Setting Up a Microcom 485T Ticket Printer

Jessica Abejar
Jessica Abejar
  • Updated

In this article we’ll guide you through setting up and installing a Microcom 485T Ticket Printer for use with Spektrix.

To connect a Microcom 485T Ticket Printer to Spektrix:

  • Work through each step in the article, following the instructions in each step
  • Pass each checkpoint to ensure successful installation

Please allow some time to complete the installation.

WARNING: Mistakes made during installation can be time consuming to rectify. Even if you’ve installed a printer before, we recommend following this article closely, observing any changes to the process since you last completed an installation.


A Quick Look at Hardware and Software Requirements

Learn about the requirements and capabilities of printing with a Microcom 485T Ticket Printer through Spektrix. A full listing of hardware and software requirements is included later in this article.

  • Microcom 485T Models

    There are various versions of Microcom 485T Ticket Printers including the 485T, 485T Direct, 485TM and 485TC. All settings and configurations apply to all versions.

    Some of these Ticket Printers have a touchscreen where settings can be configured directly, while some printers require the X85 Configuration Application to change settings. Instructions will include versions with a touchscreen and versions that require the X85 Configuration Application.

  • Connecting your Ticket Printer

    This article is for Microcom 485T Ticket Printers that connect to a PC via USB or Ethernet.

  • PC Requirements

    This installation also requires a PC with Windows 11 connected to the Ticket Printer.

  • Ticket Design

    For the Microcom 485T Ticket Printer, you can use the following in your designs:

    1. Generic Mode Fonts
    2. Barcodes
    3. QR Codes


How Printing Works with Spektrix

TIP: This section explains how printing works with Spektrix. Learning how the process works can help you understand the importance of each step in the setup process. For more information on Ticket Printers and Spektrix, read Introduction to Ticket Printers.

Jump to Hardware and Software Checklist if you’d like to skip this section and begin the installation process.

Connecting a Ticket Printer to your Spektrix system lets your organization print physical Tickets each time an Order is confirmed. This is typically for Orders with a CoBO/Will Call or Postal Delivery. In addition, you can print Tickets in batches for multiple Orders and Instances.

TIP: Other items you can print include Address slips for Tickets and Merchandise, Chip & Pin receipts, Gift Vouchers and Gift Memberships. For the purpose of this article, we’ll  refer to printing Tickets.

As Spektrix is a cloud-based system that is accessible from a web browser, you’ll need to connect your Ticket Printer to Spektrix using the Spektrix Box Office App. Unlike the cloud-based Spektrix software, the Box Office App must be installed on a PC where the Ticket Printer is also installed.

When printing Tickets from Spektrix, your Spektrix system sends a print command (together with Ticket Design and Order information) to your Box Office App on a PC. The PC communicates the command using a print driver to your Ticket Printer.

Take a look at the illustration below to see how the various software and hardware communicate with each other to print Tickets.

The process of how printing works with Spektrix.

When printing a Ticket from your Spektrix system, the print command goes from:

Spektrix system (Order and TIcket Design) > Box Office App > Windows PC (using a print driver) > Ticket Printer

It’s important to note that you’ll need to configure each part of the process.


Hardware and Software Checklist

Check that you have the following hardware and software for the installation.

  • Microcom 485T Ticket Printer

    • The Ticket Printer will need a power source.

    • The Ticket Printer will need to connect to your PC. We recommend a connection via USB or Ethernet cable to a network.

    • If connecting through Ethernet, both the Ticket Printer and the PC must be on the same network.

    • If connecting through Ethernet, the Ticket Printer will need a static IP address. This is especially important if you’re connecting more than one Ticket Printer.

    • You’ll need to load ticket stock during this setup as they’ll be needed for each test print checkpoint.
  • Spektrix system and User Account

    • You’ll need credentials to log into your system to confirm Orders and print Tickets.

    • You’ll also need your system name and a set of credentials to register with the Box Office App.
  • Ticket Designs

    • You’ll need to create and store Ticket Designs in your system.

    • Different Ticket Printers will only work with certain settings and designs. For the Microcom 485T Ticket Printer, you can use the following in your designs:
      1. Generic Mode Fonts
      2. Barcodes
      3. QR Codes

    For more information, read The Ticket Design Tool - How to Create a New Ticket Design.

  • PC Hardware Requirements

    • You’ll need a PC with Windows 11 Professional to install the Spektrix Box Office App and to install the Ticket Printer using a generic print driver.

    • We recommend connecting to the Ticket Printer via USB or Ethernet cable to a network.

    • If connecting through Ethernet, both the Ticket Printer and the PC must be on the same network.

    • You’ll need Administrator privileges on the PC. Without these, you may not be able to install new print drivers or software. If you’re unsure, please check with your IT team before proceeding.

    • This PC will need to be powered on and connected to the Internet in order to send print commands from Spektrix to your Ticket Printer.

    REMINDER: You won’t need to install the Spektrix Box Office App and the Ticket Printer print driver on every computer you plan on selling Tickets from. As Spektrix is a cloud-based system, you’ll be able to make print commands from any browser from any physical location including other PCs not connected to the printer.

  • Spektrix Box Office App

    • On the PC, you’ll need to install the Spektrix Box Office App before connecting your Ticket Printer.

    • You’ll need to register the Box Office App to your Spektrix system using a User Account.

    • The Box Office App requires an Internet connection to connect to your Spektrix system.

