A Customer Record is a record of all the available data you have for a Customer Customer Records can be accessed in the Sales Interface and the Opportunities Interface.
This article will guide you through additional information found only when viewing the Customer Record in the Opportunities Interface, which can include Customer Records for prospects, donors and funders. These new tabs are found in both Individual and Organization Customer Records.
Before you read this article, make sure you are familiar with:
- Introduction to the Opportunities Interface
- Introduction to the Customer Record
- Understanding the Customer Record
- Creating and Managing Customer Records
TIP: The Opportunities Interface can access all Customers in your Spektrix database, including Inactive Customers.
Searching and Viewing Customers
In the Opportunities Interface, Customer Records can be accessed from the People Dashboard.
You can open Customer Records pinned to the pinboard or search for Customers. Searching for Customers works the same as that in the Sales Interface. You can perform a Basic Search or an Advanced Search.
The search results will include a link to their Customer Record as well as additional information only found in the People Dashboard. Clicking their Name will open the Customer Record in a new tab in the People Dashboard.
Customer Records look similar to what you can find in the Sales Interface, except with a few additional features.
TIP: To access the following tabs described in this article, User Accounts will need the Opportunities User role. If you don’t have this user role, contact a Settings Administrator in your organization to edit your User Account and add the Opportunities User role.
- Pop Up Notes in the Opportunities Interface
- Orders in the Opportunities Interface
- Opportunities
- Pledges and Legacies
- Timeline
- Invitations
- Donor Profile Report
VIDEO: Jump ahead to our Spektrix Training: On-Demand video - Customer Records in the Opportunities Interface for a guided walkthrough of this process.
Pop Up Notes in the Opportunities Interface
Pop Up Notes (also known as Sticky Notes) in the Customer Record are notes you can use to deliver important information about a Customer to other users in your organization.
In addition to blue pop up notes, which are also accessible in the Sales Interface, there are pink pop up notes, which are only available in the Opportunities Interface.
These pink pop up notes are good for storing sensitive information. However, if you want to report on pink pop up notes, then they will be visible to all users with the Insights & Mailings User role.
For more information, read Customer Pop Up Notes in the Opportunities Interface in the article Pop Up Notes.
Orders in the Opportunities Interface
Like in the Sales Interface, the Customer Record can display Orders, Merchandise, Reservations, Tickets, Donations and Print at home items. Every Order a Customer has made can be viewed from their Customer Record in the Opportunities Interface.
You can view an Order by clicking on the Order ID. The Order will appear as a pop-up, where you can see Order Details, Order Items, Order Attributes and Restricted Orders (if available) and the Order History.
Editing Orders
You can edit an Order to add an Opportunity in the Opportunities Interface.
You can return Items such as Tickets, Ticket Subscriptions, Fixed Series and Merchandise. This is to encourage Customers to convert their refund into a Donation or Membership. You can also add an Opportunity to this Donation conversion.
You can also buy reserved Tickets.
You can’t return Donations or Memberships in the Opportunities Interface or change Order attributes. These actions should take place in the Sales Interface.
The Opportunities tab allows you to view all open and closed Opportunities linked to the Customer:
The layout is similar to the Opportunities Dashboard, which includes:
- Info: The Campaign the Opportunity is for and the current Opportunity Stage in parenthesis. For closed Opportunities, the Opportunity Stage will be the Stage it was in when closed.
- Owner: The User Account of the team member who owns the Opportunity.
- Target: The target amount of the Opportunity.
- Asked: The asked amount of the Opportunity.
- Received: The total amount of all Donations and other purchases received linked to the Opportunity.
- Pledged: The current amount pledged and linked to the Opportunity and not yet received. As Donations are made towards the Pledge, the value decreases under Pledged and increases under Received.
- Reserved: The current amount (Price + Commission) of reserved Tickets linked to the Opportunity. As Tickets are purchased, the value decreases under Reserved and increases under Received.
Click into the Opportunity to view and edit the Opportunity. You can also click New Opportunity to create a new Opportunity.
Pledges and Legacies
The Pledges and Legacies tab is where you can create and manage a Customer’s Pledges and Legacies.
You can view all pledges, including:
- Pledge amount
- Given amount to date
- Campaign
- Opportunity Stage
- Pledge date
You can process pledge installments by clicking the basket button. You can also edit, delete or cancel pledges.
For each pledge you can also view each installment, including:
- Installment amount
- Given amount to date
- Paid status
- Installment date
You can also edit or delete installments.
You can view all legacies, including:
- Legacy amount
- Given amount to date
- Campaign
- Opportunity Stage
You can process legacies by clicking the basket button. You can also edit, delete or cancel legacies.
For more information, read Pledges and Legacies.
The Timeline tab shows every interaction between the Customer and your organization.
You can choose to filter by choosing a specific Opportunity in the dropdown and/or by choosing the type of interactions. Each interaction points to a date in the timeline which is seen in descending order, latest date first.
These are the types of interactions you can view and what information is included:
Interaction Type | Information Included |
Activities |
Visits |
Opportunity Stage Changes |
Pledges and Legacies |
Donations and Pledge Installments |
Invitations |
Memberships |
Merchandise |
TIP: These interactions include Soft Credited Orders, Facilitated Bookings and Organization Bookings but will not include Household Orders.
The Invitations tab shows all the Event Instances the Customer has been invited to.
TIP: This only appears on Individual Customer Records and not in Organization Customer Records.
Each Invitation includes the Event Name, Instance Date/Time, a countdown, reply status and guest count. Clicking on the Invitation will open the Invitation in the pinboard.
TIP: Invitations will show up in the tab only for Invitees and not Attendees.
For more information, read Invitation Management.
On-Demand Training - Customer Records in the Opportunities Interface
In this section of our Spektrix Training: On Demand video on Fundraising and Opportunities, we cover the Customer Record in the Opportunities Interface.
VIDEO TIP: With our Spektrix Training: On Demand videos- you can stop, restart or move to specific chapters. Click the CC option to turn on captions. Click in the Settings menu cog icon to control speed, captions and quality.
Donor Profile Report
The Donor Profile is a Report that outputs a comprehensive overview of a Customer's interactions with your organization.
TIP: You can only run the Donor Profile Report on an Individual.
The Donor Profile includes:
- The Customer’s details
- The Customer’s relationships on the system
- Any current Memberships
- Any open Opportunities
- Any blue or pink pop up notes on the Customer Record
- The Customer’s Ticket purchase and Donation history
- A record of any past or upcoming Activities associated with the Customer
In order to run the Donor Profile Report:
- Click on the Actions button from the top right of the Customer Record.
- Click on Download Donor Profile.
- In the Generate Donor Profile pop up, input the date range for the interactions. This defaults to a year from today.
- Click either Run as PDF or Run as Excel.
- Click on the link in the upper right of your screen to download the Report onto your hard drive.
On-Demand Training - Donor Profile Report
In this section of our Spektrix Training: On Demand video on Fundraising and Opportunities, we cover how to run and read the Donor Profile Report.
VIDEO TIP: With our Spektrix Training: On Demand videos- you can stop, restart or move to specific chapters. Click the CC option to turn on captions. Click in the Settings menu cog icon to control speed, captions and quality.
Further Reading
This article should give you an overview of the Customer Record in the Opportunities Interface. For other helpful resources, visit the Customer Loyalty and Fundraising category section of our Support Centre.
- Introduction to Campaign and Campaign Structures
- Introduction to Funds and Donations
- Introduction to Memberships
- Introduction to Gift Aid (UK)
- Introduction to Opportunities and Opportunity Stages
- Activities
- Invitation Management
- Reporting on Campaigns