The Customer Record holds data for each Customer in your Spektrix system. In the Customer Record you’ll see information such as contact details, Order History and Contact Preferences. You’ll also see information which can be used to segment customers for marketing campaigns and reporting.
You may sometimes find more than one record for the same Customer. These are called duplicate records. If you find duplicate Customer Records in your system, you may want to merge these records.
Before you continue reading this article, make sure you’re familiar with
Getting Started
There are two types of Customer Records in Spektrix:
- Individuals: A record for an individual Customer
- Organisations: A record for an Organisation
TIP: You can only merge Individual Customer Records together. Organisations can only be merged with other Organisations.
To convert an Individual Customer Record to an Organisation and vice versa, read Converting a Customer Record.
Before you can merge or convert Customer Records you’ll need to consider the following:
- You’ll need the Sales Administrator Role on your User Account before you can merge Customer Records. If you don’t have this, ask the Administrator in your organisation.
- Only Users with the Can view and edit protected data permission on their User Account can merge Customer Records containing a Protected Attribute.
- A Customer Record can only contain one email address. When merging records, you'll need to decide which email address should be transferred.
- You can’t transfer Protected Attributes between Customer records. If a Customer record contains a Protected Attribute, you’ll need to add it to the new record before the merge. Only Users with the Can view and edit protected data permission can perform this function.
- During a merge, Customer Records containing a Relationship that have transactions on behalf of another person in the relationship, will produce an error. You won't be able to merge these Customer Records. You might want to create a new Customer Record and deactivate the existing Customer Records. Deactivating a Customer Record means the information is still retained and can be made active at any time.
- When merging Customer Records, the Customer Audit from the old record will be lost.
- No historic data will be displayed from the merged record.
WARNING: Check carefully before merging Customer Records. Once a merge is completed, it can’t be reversed.
How Do I Merge Customer Records?
Once you’re ready to merge Customer Records, follow these steps:
- Log into Spektrix.
- Go to the Sales Interface.
- Click Customers:
- Select Individuals (the default option) or Organisations.
Individuals: Type the Customer’s surname followed by a comma and their initial or first name. You can also search by Customer Id, Postcode/Zip code or Email:
Organisations: Type the name of the Organisation and click Search. You can also search by Customer Id or Postcode/Zip code:
Individuals: Type the Customer’s surname followed by a comma and their initial or first name. You can also search by Customer Id, Postcode/Zip code or Email:
- Click on the Customer record you want to merge:
- Click Actions > Merge:
- Search for the second Customer Record you want to merge. You can search by Name or Customer Id. Click Search:
- Click on the Customer Record you want to merge:
- You’ll now see the Merge Wizard.
The Merge Wizard
The merge wizard consists of several tabs where you can choose the information to keep for the merged record.
TIP: If any of the tabs in the Merge Wizard are greyed out, this indicates either there is no information to merge or the information is the same across both records.
Relationships can’t be merged. You’ll need to delete any relationships and manually add these in the merged record.
The Merge Wizard consists of:
Basic Details: name, contact information, date of birth and attributes.
Choose the information you want to keep. If Phone, Mobile and Date of birth are missing from the account you’re merging into, this information will be merged into the new account. Click Next to continue to the Addresses tab. -
Addresses: billing and delivery address. Choose which billing and delivery address you want to keep in the merged Customer Record. Click Next to continue to the Contact Preferences tab.
Contact Preferences: Choose which contact preferences you want to transfer to the merged Customer Record and click Next to continue to the Tags tab.
Tags: normal Tags and Autotags. Choose which Tags you want to transfer to the merged record, click Next to continue to the Notes tab.
Notes: pop-up notes added to a Customer Record. You can update or remove notes by adding or deleting text. Click Next to continue:
- Relationships: this tab is greyed out. If the Customer Record contains any Relationships, you’ll need to choose a new facilitator for any orders. You can then delete any relationships and manually add them to the new merged record.
Once you have completed each tab in the Merge Wizard, the two Customer Records will merge.
The new Customer Record will retain all orders from both records. Any Memberships, Account Credit and Gift Aid declarations stored against either record will be saved in the new merged record.
You can see a record of the merge in The Customer Audit:
In the new combined Customer Record, you'll see a record of the merge and any updated information such as a change in contact information:
Converting Customer Records
It isn’t possible to merge an Individual’s Customer Record with an Organisation’s Customer record. However, you can convert an Individual Customer Record to an Organisation and vice versa.
Converting an Individual to an Organisation
To convert an Individual Customer Record to an Organisation, follow these steps:
- Log into Spektrix.
- Go to the Sales Interface.
- Click Customers:
- Type the Customer’s surname followed by a comma and their initial or first name and click Search. You can also search by Customer Id, Postcode or Email:
- Click on the Customer Record you want to convert:
- Click Actions > Convert to Organisation:
- Select a Relationship from the drop-down list:
- Click OK:
You’ll see the following screen once the conversion has completed:
The newly converted record will appear with some differences to an Individual Customer Record:
- The first letter of the Customer Id will change from I (Individual) to O (Organisation)
- The Primary contact will show the name from the Individual Customer Record you converted.
- Email and Date of Birth information will be removed.
Converting an Organisation to an Individual
To convert an Organisation Customer Record to an Individual, follow these steps:
- Log into Spektrix.
- Go to the Sales Interface.
- Click Customers:
- Select Organisations.
- Type the name of the Organisation and click Search. You can also search by Customer Id or Postcode:
- Click Actions > Convert to Individual:
- You’ll see a Confirmation pop-up. Click Confirm:
You’ll see the following screen once the conversion has completed:
The newly converted record will appear with some differences to an Organisation Customer Record:
- The first letter of the Customer Id will change from O (Organisation) to I (Individual).
- After a merge, there’ll be information missing, such as Date of birth and Email. You’ll need to complete this information.
Errors when merging
If you experience an error when performing a merge, this indicates that the system has locked due to the amount of merged data. If this happens, follow these steps:
- Close the Chrome tab where Spektrix is open.
- Clear your cache and cookies.
- Log back into Spektrix and leave both Customer Records for one hour to unlock. If you reattempt the merge before the hour has passed, the system will reset and you’ll need to repeat this process again.
If, after an hour, you’re still unable to perform the merge, contact Support.
You now have the information needed to merge and convert Customer Records in Spektrix.