    • The Box Office App should be installed on your PC and connected to the Internet before installing and configuring the Ticket Printer.

    • The Box Office App will only need to be installed on the PC that is connected to the Ticket Printer.

    • You may need Administrator privileges and permissions to install the software.

    • If your organization uses a proxy server or a firewall, you may need to set exceptions for the Box Office App.

    TIP: Follow the instructions on Installing the Spektrix Box Office App and ensure that the Box Office App is properly installed before continuing.


Installation Steps and Checkpoints

Each step in the installation process corresponds to a step in the print command communication chain.

REMINDER: The Spektrix print command goes from: Spektrix system (Order and TIcket Design) > Box Office App > PC (using a driver) > Ticket Printer.

There are five main steps to setting up a Ticket Printer with Spektrix.

  1. Configuring the Ticket Printer Settings and Retrieving Information
  2. Installing the Print Driver on the Windows PC
  3. Configuring Ticket Stock Form Size on the Windows PC
  4. Adding and configuring the Ticket Printer in the Spektrix Box Office App
  5. Selecting the Ticket Printer in your Spektrix system

To ensure you successfully complete each step, there are corresponding checkpoints that you should pass before moving onto the next step. If you fail any checkpoint, there are troubleshooting steps that you can follow, including specific steps for common issues.

TIP: Throughout the installation process, you may need to restart your PC or contact our Support Team for assistance. Keep track of what step or checkpoint you’re currently in by taking a look at the In this Guide sidebar on the right side of this article. You can use this to return to your current step or inform our Support Teams where you may need assistance.


Installation Prep

Connecting an already installed Ticket Printer to the Spektrix Box Office App

If your Ticket Printer is already installed on your PC, you may be able to connect it to the Box Office App straight away.


Removing the Print Driver from your PC

If you need to remove the print driver from the PC, follow these instructions.

    1. Download the latest version of the Windows Print Driver for Microcom Corporation Thermal Printers (X85 Based Products). You can also find these drivers on the Microcom website. Click the printer model and find the link under Drivers.

    2. Extract any compressed files before installing. In the Drivers folder, double click on the Setup file. Click Next to begin.

    3. On the following screen select Uninstall the existing driver (RECOMMENDED) and click Next.

      The Microcom print driver uninstall screen.


    4. The following screen warns you to disconnect your Ticket Printer from your PC. Disconnect your Ticket Printer and then click Next.

      The Microcom print driver uninstall screen - connection warning.


    5. After the print driver is uninstalled successfully, you’ll see a screen prompting you to restart your PC. Click OK to immediately restart or Cancel to manually restart later.

      Restart screen after a successful uninstall.

    The Ticket Printer should be successfully removed from your PC.


    Checking the Printer Driver has been removed from your PC

    We recommend checking that the Ticket Printer has been fully removed from your PC. Search and navigate to the following areas on your PC’s Control Panel/Settings:

    1. From your PC’s search bar or Start Menu, or by pressing the Windows key, search for and open the Control Panel.

    2. Under Hardware and Sound, click View device and printers.

      View device and printers under Hardware and Sound in the Control Panel
    in Windows 11.


    3. From the Bluetooth & devices screen, click Printers & scanners.

      Printers & scanners from Bluetooth & devices in Windows 11.


    4. From the Printers & scanners screen, check if the Ticket Printer is on the list. If it is, select your Ticket Printer.

      The Ticket Printer under Printers & scanners in Windows 11.


    5. From the Ticket Printer screen, click Remove on the top right. Follow any prompts to remove the Ticket Printer from your PC.

      Remove Device from Windows 11.


    Removing the Ticket Printer from Device Manager

    Next, remove the Ticket Printer from the Device Manager. It may already be removed after uninstalling the print driver. If so, you can skip this step.

    1. From your PC’s search bar or Start Menu, or by pressing the Windows key, search for and open the Device Manager.

    2. Under Print Queues, select your Ticket Printer. Right-click on the Ticket Printer and click Uninstall Device.

      Uninstalling the Ticket Printer in the Device Manager.


    The print driver for your Ticket Printer should now be uninstalled.

    TIP: If you are having further trouble removing the printer from your PC, please consult Microcom’s Support page or contact their team. Spektrix is unable to provide support for any manufacturing related issues.


Step 1: Configuring the Ticket Printer Settings and Retrieving Information

In this step we’ll guide you through turning on and loading ticket stock into your Microcom 485T Ticket Printer, configuring its settings to work with your PC and retrieving important information to complete its print driver installation.

By the end of this step, you should be able to pass:

These are the parts for this step:

  1. Turning on the Ticket Printer
  2. Loading Ticket Stock
  3. Configuring the Printer Settings
  4. Retrieving Information for Print Driver Install


TIP: The following instructions will take place on your Microcom 485T Ticket Printer using the touchscreen. For Ticket Printers without a touchscreen, you’ll also need your PC to configure the Ticket Printer’s settings.

For more information on how to operate the Microcom 485T and to troubleshoot any issues, please take a look at the Microcom 485T Quick Start Guide or the Microcom 485T Operator’s Manual from the Microcom website.


1.1 Turning on the Ticket Printer

  1. Begin by plugging in the printer to a power source. Do not power on the printer.

  2. While off, connect the USB cable or Ethernet cable to the back of the printer.

  3. Turn the printer ON.

  4. For Ticket Printers with a touchscreen, you’ll see a blinking red light status with the word “Stockout” to indicate that the printer is on but needs paper loaded.

