In this article, we’ll guide you through the Customer Eligibility Criteria, where to find it and the types of Customer Criteria you can choose from.
What is Customer Eligibility Criteria?
The Customer Eligibility Criteria Tool lets you select Customers by setting certain criteria. Once you’ve set your criteria, you can make these Customers eligible for certain features and benefits within your system such as Priority Booking, Offers, Customer Groups, and Criteria Groups.
Where to find the Customer Eligibility Chooser
You can find the Customer Eligibility Chooser in both Admin Interface and Insights & Mailings. You’ll see the Customer Eligibility Chooser when you use the following:
Admin Interface
Insights & Mailings
How to remove Criteria
If you want to remove a previously selected criteria, drag the criteria you want to remove to the Drop here to delete box:
Rules when choosing Criteria
When using the Customer Eligibility Chooser you’ll need to select the criteria to use for eligibility. When setting criteria you’ll need to use the AND, OR and NOT rules.
The AND rule
The AND rule means customers who fall into both or all of the Segments within the same dotted area will be included.
In this example, customers need to have both agreed to email and hold a Membership to be included in the list.
The OR rule
The OR rule means your list will contain people who fall into all of the Segments in one area OR all of the Segments in the other.
After you add one Segment, you will see another dotted area for the OR rule:
In this example, customers in this List will meet the criteria if they’ve agreed to email OR hold a Fixed Series Subscription:
This means that everyone who has agreed to email will be included, whether they hold a Fixed Series Subscription or not and everyone who has holds a Fixed Series Subscription will be included whether they have agreed to email or not:
WARNING: You should only send Integrated Mailings to Customers who have agreed to receive emails from your organisation.
The NOT rule
Once you have dragged a Segment into your List you'll also see a NOT check box appear against it:
Check the NOT box to include everyone who does not meet the criteria of the Segment.
In this example, the Segment includes everyone who is a Regular Booker. By checking the NOT box, this Segment will be highlighted in red and will look for everyone who isn’t a Regular Booker:
If you combine it with another Segment, you’ll get everyone who has agreed to email AND is Not a Regular Booker:
For more on using the AND, OR and NOT rules, read our article on building Customer Lists.
What criteria can I use for Customer Eligibility?
You can use the following criteria:
- Tags
- Attributes
- Memberships
- Ticket Subscriptions
- Promotion Codes
- Criteria Groups
- Fixed Series Subscriptions
- Contact Preferences
TIP: In the examples below we’re looking at choosing Customer Criteria on a Priority Booking period. The Customer Criteria available to you will depend on which part of the system you are in.
You can use Tags as eligibility criteria to select customers based on Tags that are applied to their Customer Record.
This is especially powerful when used in conjunction with an Auto Tag, as you can make Offers available to Customers who have received certain mailings or booked for a certain combination of shows.
For more information, read our article on Normal Tags and Auto Tags.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Tags:
- Select your criteria and drag this into the Drop criteria here box:
- You’ll see the Tag criteria has been selected with AND next to it:
If you want to add additional criteria, read Choosing the Criteria for information on AND, OR and NOT rules.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Tags:
You can use Customer Attributes as eligibility criteria to select customers based on Attributes applied to their Customer Record. The Attributes you have will be unique to your system, some common examples can include extra information such as Job Title or Culture Segment.
For more information, read our article on Attributes.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Attributes:
- Select your criteria and drag this into the Drop criteria here box:
- You’ll see the Attribute criteria has been selected with AND next to it:
If you want to add additional criteria, read Choosing the Criteria for information on AND, OR and NOT rules.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Attributes:
You can use Memberships as criteria to power Offers, Lock Type Eligibility and Priority Booking periods. You can also highlight Members to your staff by using Customer Groups.
The following logic applies for eligibility:
- Customers must have a current Membership.
- Customers with renewed Memberships will be eligible.
- Customers with expired Memberships and Memberships in the grace period won't be eligible.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Memberships:
- Select your criteria and drag this into the Drop criteria here box:
- You’ll see the Membership criteria has been selected with AND next to it:
If you want to add additional criteria, read Choosing the Criteria for information on AND, OR and NOT rules.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Memberships:
Ticket Subscriptions
You can use Ticket Subscriptions as eligibility criteria to power Offers, Priority Booking and Promotion Codes or Integrated Mailings.
