means you only need to send one email to the Primary Householder rather than everyone in the Household.
To learn more about Households and how you can use this information, read Setting Up and Using Households.
Contact Preferences
In the Customer Record, you’ll see the Contact Preferences set within your system and whether the Customer has agreed, declined or hasn’t been asked:
There are three responses for Contact Preferences:
- Yes: The Customer has seen and accepted the Contact Preference
- No: The Customer has seen and declined the Contact Preference
- Not Asked: The Customer has not been prompted for the Contact Preference
WARNING: When you send any communications from Spektrix, you should only send emails to Customers who have agreed to receive emails from your Organisation.
To change Contact Preferences, read Contact Preferences for further information.
Agent Commission
Under the Agent Commission section you can apply an Agent Commission structure for Agents selling tickets on behalf of your organisation.
Read Setting Up Agencies for further information.
Allowed Access to Agency API
If the box marked Allowed access to agent API is checked this means that the customer record has access to the Agency API:
You can read more about the Agency API in the Introduction to Selling tickets through Agents.
A Tag is a label used to identify a Customer. You can use these tags to segment within Customer Lists and Customer Groups, You can also use tags to make Customers eligible for Offers, Priority Booking and more.
You can see which Tags have been applied to the Customer Record by looking at the details section:
TIP: You’ll only be able to add Normal Tags. If you see (Autotag), these will only apply to a Customer Record when the Customer meets the criteria for that Autotag.
To learn more about Tags and how to apply them to customer records, take a look at our article Normal Tags and Auto Tags.
The Orders tab is where you can see the Order history for each customer.
To view a Customer's orders, click Orders.
You’ll be able to see when each Order was Placed and Edited:
You can click on the Order number to take you directly to that order.
If you see an exclamation mark next to an Order, this indicates that the Order has an unused deposit:
When you take a Deposit from a Customer to reserve tickets, the deposit is held and not used until the Order is confirmed. When you confirm the Order, the Deposit is used and taken from the amount to pay.
To learn more, take a look at our article on Taking a deposit on an Order.
Within the Orders section you’ll see Merchandise. The Merchandise tab will show a list of Merchandise purchased by the Customer.
For each entry you’ll see the name of the Merchandise, an Order number and quantity:
You can click on the Order Number to take you directly to the Order.
Within the Reservations tab you'll see a list of reservations made by the Customer.
For each entry you’ll see the Event name and Instance date. You’ll also see the Order Number containing the Tickets, along with the quantity.
You can click on the Event Name to take you to the Seating Plan for that Instance Date. Clicking on the Order will take you directly to that Order.
Within the Orders tab you’ll see a Tickets section. Here you’ll see a record of all tickets purchased. For each entry you’ll see the Event name and Instance date. You’ll also see the Order number containing the Tickets, along with the quantity.
You can click on the Event Name to take you to the Seating Plan for that Instance Date. Clicking on the Order will take you directly to that Order where you can make any changes.
Within the Donations section of the Orders tab, you’ll see a record of all Donations made by the Customer:
You’ll see the Fund the Donation was made against, the date it was made, along with the Order number and amount of the Donation.
You can click on the Order number to take you directly to that Order.
Read Introduction to Funds and Donations for further information.
Print at Home Items
In the Print at Home items section of the Orders tab, you’ll see a record of all Print at Home/E-tickets:
Within Print at Home items you can:
- Download. You can download tickets for a specific Instance. You can attach the tickets to an email which you manually send to the Customer.
- Send Email: This will email all of the Customer’s Print at Home tickets to the email address set against their Customer Record.
In the Mailings tab you’ll see a log of all mailings sent to the Customer. This can include Integrated emails sent through Dotdigital and Postal Mailings:
TIP: Transactional emails such as Order Confirmation, Print at Home emails, New Account and Set Password emails aren’t logged in the Customer Record.
Integrated Emails
When viewing an Integrated Email you’ll be able to see the following:
- Opened: Whether the email has been opened by the customer.
- Bounced: Whether the email has Bounced (the email couldn’t be delivered).
- Blocked: An email can be blocked after bouncing too many times. This is also known as a Hard Bounce.
- Opted out: You can see if a Customer has opted out of receiving mailings, depending on their Contact Preferences.
- Opted in: Not used.
- Links clicked: Whether a Customer has clicked on any links within an Integrated email.
TIP: Apple released an update to their operating systems in 2021. This update included new privacy settings in Apple Mail which preloads email images, including the tracking pixels used to track 'opens’ by email providers.