  5. For Ticket Printers without a touchscreen, you’ll see the status light blinking red to indicate that the printer is on but needs paper loaded.


1.2 Loading Ticket Stock

You are now ready to load Ticket Stock into your Ticket Printer.

To load the printer with ticket stock, you may need to adjust the paper guides inside the printer so that your ticket stock can load properly.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the printer and locate the green adjustable paper guides.

  2. Loosen the green thumbscrew and adjust the guides until the Ticket Stock fits securely within the guides.

  3. Retighten the green thumbscrew once you’ve adjusted the guides.

After you’ve adjusted the paper guides, load your ticket stock into the printer:

  1. Feed the ticket stock thermal side up into the paper path between the green paper guides. Load with any sensor bars or marks closest to the feed.

  2. Once the printer detects ticket stock has been inserted in the printer, it will automatically feed and align the Ticket Stock.

  3. If the Autoload feature is deactivated, you may also manually feed the Ticket Stock through the printer by lifting the print head release at the top of the printer and feeding the Ticket Stock through the printer.

  4. You can also manually feed the Ticket Stock by pressing and holding the Print button. Once the Ticket Stock exits the front of the printer, release the Print button.

TIP: If you need to fix a paper jam, follow the instructions found inside the printer. Make sure to properly close the Print Head to that the Tickets can print.


1.3 Configuring the Printer Settings

You’ll need to configure some settings on your printer before you can use it with your PC. There are several settings that you can configure but the following settings are required.

TIP: The following instructions are for Microcrom 485T Ticket Printers with a touchscreen. For instructions for Ticket Printers without a touchscreen, skip to 1.3A Configuring the Printer Settings without a Touchscreen.

These settings can be found under Config Menu from the touchscreen on the printer.

The Microcom Ticket Printer screen menu.

Once in the Config Menu, you’ll see the setting to configure in the center. In this example we’re Using PRINTER MODE:

The Config Menu with the Printer Mode setting.

You’ll also see the following buttons:

  1. Reboot: Reboot the printer
  2. Exit: Return to the main screen
  3. Previous: Return to the previous setting
  4. Next: Navigate to the next setting

Tap on the button in the center to configure the setting, for example Printer Mode.

Depending on what menu you option you’ve chosen, you may see multiple options:

The Printer Mode setting options.

Select the option you’d like and click Save to save and return to the previous screen.

Saving the settings option for Printer Mode.

Clicking Back without saving will keep the existing settings and return to the previous screen.

After each setting is changed and saved, you can choose to Reboot Now or Reboot Later.

Choose to reboot printer now or later for settings changes to take effect.”

WARNING: You must reboot your printer for any changes to take effect.

You can reboot after every setting or after all settings have been changed.

After a reboot, your printer will go back to the Main Menu, where you must select the Config Menu and click Next to go through to the next setting.

Here are the settings you’ll need to configure:

  • Printer Mode

WARNING: Printer Mode configuration is required. The printer will be unable to connect with the PC if the printer is not in IMAGE Mode.

  1. Enter the Config Menu and tap Printer Mode.
  2. Select IMAGE.
  3. Tap Save.
  4. Tap Reboot Now or Reboot Later to save and apply the settings.

The next settings should be configured depending on how your Ticket Printer is connected to your PC:

  • TIP: If your printer connects using a USB cable, this configuration is required.

    USB Mode

    1. Enter the Config Menu and tap Next until you see USB Mode.
    2. Tap USB Mode.
    3. Select Serial/CDC.
    4. Tap Save.
    5. Tap Reboot Now or Reboot Later to save and apply the settings.

    Once you’ve configured your settings, you can move onto 1.4 Retrieving Information for Print Driver Installation.

  • TIP: If your printer connects using an Ethernet cable, these configurations are required.

    Optional Ports and Ethernet

    To configure Optional Ports, follow these steps:

    1. Enter the Config Menu and tap Next until you see Optional Ports.
    2. Tap Optional Ports.
    3. Select Ethernet.
    4. Tap Save.
    5. Tap Reboot Now or Reboot Later to save and apply the settings.

    Next, configure Ethernet settings. Follow these steps:

    1. Enter the Config Menu and tap Next until you see Ethernet.
    2. Tap Ethernet.
    3. Tap DHCP.
    4. For DHCP Enable, select Enable.
    5. Tap Save.
    6. Tap Reboot Now or Reboot Later to save and apply the settings.
    7. Return to the Config Menu and tap Next until you see Ethernet.
    8. Tap Ethernet.
    9. Tap next until you see Port.
    10. Tap Port.
    11. You can choose to select a port number or keep the default.
    12. Tap Save.
    13. Tap Reboot Now or Reboot Later to save and apply the settings.

    Once you’ve configured your settings, you can move onto 1.4 Retrieving Information for Print Driver Installation.


1.3A Configuring the Printer Settings without a Touchscreen

TIP: The following instructions are for Microcrom 485T Ticket Printers without a touchscreen. If you've just completed configuring your Ticket Printer with a touchscreen, you can move onto 1.4 Retrieving Information for Print Driver Installation.

Before configuring your Ticket Printer settings using the 485 Configuration Application, we recommend printing a test ticket for information needed for using the application.

Print a test ticket by pressing the green button on your Ticket Printer. A test ticket will look similar to this:

Microcom Test Ticket

Save this test ticket as it will have useful information for when using the 485 Configuration Application and when installing the print driver.

