Partner Companies Contact Preferences

Dave Carr
Dave Carr
  • Updated

Partner Companies Contact Preferences let you collect Contact Preferences on behalf of other companies you may be working with. This article will explain how Partner Companies Contact Preferences work and how to set them up.

TIP: Partner Companies Contact Preferences are different from the Partner Companies Interface which can be used to grant access to scheduled Reports or Customer Lists to people from outside of your organisation.


What are Partner Companies Contact Preferences?

Contact Preferences let you record information about how you can use your customer’s personal data (email address, postal address, phone number, etc.) for marketing purposes.

Partner Companies Contact Preferences are used to gather Contact Preferences on behalf of other companies you may be working with. You can then share this information with the partner company you are working with, so that they can use this data.


How do Partner Companies Contact Preferences work?

When hosting Events alongside other production companies, producers or promoters, you may need to collect Contact Preferences on their behalf. This can also be known as data sharing.

There are three ways in which customers can set their Partner Company preferences:

  • During checkout: If an Order contains Tickets for one or more Events with Partner Companies where the Customer has not yet set a preference, you’ll see a prompt asking Customers (or Box Office staff) to set a preference during checkout.
  • My Account page: Customers can log in to their online account and view their Partner Company preferences. They’ll see every Partner Company associated with Events they have purchased a Ticket for. Customers can amend their preferences at any time.
  • Customer record in the Sales Interface: The Customer Record will display all of the Partner Companies where a Customer has set a preference. You can also set preferences for Partner Companies on behalf of the Customer.

Once a Customer has set a preference for each Partner Company, they’ll no longer be prompted for their preference when they buy further Tickets for Events associated with that Partner Company.

After the Event has passed, you can share the data of the Customers who have agreed to be contacted with the Partner Company. This should be done in accordance with your data sharing agreement.

To start collecting Contact Preferences on behalf of Partner Companies, you'll need to:


Set up the Partner Company in Spektrix

You’ll need the Settings Administrator Role on your User Account before you can change these Settings. If you don’t have this, ask the Administrator in your organisation.

To set up Partner Company Contact Preferences, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Control Panel button (in the bottom left corner of Spektrix):


  2. Click Settings:


  3. From the top menu, click Partner Companies:


  4. In the left hand menu, click Partner Companies:


  5. Click New Partner Company:


  6. You’ll see the New Partner Company screen:


Complete the following details:

  • Name: The name of the Partner Company as it will be displayed online and in the Sales Interface.
  • Collect Contact Preferences: Check this box if you want to use the Partner Company to collect Contact Preferences. If you leave this unchecked, you'll be able to assign the Partner Company to Events, but Customers won't be prompted to set their preferences when they buy Tickets for those Events. For example if a Partner Company isn't ready to collect Contact Preferences.
  • Additional Web Description:  Provide additional information online to help Customers understand what they’re agreeing to. This will be visible to customers online. Click Preview to see how this will appear in your iframes.
  • This Partner Company is active: leave this box checked to make this Partner Company active.


Additional Web Description

In the Additional Web Description field in each Partner Company, you can provide additional information online to help Customers understand what they’re agreeing to.

For example, “We will share your data with our partner company and they will email you in accordance with their own policies”.

This message will only be displayed online to customers if the Contact Preference is currently set to Not Asked and won’t be displayed in the My Account section of your website. This information is only displayed in the purchase path.

You can use Wikitext to format the text or add a link to the Additional Web Description. For example, you might want to use this to add a link to the Partner Company’s own privacy policy. Read Editing Content on iframes with Wikitext for more information about how to do this.


Custom Website Message for Partner Company Preferences

You can change the default wording for Partner Companies preference screen during checkout.

Read the Custom Website Messages for iframes article where you’ll find a section on Partner Companies Contact Preferences.


How to add Partner Companies to Events

You can add Partner Companies to Events in the Admin Interface. You can do this when creating the Event or at a later date by adding the Partner Companies to an existing Event.

TIP: To add or edit Events, you’ll need the General Administrator Role on your User Account. If you do not have this, contact the Administrator in your organisation.


Adding Partner Companies to a new Event

To add Partner Companies to a new Event, follow the steps in Creating an Event - Basic Details.


Adding Partner Companies to an existing Event

To add Partner Companies to an existing Event, follow these steps:

  1. Search for and select the Event you want to add a Partner Company to
  2. In the Basic Details tab of the Event, click Edit:


  3. Scroll down to Partner Companies. You’ll see a list of checkboxes, one for each Partner Company set up in your system:


  4. Check the box next to each Partner Company you want to assign. Uncheck the box for any Partner Companies you want to remove:


  5. Click Save once you’ve added the Partner Companies to the Event.

TIP: When you edit an Event, you’ll see the full list of Partner Companies set up on your system. When you view an Event, you’ll only see the Partner Companies assigned to that Event.