This means that all emails received by users of Apple Mail will appear as having been opened in Spektrix and Dotdigital regardless of whether they have or not.
Postal Mailings
When viewing a Postal mailing, you’ll see:
- Fulfilment Method: The Postal Service used, for example First Class, Second Class, Courier
- Date: The date the Mailing was sent
The Wallet tab lets your Customers store their card details in the system so that they can use them again next time they make a purchase without having to enter the details again.
Once the details are stored you can take a payment from the card without having to take the full details each time. You can find the Wallet at the top of the Customer Record by clicking Wallet:
Here you can add and remove cards. If a Customer has more than one card in their wallet, you can set one of the cards as a preferred card:
Read Card Wallets in Spektrix for further information.
In the Subscriptions tab, you’ll see any Subscriptions the Customer holds
This includes:
In the Memberships section you’ll see any Memberships the Customer holds:
In this section, you can:
- View Expired Memberships: Check the box to see a list of Expired Memberships.
- Auto renew: You can change the membership to automatically renew. Read Auto Renewable Memberships for more information.
- View Order: You can view the Order that contains the Membership purchase.
- Info: You can see the price of the Membership and Renewal period.
- Renew: You can renew a Membership if within its renewal period.
Read Memberships for further information.
Ticket Subscriptions
Under Ticket Subscriptions you can see a list of any Ticket Subscriptions the Customer holds:
You can see:
- The name of the Ticket Subscription
- The issue and expiry dates
- How many Vouchers are Available
- How many Vouchers have been Redeemed
You can click on the name of the Ticket Subscription to take you directly to that Order.
To learn more about Ticket Subscriptions read How to Sell Ticket Subscriptions and Redeem Ticket Vouchers.
Fixed Series Subscriptions
You can see any Fixed Series Subscriptions the Customer holds by clicking Fixed Subscriptions:
You can see:
- The name of the Fixed Series Subscription
- Venue
- Seat Number
- Date of Subscription
- Subscription Group
Read Selling, Holding or Returning a Fixed Series Subscription for further information.
In the Relationship tab, you’ll see current and past Relationships.
A Relationship is a way of identifying when two or more Customers are connected. A Relationship could apply to members of the same family, a friendship, or employees within an organisation.
You’ll also see:
- Importance: If a Customer has multiple Relationships, for example, with family members, you can set the Importance. This is the order in which Relationships are displayed in the Customer Record. 5 is the highest, 1 is the lowest.
- Start Date: The Start Date of the Relationship. For example, the date employment commenced for an Individual who has a Relationship with an Organisation.
- End Date: The End Date of the relationship. For example, the date employment ended for an Individual who has a Relationship with an Organisation.
Read Customers and Relationships in Spektrix for more information.
The Credit/Vouchers tab displays the amount of credit as Account Balance in a Customer’s Record. You’ll see a breakdown of this amount split out into Gift Vouchers and Account Credit.
You’ll see when the Gift Voucher or Credit was issued, when it expires and any Orders laid for using Gift Vouchers or Credit:
You can read more about Account Credit and Gift Vouchers in the Account Credit and Gift Vouchers section of the Support Centre.
Waiting Lists
You can use Waiting Lists for any Events which have sold out. You can add a Customer to a Waiting List, should they wish to be notified if any tickets become available:
You can find Waiting Lists at the bottom of the Customer Record:
Read Waiting Lists for further information on how to add a Customer to a Waiting List.
The Audit tab displays changes made to a Customer Record, this can include:
- Changes to personal details (name, address, email, phone number)
- Adding or removing Tags (Normal Tags and Auto Tags)
- Adding a new stored card, or removing an existing stored card
- Subscribing or Unsubscribing from Contact Preferences
- Status of Auto-Renewable Memberships
- Relationships
You’ll find the Customer Audit in the Details tab. Scroll to the bottom of the Customer Record and click Audit:
Read The Customer Audit for further information.
Gift Aid (UK only)
A Gift Aid declaration is a statement made by an individual taxpayer confirming they would like your organisation to reclaim 25% tax on any Donations they make.
The Gift Aid Declaration is stored within the Customer Record. You can find this by clicking on Gift Aid at the bottom of the Customer Record:
You can make and cancel Gift Aid Declarations within the Customer Record. Read Tracking and Claiming Gift Aid for further information.
You now have the information you need to Understand the Customer Record. To learn more about Customer Records, take a look at the Customer Records section on the Support Centre.