If your printer connects using an Ethernet cable, you can find the IP Address and Port number:

Ethernet and IP address taken from the Microcom Test Ticket.

In this example, the IP Address is and the Port number is 9100. This is also the default IP Address and Port number for all Microcrom 485T Ticket Printers.

Once you’ve printed your test ticket, you can now install the 485 Configuration Application.

Installing the 485 Configuration Application

TIP: If you have already installed the 485 Configuration Application on your PC, you can skip this section and move to the instructions on setting your Ticket Printer Configurations.

  • To install the 485 Configuration Application, follow these steps:

    Make sure that the Ticket Printer is connected to your PC and turned on.

    If you are connecting your Ticket Printer to your PC via USB, the built-in Microsoft CDC driver will install once USB is connected and the printer turned ON. Please wait for this to complete before continuing.

    To confirm the Ticket Printer has been connected:

    1. From your PC’s search bar or Start Menu, or by pressing the Windows key, search for and open the Device Manager.

    2. Under Ports (COM & LPT), look for the Ticket Printer labelled as USB SERIAL DEVICE (COMx).

      Ports (COM & LPT) in Device Manager.

    After the Ticket Printer is connected, install the 485 Configuration Application:

    1. Download the Microcom X85 Configuration Application. You can also find this application on the Microcom website. Click your printer model and find the link under the Utilities section.

    2. Extract any compressed files before installing.

    3. Run the Setup file 485 Configuration Application Setup x86.exe.

    4. Follow the instructions on the installation wizard. Select a destination for the app folder and click Next:

      Beginning the installation of the 485 Configuration Application.


    5. Check the box to add a Desktop shortcut for your app and click Next:

      Creating a shortcut for the 485 Configuration Application.


    6. Review installation details and click Install:

      The 485 Configuration Application ready to install.


    7. After installation is complete, you can check the box to launch the 485 Configuration Application. Click Finish to complete setup.

      The 485 Configuration Application completed.

Setting Ticket Printer Configurations in the 485 Configuration Application

Once you launch the 485 Configuration Application, you can set the Ticket Printer configurations.

TIP: We’ve included instructions for the settings and configurations needed to connect your Ticket Printer to Spektrix. If you’d like more information on the 485 Configuration Application, please refer to the User Guide included with the application’s download files.

  1. After launching the 485 Configuration Application, click on Connect to Printer in the bottom left corner.

    The 485 Configuration Application with the Connect to Printer button highlighted.


  2. Select your communication interface.
    • If you're using USB, select Serial / USB CDC and select your device from the dropdown. Click OK.

      Selecting the USB device from the 485 Configuration Application.

    • If you're using Ethernet, select Network and input the IP Address and Port number, printed on the test ticket. Click OK.

      Inputting the network device from the 485 Configuration Application.

  3. Return to the main screen and under Basic Configuration, click Language. From the Language and Document Settings, under Boot Language, select Image Mode.

    Choosing Image Mode in the 485 Configuration Application.

    WARNING: Image Mode configuration is required. The printer will be unable to connect with the PC if the printer mode is not in Image Mode.

  4. Click on Save to Printer to save the settings. Then click Restart Printer.

    Save the settings to the Ticket Printer and restarting the Ticket Printer.


  5. Click Quit to exit the application.

Once you’ve configured your settings, you can move onto 1.4 Retrieving Information for Print Driver Installation.


1.4 Retrieving Information for Print Driver Installation

Once you’ve configured the settings for your Ticket Printer, you’ll need to retrieve the following information needed for a successful print driver installation.

  • For Ticket Printers with a touchscreen

    These settings can be found under Printer Info from the Config Menu. For review on how to navigate and use the Config Menu, follow the instructions in 1.3 Configuring the Printer Settings.

    From the Config Menu, tap Next until you see Printer Info. Tap Printer Info.

    From the Printer Info screen, you can view Diagnostics information.

    Identify the following information:

    TIP: We recommend writing this information down as you’ll need this for the print driver installation.

    1. MODEL
    2. HEAD DPI
    3. USB: If connecting with USB, this should be Enabled
    4. USB MODE: If connecting with USB, this should be CDC
    5. ETH: If connecting with Ethernet, this should be Connected
    6. ETH DHCP: If connecting with Ethernet, this should be On
    7. ETH IP: If connecting with Ethernet, take note of the IP Address
    8. ETH PORT: If connecting with Ethernet, take note of the Port number

    Once you’ve retrieved the information you need for retrieving information for the print driver installation, move onto Checkpoint 1: Test Print from the Ticket Printer.

  • For Ticket Printers without a touchscreen

    Most of the information you need for the print driver installation will be found in the test ticket printed in 1.3A Configuring the Printer Settings without a touchscreen.

    Identify the following information:

    Information from the Microcom Test Ticket.

    1. MODEL
    2. HEAD DPI
    3. USB Enabled: If connecting with USB, this should be Yes
    4. USB MODE: If connecting with USB, this should be USB Serial
    5. ETHERNET: If connecting with Ethernet, this should be DHCP
    6. IP: If connecting with Ethernet, take note of the IP Address and Port number and make sure they match what you had used earlier in 1.3A Configuring the Printer Settings without a touchscreen

    Once you’ve retrieved the information you need for retrieving information for the print driver installation, move onto Checkpoint 1: Test Print from the Ticket Printer.


Checkpoint 1: Test Print from the Ticket Printer

To check that the printer is working and that you’ve properly configured the printer, run a test print.

