The Customer List Explorer contains the Customer Lists in your system.
To access Customer Lists, you’ll need the Insights & Mailings user role.
What is the Customer List Explorer?
In the Customer List Explorer you can:
- Organise your Customer Lists into folders.
- Limit access to folders so that only users with Insights & Mailings Administrator role can edit lists.
- Search for Customer Lists by name.
- Copy, delete, or create new Customer Lists.
How to use the Customer List Explorer
You can find the Customer List explorer in Insights & Mailings > Customer Lists.
On the left you’ll see the Customer List Explorer folder, and on the right, all of your Customer Lists.
Folders and Shortcuts
Within the Customer List Explorer, you can keep your Customer Lists organised by creating folders and subfolders.
By default you will see All Customer Lists.
- Click the New folder button to add a folder.
- Give your new folder a memorable name.
- There are three types of permissions you can set:
All Users: all users with access to Insights & Mailings can see this folder and access and edit the customer lists it contains.
Same as parent folder: The folder will inherit the permissions of the folder it is inside.
Insights & Mailings Administrators: Only those with the Insights & Mailings Administrator role can edit the customer lists within this folder.
- You can create as many folders and subfolders as you need.
- You can delete folders by selecting Delete from the drop down arrow on the right. This will delete the folder as well as any lists inside it.
- To edit a folder, click the drop down arrow and select Properties… This will allow you to rename the folder or change the permissions.
- To add a Customer List into a folder, click on the Customer List and drag it over into the relevant folder.
- To delete a list, click the red X at the far right of the list - remember that this will permanently delete this list and any local segments within it. Global segments will be unaffected.
TIP: Don't be afraid of deleting lists if you want to keep things tidy. Whilst a list cannot be recovered once deleted, you should be able to rebuild it.
Audit trails
Audit Trails allow you to easily check whether a List has been altered since you last used it.
You can see who last made changes to a Customer List in the Date modified and Last modified by columns in the Customer List Explorer.
TIP: You can also see who made changes and when to individual Segments – see this section of our article on Global and Local Segments.
Further Reading
Now you have learnt about navigating Customer Lists in Spektrix, we'd also recommend taking a look at: