Spektrix is a cloud-based system that can be accessed by any web browser. Each organization has access to their own unique system using a unique ID called a client name (can also be referred to as clientname or client ID). In this article we will show you how you can access your organization’s Spektrix system using the Spektrix System URL, your organization’s client name (clientname) and your user account login information.
REMINDER: Before you take a look at this article, make sure a user account has been created for you by a General Administrator Spektrix user at your organization. This has also been provided to users by Spektrix when your system is first set up.
This article covers:
- The Spektrix System URL
- Your Organization’s client name
- Logging into Spektrix
- What to check if you can’t login
VIDEO: Jump ahead to our Welcome to Spektrix video for a guided walkthrough of this process.
Spektrix System URL
As a cloud-based application, Spektrix can be accessed via an up-to-date web browser using a Spektrix System URL that is unique to your organization:
The standard Spektrix System URL is:
- https://system.spektrix.com/[yourclientname]/client
Replace [yourclientname] with your organization’s specific client name (clientname) to get your unique URL.
In the example below, we have an imaginary organization called Example Theatre. Their clientname is exampletheatre, this means their Spektrix System URL is https://system.spektrix.com/exampletheatre/client/.
TIP: Any text in the URL after the word “client” indicates the page for the specific interface. For example, the URL: https://system.spektrix.com/exampletheatre/client/sales/salesinterfacepage.aspx will open your Spektrix System in the Sales Interface.
As your Spektrix system is a web page, we'd recommend that you bookmark the page onto your preferred browser.
However, in the event that you are unable to access your bookmarks, you can still access your Spektrix system from any browser and device as long as you have the Spektrix system URL with your organization’s client name.
REMINDER: Be sure to check with your organization if they have restricted access to Spektrix to specific IP addresses. For more information, read Authorising access to Spektrix using approved IP addresses.
Organization’s Client name
Your client name, also known as clientname or clientid, is a unique ID given to your organization by Spektrix when your system is first set up.
Your clientname will always be:
- A single word without spaces
- All lowercase letters
- Without any punctuation
Your clientname is found in your Spektrix System URL. Your clientname will have been given to your organization when your Spektrix system was first set up. If you’re unsure what it is, you can ask a member of your organization. As a last resort, you can contact Spektrix Support upon verifying your information.
Knowing your client name will also be required when:
Logging into Spektrix
Once your User Account has been set up by your organization’s system administrator, the last thing you need to access your Spektrix System is your username and password..
TIP: For more information on User accounts, including adding and editing users, user roles and restricting access, unlocking users and changing passwords, and more, read the article Adding and Editing Users.
Entering the Spektrix System URL (with the appropriate clientname) in your browser’s search bar will open the login page of your Spektrix system. On the login page, you will see the name of your organization and login fields for your username and password.
Log into your Spektrix system using your username and password. You’ll be taken to your default interface or the interface that you were last logged into.
WARNING: For security and privacy purposes, the Spektrix Support Team cannot change or reset user passwords. For information on how to reset your password, read the article Adding and Editing Users.
Timing Out of Spektrix
Spektrix will automatically log your User Account out of the system after 40 minutes of inactivity. The timeout period can't be changed.
I can’t log into my Spektrix System
If you are having trouble logging into your Spektrix System, check the following:
Are your network connections working? You will need an Internet connection to use Spektrix.
Is the URL correct? Check that the URL is spelled correctly and that your organization’s name can be found above the login fields.
Is your user account login information correct? Has your user account been locked? If your account has been locked, contact a Settings Administrator from your organization to unlock and/or reset your password. If your account has been set to inactive, a Settings Administrator can make it active again. For more information, read the article Adding and Editing Users.
Can you access other websites but not Spektrix? Check with your organization’s IT team to see if access to Spektrix domains have been blocked. For more information, read the article Accessing Spektrix with Restricted Internet Access.
Is your Spektrix system restricted to specific IP addresses? Check to see if there are restrictions on which networks and devices can access your Spektrix system. For more information, read the article Authorising access to Spektrix using approved IP addresses.
- Is Spektrix operational? Check to make sure if there are any Spektrix outages across your region using the Status Page. Subscribe to this page for updates and specific information on any Spektrix, payment, Dotdigital, Support, or API outages.
Welcome to Spektrix Training Video
If you would like a guided walkthrough of logging into your Spektrix System, watch our Welcome to Spektrix training video.
This video covers:
- What is Spektrix
- What is needed to access Spektrix
- How to log into Spektrix
VIDEO TIP: With our training videos- you can stop, restart or move to specific chapters. Click the CC option to turn on captions. Click in the Settings menu cog icon to control speed, captions and quality.