  1. For Ticket Printers with a touchscreen, you should see Status: Ready to indicate the ticket stock has been loaded and the printer is ready to print. Tap Print.

    The Printer touchscreen in Image Mode.


  2. For Ticket Printers without a touchscreen, you should see a solid green light to indicate the ticket stock has been loaded and the printer is ready to print. Press the green button.

A Print Diagnostic Label should be printed:

The Printer Diagnostic label.

On the Printer Diagnostics Label, take note of the following information:

  1. Model
  2. Head DPI

To connect a printer using Ethernet, take note of the following information:

    1. ETH DHCP
    2. ETH PORT
    3. ETH IP

Once you have successfully printed a test print directly from your Ticket Printer, you can move onto Step 2: Installing the Print Driver on the PC.

If you didn’t pass Checkpoint 1, take a look at Checkpoint 1 Troubleshooting.


Checkpoint 1 Troubleshooting

  • The Ticket Printer has printed something other than the Printer Diagnostics Label
  • Your Ticket Printer may have printed a Test Ticket that looks similar to this:

    A sample of Test Ticket.

    This Test Ticket is printed when in FGL Mode. You’ll need to change your Ticket Printer to Image Mode. Follow the instructions to change the Printer Mode in 1.3 Configuring the Printer Settings.


  • Ticket stock is loaded but the Ticket Printer won’t print



  • If you’re having further trouble printing a Printer Diagnostics Label, consult Microcom’s Support page or contact their team. Spektrix is unable to provide support for any manufacturing related issues.


Step 2: Installing the Print Driver on the Windows PC

In this step, we’ll install the print driver for your Microcom 485T Ticket Printer.

By the end of this step, you should be able to pass:

TIP: The following instructions will take place only on your PC. Your Ticket Printer must be powered on and connected to your PC. If connecting via a wireless or Ethernet connection, both your PC and Ticket Printer must be on the same network.

Follow these instructions to install the print driver on your PC:

  1. Download the Windows Print Driver for Microcom Corporation Thermal Printers (X85 Based Products). You can also find these drivers on the Microcom website.

  2. Extract any compressed files before installing. In the Drivers folder, double click to run the Setup file. Click Next to begin.

    TIP: If you have previously installed a Microcom printer on your PC, we recommend uninstalling the printer first following the instructions in Installation Prep: Removing the Print Driver from your PC. Restart your computer before beginning the installation process.

  3. Select your printer from the dropdown menu. You’ll need the following information you retrieved during 1.3 Retrieving Information for Print Driver Install:
    • Model
    • DPI
  4. Select a printer with the Cutter option and click Next.

    Selecting a printer for the Microcom Print Driver Install.


  5. The next step depends on your connection from your Ticket Printer to your PC:
    • USB

      If you're using USB, the print driver setup should be able to detect what COM port the Ticket Printer is connected to:

      Print driver installation with USB COM port selected.

      However, you can double-check, by going to Device Manager:

      1. From your PC’s search bar or Start Menu or by pressing the Windows key or button, search for and open the Device Manager.

      2. Under Ports (COM & LPT), you should see the printer. The COM port number should be next to it in parentheses:

        Ports (COM & LPT).


      After you've checked to see if the COM port number is the same, return to the installation screen. You won’t need to enter the Network Port Number. Click Next.

    • Ethernet

      On the connection screen, click Add Network Port…:

      Add the Network Port button for the Print Driver installation.

      On the next screen, enter the Ethernet IP address retrieved during 1.4 Retrieving Information for Print Driver Installation:

      IP address input for the print driver installation.

      Once you've enterned the network details, click Next.

      You’ll return to the connection screen. Select the IP address from the dropdown and then enter the Ethernet Port Number you retrieved during 1.4 Retrieving Information for Print Driver Installation:

      Connection page with Ethernet IP address and port number.

      Click Next.

  6. After clicking Next, you’ll see a message that the installation is about to begin. Click Next.

    The installation is about to begin.


  7. You’ll see a message once installation is successful. Click Exit.

    Installation successful message.


  8. You’ll then see a message to restart your computer. Click OK to immediately restart or Cancel to manually restart later.

    Installation successful message.


Once you’ve restarted your computer, move onto Checkpoint 2: Checking for the Ticket Printer on the PC.


Checkpoint 2: Checking for the Ticket Printer on the Windows PC

To check that the Ticket Printer has been successfully installed on your PC, locate the Ticket Printer in your PC’s Control Panel/Settings and Device Manager.


  • Printers & Scanners
    1. From your PC’s search bar or Start Menu or by pressing the Windows key or button, search for and open the Control Panel.

    2. Under Hardware and Sound, click View device and printers.

      View device and printers under Hardware and Sound in the Control Panel
    in Windows 11.


    3. From the Bluetooth & devices screen, click Printers & scanners.

      Printers & scanners from Bluetooth & devices in Windows 11.


    4. From the Printers & scanners screen, you should see your newly installed Ticket Printer.

      The Ticket Printer under Printers & scanners in Windows 11.



  • Device Manager
    1. From your PC’s search bar or Start Menu or by pressing the Windows key or button, search for and open the Device Manager.

    2. Under Print Queues, you should see your newly installed Ticket Printer.

      The Ticket Printer under the Print queues in the Device Manager.

Once you have successfully located your Ticket Printer, you can move onto Step 3: Configuring Ticket Stock Form Size.

If you didn’t pass Checkpoint 2, take a look at Checkpoint 2 Troubleshooting.