The following logic applies for eligibility:
- Customer with a selected Ticket Subscription will be eligible.
- Customers with a selected Ticket Subscription where all vouchers have been redeemed, will be eligible.
- Customers who have partially returned vouchers but retained the Ticket Subscription will be eligible.
- Customers with an inactive Ticket Subscription will be eligible. This only applies when a Ticket Subscription is inactive, and a customer holds unexpired Tickets as part of that subscription.
- Customers without a Ticket Subscription will not be eligible.
- Customer with an expired Ticket Subscription will not be eligible.
- Customers who hold a Ticket Subscription which hasn't been set as criteria, will not be eligible.
WARNING: You can’t use Ticket Subscriptions as criteria for Lock Type Eligibility or Criteria Groups.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Ticket Subscriptions:
- Select your criteria and drag this into the Drop criteria here box:
- You’ll see the Ticket Subscriptions criteria has been selected with AND next to it:
If you want to add additional criteria, read Choosing the Criteria for information on AND, OR and NOT rules.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Ticket Subscriptions:
Promotion Codes
You can use Promotion Codes as eligibility criteria to power Offers, Priority Booking and Lock Type Eligibility.
For more information, read our article on Promotion Codes.
WARNING: You can’t use Ticket Subscriptions as criteria for Customer Groups.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Promotion Codes:
- Select your criteria and drag this into the Drop criteria here box:
- You’ll see the Promotion Code criteria has been selected with AND next to it:
If you want to add additional criteria, read Choosing the Criteria for information on AND, OR and NOT rules.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Promotion Codes:
You can also create new Promotion Codes through Customer Criteria by following these steps:
- Click (click to expand) to the right of Promotion Codes:
- Click New:
- Enter a Code and Description. Click Save:
The Active box will be checked by default. If you don’t want to use the Promotion Code just yet, uncheck this box.
Criteria Groups
You can use Criteria Groups to group together criteria that you often use in combination with each other. You can use Criteria Groups to power any Customer eligibility.
For example, rather than selecting every individual Membership as criteria for an Offer, you can create a Criteria Group that contains all of these Memberships, then select this as eligibility criteria for an Offer or a Priority Booking period.
For more information, read our article on Criteria Groups.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Criteria Groups:
- Select your criteria and drag this into the Drop criteria here box:
- You’ll see the Criteria Group criteria has been selected with AND next to it:
If you want to add additional criteria, read Choosing the Criteria for information on AND, OR and NOT rules.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Criteria Groups:
Fixed Series Subscriptions
You use Fixed Series Subscriptions as eligibility criteria to power Offers, Lock Eligibility, Priority Booking, Promotion Codes and Integrated Mailings.
The following logic applies for eligibility:
- Customers with a Fixed Series hold will eligible. Their Tickets can be purchased or currently held.
- Customers who have a hold but haven't purchased or had their Tickets released will be eligible.
- Customers who have returned their hold won't be eligible.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Fixed Series Subscriptions:
- Select your criteria and drag this into the Drop criteria here box:
- You’ll see the Fixed Series Subscriptions criteria has been selected with AND next to it:
If you want to add additional criteria, read Choosing the Criteria for information on AND, OR and NOT rules.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Fixed Series Subscriptions:
Contact Preferences
You can use Contact Preferences as eligibility criteria to select Customers who have agreed to receive communication from your organisation, for example by email or post.
You can use this criteria to send an Integrated Mailing to Customers who have agreed to receive emails from your organisation. This email could contain a Promotion Code which can power an Offer or Priority Booking for an upcoming event.
WARNING:You should only send Integrated Mailings to Customers who have agreed to receive emails from your organisation.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Contact Preferences:
- Select your criteria and drag this into the Drop criteria here box:
- You’ll see the Contact Preference criteria has been selected with AND next to it:
If you want to add additional criteria, read Choosing the Criteria for information on AND, OR and NOT rules.
- In the Customer criteria tab select (click to expand) to the right of Contact Preferences:
Further Reading
To use Customer Eligibility Criteria you may find the following articles helpful:
- Priority Booking
- Setting Up and Editing Lock Types
- How to Set Up Ticket Commissions
- Setting up Funds and Donations
- Customer Groups
- Criteria Groups
- Pre and Post Show Emails