Partner Company Preference Group (optional)

The Partner Company Preference Group lets you add a header message for your group of preferences. For example “I’m happy for my details to be shared with these partner companies”.

TIP: Customers will still need to set their Contact Preference for each Partner Company.

To add header text follow these steps:

  1. Click the Control Panel button (in the bottom left corner of Spektrix):


  2. Click Settings:


  3. From the top menu, click Partner Companies:


  4. In the left hand menu, click Partner Company Preference Group:


  5. Enter your header text and click Save Contact Preference Group:



Managing Partner Companies

Once you’ve set up a Partner Company in Spektrix, you can deactivate and reactivate the Partner Company at any time. You may wish to deactivate Partner Companies you no longer work with or don’t plan to work with again for a while.


Deactivating a Partner Company

You’ll need the Settings Administrator Role on your User Account before you can deactivate Partner Companies. If you don’t have this, ask the Administrator in your organisation.

To deactivate Partner Companies, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Control Panel button (in the bottom left corner of Spektrix):


  2. Click Settings:


  3. From the top menu, click Partner Companies:


  4. Select the Partner Company from the list
  5. In the Edit Partner Company screen, uncheck This Partner Company is active. Click Update Partner Company:




Reactivating a Partner Company

To reactivate a Partner Company, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Control Panel button (in the bottom left corner of Spektrix):


  2. Click Settings:


  3. From the top menu, click Partner Companies:


  4. Click the toggle on Show Inactive Partner Companies:


  5. In the Active column, click the toggle to activate the Partner Company


TIP: You can also make Partner Companies inactive from this screen.


Partner Companies Contact Preferences Online

Partner Company Contact Preferences display online:

During Checkout

If a Customer has not set a preference for a Partner Company, they’ll be prompted to set one when buying Tickets for an Event which has a Partner Company assigned:


The Customer can choose from two options:

  • Yes: Select the Partner Company and click Continue
  • No: Leave the Partner Company unselected and click Continue

TIP: It isn’t possible to choose Not Asked online.


Online in My Account

If a Customer wants to amend their Partner Company Contact Preferences, they can do so by logging into their account and going to the Contact Preferences section:


Partner Companies Contact Preferences in the Sales Interface

Partner Company Contact Preferences display in the Sales Interface:


During Checkout

When you perform a sale for an Event with a Partner Company attached, you’ll see a Contact Preferences pop up when you confirm the Order.

You can select the following answers, by clicking on the dropdown next to the Partner Company Contact Preference:

  • Yes: Customer agrees to receive information from the Partner Company. Select Yes and click Save.
  • No: Customer doesn’t want to receive information from the Partner Company. Select No and click Save.
  • Not Asked: Select Not Asked if you haven’t asked the Customer and click Save.


In the Customer Record

If you want to amend a Customer’s Partner Company Contact Preferences, follow these steps:

  1. Search for and access the Customer Record
  2. Scroll down to the Partner Company Contact Preferences section:

  3. You’ll see a list of the Partner Companies the Customer has agreed to. Click Edit Partner Company Contact Preferences:

  4. To change a Customer’s preferences, click the dropdown next to the Contact Preference, select an answer and click OK:

  5. If you want to see all Partner Company Contact Preferences, check the box next to Show partner companies the customer hasn’t booked for:

You can use this to let Customers sign up to receive information about other Partner Companies that aren’t associated with Events they have purchased tickets for.

These Contact Preferences are set to Not Asked by default. Update the answer to Yes or No depending on the Customer’s preference.


How to Report on Partner Companies Contact Preferences

Once you’ve collected Partner Company Contact Preference data, you can use Reports or Customers Lists to identify Customers who have agreed to share their data with Partner Companies.

WARNING: When sharing Customer data with Partner Companies do not send customer details by email. You can use the Partner Companies Interface to enable Partners to collect Reports or Customer Lists.

In Reports and Customer Lists, you can use the Partner Company Contact Preferences metric to identify Customers who have agreed to the Partner Companies Contact Preferences.



When building a Customer Type Report, you can create a Criteria set based on the Partner Company Contact Preferences. You’ll find Partner Company Contact Preferences within the Customers wrapper:

In an Event Instances Type Report you can create a Criteria set based on the Partner Company Contact Preferences. You’ll find Partner Company Contact Preferences within the Event Instances wrapper:

This metric works in the same way as the Contact Preferences metric does. Choose one of your Partner Companies and click the Add button to select it, then add more as required:


Customer Lists

When building a Customer List, you’ll find Partner Company Contact Preferences metric in the Customer segment:

This metric works in the same way as the Contact Preferences metric does. Choose one of your Partner Companies and click the Add button to select it, then add more as required:

This article should give you the information you need to understand Partner Companies Contact Preferences. To learn more about Spektrix, visit our Support Centre.