Checkpoint 2 Troubleshooting

  • In the Device Manager, the Ticket Printer is not appearing in Print Queues
  • First, check to see if your Ticket Printer is appearing in Ports (COM & LPT) instead. This can happen to Ticket Printers connected by USB.

    A Ticket Printer in the Ports (COM & LPT) section of the Device Manager.

    If your Ticket Printer is displayed under Ports (COM & LPT), this means that the print driver is not properly communicating with your Ticket Printer.

    Check the COM Port number is correctly selected.

    1. From the Printers & scanners screen, select the Ticket Printer.

      The Ticket Printer under Printers & scanners in Windows 11.


    2. From the Ticket Printer screen, under Printer settings, click Printer Properties:

      The Printer Properties button in the Ticket Printer’s settings.


    3. From the Printer Properties screen, select the Ports tab. Here you can see the COM Port number of the Printer.

      The COM Port for the Ticket Printer.


    Check to make sure the COM Port number is the same in the Device Manager:

    1. From your PC’s search bar or Start Menu, or by pressing the Windows key, search for and open the Device Manager.
    2. Under Ports (COM & LPT), locate the Ticket Printer.
    3. Right-click on the Ticket Printer and select Properties:

      The Properties option from the Ports dropdown.


    4. From the Properties screen, select the Port Settings tab.
    5. Click on the Advanced button on the bottom right:

      The Port Settings tab with the Advanced button highlighted.


    6. Check to see if the COM Port Number is the same. If it’s not the same or you’d like to select a new COM Port Number, select a new number from the dropdown. Don’t select a COM Port Number labelled (in use). Click OK to save the new settings.

      The Advanced Settings of a COM Port with COM Port number highlighted.


    If you change to a new COM Port Number in Device Manager, make sure the Port number in the Printer Properties is the same. You can change the COM Port Number in Printer Properties by following the instructions above.




Step 3: Configuring Ticket Stock Form Size on the Windows PC

In this step, we’ll guide you through configuring your Ticket Printer to work with your Ticket Stock.

By the end of this step, you should be able to pass:

There are three parts to this step:

  1. Creating a Ticket Stock Form in Print Server Properties
  2. Selecting the New Ticket Stock Form in Printing Preferences
  3. Setting Printing Defaults in Printer Properties

TIP: The following instructions take place on your PC. Your Ticket Printer must be powered on and connected to your PC.

You’ll first need to navigate to your Ticket Printer’s settings in your PC’s Control Panel/Settings.

    1. From your PC’s search bar or Start Menu or by pressing the Windows key or button, search for and open the Control Panel.

    2. Under Hardware and Sound, click View device and printers.

      View device and printers under Hardware and Sound in the Control Panel
    in Windows 11.


    3. From the Bluetooth & devices screen, click Printers & scanners.

      Printers & scanners from Bluetooth & devices in Windows 11.


    4. From the Printers & scanners screen, you should see your newly installed Ticket Printer.

      The Ticket Printer under Printers & scanners in Windows 11.


3.1 Creating a Ticket Stock Form in Print Server Properties

To print Tickets, you’ll need to create a form for your ticket stock, where you’ll set the dimensions of your ticket stock . You’ll create this form in Print Server Properties and is available for any Ticket Printers you install on this PC.

TIP: You’ll need the measurements of your ticket stock. If you don’t have them, measure your ticket stock, including any stub. Measurements should be in centimeters or inches as preferred. In Print Server Properties, the Width is the short edge and Height is the long edge.

  1. From the Printers & scanners screen, scroll down to the section Related Settings and click Print Server Properties.

    The Print server properties button from the Printers & scanners
    screen in Windows 11.


  2. From the Print Server Properties screen, select the Forms tab and check the Create a new form box.

    Creating a new form for ticket stock in Print Server Properties in Windows


  3. Above the checkbox for Create a new form, enter a Form name, for example, Spektrix Ticket.

  4. Select a unit of measurement, Metric (centimeters) or English (inches), and input the Width (short edge) and Height (long edge). Leave all Printer area margins at 0.

  5. Click OK to save the new form.


3.2 Selecting the New Ticket Stock Form in Printing Preferences

Once you’ve created a new ticket stock form, select the new form in Printing Preferences for your Ticket Printer.

  1. Return to the Printers & scanners screen.

  2. From the Printers & scanners screen, select the Ticket Printer.

    The Ticket Printer under Printers & scanners in Windows 11.


  3. From the Ticket Printer screen, under Printer settings, click Printing Preferences.

    The Printing preferences button in the Ticket Printer’s settings.


  4. From the Printing Preferences screen, select the Paper tab.

    Selecting the new form in Printing Preferences in Windows 11.


  5. From the Paper tab, find the dropdown and select your newly-created form.

  6. Click OK to save the Printing Preferences.

TIP: If your new ticket stock form does not appear in the dropdown list, you may have entered the dimensions incorrectly. In this case, follow the instructions in 3.1 Creating a Ticket Stock Form in Print Server Properties to set the form size correctly.


3.3 Setting Printing Defaults in Printer Properties

Once you’ve selected your new ticket stock form, set the Printing Defaults in Printer Properties.

  1. Return to the Printers & scanners screen.

  2. From the Printers & scanners screen, select the Ticket Printer.

    The Ticket Printer under Printers & scanners in Windows 11.


  3. From the Ticket Printer screen, under Printer settings, click on Printer Properties.

    The Printer Properties button in the Ticket Printer’s settings.


  4. From the Printer Properties screen, select the Advanced tab and click on the Printing Defaults button on the bottom left.

    The Printing Defaults button in Printer Properties in Windows 11.


  5. From the Printing Defaults screen, select the Paper tab.

    The Paper tab in Printing Defaults in Windows 11.


  6. From the Paper tab, find the dropdown and select your newly-created form.

  7. Click OK to save the Printing Defaults.

  8. Return to the Printer Properties screen and click OK to save.


Checkpoint 3: Test Print from Windows PC

To check that the Ticket Printer is connected to your PC, run a test print from the Windows print driver.

  1. Return to the Printers & scanners screen.

  2. From the Printers & scanners screen, select the Ticket Printer.

    The Ticket Printer under Printers & scanners.


  3. From the Ticket Printer screen, under Printer settings, click Print test page.

    The Print Test Page button for the Ticket Printer in Windows 11.


The test print should look similar to this:

A Test Ticket sample from printing from Windows 11.


Once you have successfully printed a test print from your Windows PC, you can move onto Step 4: Adding and Configuring the Ticket Printer in the Box Office App.

If you didn’t pass Checkpoint 3, take a look at Checkpoint 3 Troubleshooting.


Checkpoint 3 Troubleshooting

  • The print job shows in the print queue but isn’t printing





Step 4: Adding and Configuring the Ticket Printer in the Spektrix Box Office App

REMINDER: Install or update the Box Office App before adding the Ticket Printer.

In this step, we’ll guide you through adding the Ticket Printer to the Box Office App and configuring its settings to work with your Spektrix system.

By the end of this step, you should be able to pass:

TIP: The following instructions take place on your PC. Your Ticket Printer must be powered on and connected to your PC.

Follow these instructions to add and configure your Ticket Printer in the Box Office App:

  1. From the PC’s system tray, right-click on the Spektrix icon and click Open.

    Opening the Box Office App.


  2. From the Printers screen, under the Available printers box on the left side, you should see the Ticket Printer. If you can’t see your Ticket Printer, return to Checkpoint 2: Checking for the Ticket Printer on the Windows PC to make sure your Ticket Printer has been properly installed.

    The Printers screen in the Box Office App.


  3. Under the Available printers box on the left side, select the Ticket Printer.

  4. Click the > (right arrow) button to add it to the Spektrix printers box on the right side.

  5. Before the Ticket Printer moves to the Spektrix printers box, an Add/Edit Printer screen will pop up:

    The Add/Edit Printer screen for the new Ticket Printer.


  6. Add a Spektrix printer name so that you can identify the Ticket Printer in Spektrix. This can’t be left blank.

  7. Under Ticket layout, keep Translate by X and Translate by Y as 0. Keep Print reversed unchecked.

  8. Under FGL, keep Print using FGL unchecked. Printer DPI won’t be selectable.

  9. Click OK to add the Ticket Printer. You’ll now see your new Ticket Printer under Spektrix printers.

    The new Ticket Printer under Spektrix printers.


  10. Click Ok to close the Box Office App and save the new Ticket Printer.

  11. Restart the Box Office App by either restarting your PC or the Box Office App itself. Follow the instructions in Restarting the Box Office App.

Once you’ve restarted the Box Office App, move onto Checkpoint 4: Test Print from the Box Office App.


Checkpoint 4: Test Print from the Spektrix Box Office App

To check that the Ticket Printer has been successfully added to the Box Office App, run a test print from the Box Office App.

  1. From the PC’s system tray, right-click on the Spektrix icon and click Open.

    Opening the Box Office App.

  2. From the Printers screen, under Spektrix printers on the right side, select the Ticket Printer.

  3. Click Test printer in the bottom left corner.

    The new Ticket Printer selected with the Test Printer button highlighted.


The Ticket Printer should output a test print that should look similar to this, a Ticket with the word “Test” on it:

A test print from the Box Office app with the word “Test” on the ticket


Once you’ve successfully printed a test print from the Box Office App, you can move onto Step 5: Selecting the Ticket Printer in Spektrix.

If you didn’t pass Checkpoint 4, take a look at Checkpoint 4 Troubleshooting.


Checkpoint 4 Troubleshooting

  • The Ticket Printer isn’t showing up in the list of Spektrix printers


  • The print job shows in the print queue but isn’t printing


  • Troubleshooting issues with the Spektrix Box Office App
  • The Box Office App should start automatically after turning on your PC and should appear green in your system tray.

    If you’re having any issues with the Box Office App, such as the app icon appearing yellow or not at all in your system tray, read through Troubleshooting the Spektrix Box Office App.



  • If you pass Checkpoint 3, but still can’t pass Checkpoint 4 and print a test print from the Spektrix Box Office app, check that your Box Office App is properly installed and connected. Read through Troubleshooting the Spektrix Box Office App.


Step 5: Selecting the Ticket Printer in your Spektrix system

In this step, we’ll guide you through selecting the Ticket Printer in Spektrix.

By the end of this step, you should be able to pass:

TIP: The following instructions take place in your Spektrix system. You can log in from any web browser. Your Ticket Printer must be powered on and connected to the PC with the Box Office App running.

  1. Log into Spektrix and from the Control Panel, click Change local settings.

    Changing the local settings from the Control Panel in Spektrix.


  2. From the Select BoxOffice App screen, under the Select your printer box, highlight the Ticket Printer. Click OK to make this the default Ticket Printer for that Spektrix account.

    Selecting your Ticket Printer in Spektrix.


Repeat these steps for each Spektrix User Account that needs to select this Ticket Printer.

TIP: Once you’ve installed a Ticket Printer, any Spektrix User in your organization can send a job to the Ticket Printer from any web browser where they’re logged into Spektrix. Your Ticket Printer must be powered on and connected to the PC with the Box Office App running.

Once you’ve selected your Ticket Printer in Spektrix, move onto Checkpoint 5: Test Print from your Spektrix system using the Ticket Design Tool.


Checkpoint 5: Test Print from your Spektrix system using the Ticket Design Tool

To check that the Ticket Printer has been successfully added to Spektrix, run a test print from the Ticket Design Tool.

TIP: The Ticket Design Tool is in the Admin Interface. To access the Admin Interface, you’ll need the General Administrator Role. If you don’t have this Role, ask the Spektrix administrator in your organization to add this Role to your User Account.

  1. Navigate to the Admin Interface > Document Designs > Tickets.

    Ticket Designs in Spektrix from the Admin Interface.


  2. Under Tickets Designs, find the name of your Ticket Design and click Edit.

    The Edit button for ticket designs.g


  3. From the Ticket Design Tool, click Print.

    The Print button for the Ticket Design Tool.


Once you have successfully printed a test Ticket from the Ticket Design Tool, you’ll be able to print Tickets from Spektrix.

If you didn’t pass Checkpoint 5, take a look at Checkpoint 5 Troubleshooting.


Checkpoint 5 Troubleshooting

  • The Test Ticket won’t print from the Spektrix Ticket Design Tool


  • The Test Ticket printed the wrong way
  • If your Test Ticket printed incorrectly for example vertically instead of horizontally:

    If your Tickets still print incorrectly, check the document orientation in the Ticket Design Tool:

    1. From the Ticket Design Tool, click Document Properties.

      The Document Properties of a Ticket design.


    2. In the Document Properties screen under Orientation, select either Landscape and Reverse Landscape:

      The Orientation dropdown in Document Properties showing Landscape and
    Reverse Landscape.


    3. Click Print to print a Test Ticket (Checkpoint 5: Test Print from your Spektrix system using the Ticket Design Tool).

    4. Repeat these steps to change the Orientation and run a test print until the Ticket prints correctly.

    5. Click Save to save any changes to the Ticket Design.

    If your Ticket still prints incorrectly, check the Ticket Printer orientation in the Box Office App:

    1. From the PC’s system tray, right-click on the Spektrix icon and click Open.

      Opening the Box Office App.


    2. From the Printers screen, under Spektrix printers, select the Ticket Printer.

    3. Click Edit Printer.

      The Ticket Printer selected with the Edit Printer button highlighted.


    4. From the Add/Edit Printer screen, under Ticket layout, check or uncheck Print reversed.

      The Add/Edit Printer screen for the Ticket Printer with “Print reversed”


    5. Click OK to save the changes.

    6. Restart the Box Office App by either restarting your PC or the Box Office App itself. Follow the instructions in Restarting the Box Office App.

    7. Follow the instructions to pass Checkpoint 5: Test Print from your Spektrix system using the Ticket Design Tool.

    8. Repeat these steps to change the orientation and run a test print until the Ticket prints correctly. You can also edit both the Ticket layout settings in the Box Office App and the Document properties Orientation in the Ticket Design Tool until the Ticket prints correctly.


  • The Ticket Design isn’t aligned on the Ticket Stock


  • The Test Ticket isn’t printing the correct font
  • Ensure that the Ticket Printer and Ticket Design are in Generic mode and not in FGL mode.

    1. From the PC’s system tray, right-click on the Spektrix icon and click Open.

      Opening the Box Office App.


    2. From the Printers screen, under Spektrix printers, select the Ticket Printer.

    3. Click Edit Printer.

      The Ticket Printer selected with the Edit Printer button highlighted.


    4. From the Add/Edit Printer screen, under the FGL section, uncheck Print using FGL.

      Unchecking the Print using FGL box.


    5. Click OK to save the changes.

    6. Restart the Box Office App by either restarting your PC or the Box Office App itself. Follow the instructions in Restarting the Box Office App.

    7. Return to your Ticket Design in Spektrix. Navigate to the Admin Interface > Document Designs > Tickets.

      Ticket Designs in Spektrix from the Admin Interface.


    8. Under Tickets Designs, find the name of your Ticket Design and click Edit.

      The Edit button for ticket designs.


    9. From the Ticket Design Tool, click Document Properties.

      The Document Properties of a Ticket design.


    10. In the Document Properties screen under Printing Mode, select Generic:

      The Printing Mode dropdown in Document Properties showing Generic, FGL
    Basic and FGL Extended.


    11. If you are switching from either FGL Basic or FGL Extended to Generic mode, you may need to change your fonts as they’ll now be incompatible. Click a text element then select a new font. Usable fonts will appear above your current font from the dropdown.

      Changing the font of a text element in the Ticket design.


    12. Click Print to print a Test Ticket (Checkpoint 5: Test Print from your Spektrix system using the Ticket Design Tool).

    13. When you are satisfied with your test print, click Save to save the Ticket design.


  • The print job shows in the print queue but isn’t printing


Further Reading

This article should give you the information to set up and install your Microcom 485T Ticket Printer. To learn more about hardware, visit the Set up and troubleshoot hardware section of the Support Centre.