The Ticket Design Tool is used to create and edit your Ticket Designs in Spektrix.
In this article, we'll cover everything from how to create a brand new Ticket Design, setting your document properties and using conditional logic, all the way to printing your test tickets.
Your Ticket Design will be used if you ever want to print physical tickets for events at your venue. It’s also used to generate PDF / Print at Home / E-tickets.
TIP: Read our guide on how to set up Print at Home / E-tickets to find out more about how Ticket Designs work for Print at Home Tickets.
Ticket Designs in Spektrix
Your Ticket Designs can be found in Admin > Document Designs.
The options you’ll see are:
- Ticket Design: designs for both printed tickets and the ticket portion of your Print at Home tickets/e-tickets
- Merchandise: edit Ticket Designs for merchandise items
- Other: here you can edit your Cover Page (used for Order summaries) and Address Label designs (used for printing postal information).
- Gifts: here you can edit your Gift Voucher designs
TIP: To edit Card and Chip and Pin Receipts, get in touch with our Support Team who can make these changes for you.
Creating a new Ticket Design
In Admin > Document Designs > Tickets, you'll see a list of all your existing Ticket Designs.
You can choose to:
- Edit one of these existing designs
- Copy an existing design and edit it; or
- Add a new Ticket Design
Setting your document properties
Click the Add button to launch the Ticket Design Tool.
You should see this screen:
First, you’ll need to set the size and orientation of your document. Go to Document Properties and fill out the following information:
- Name: give your Ticket Design a clear, descriptive name.
- Description: though this field is optional, we'd recommend completing it to make it clear what this Ticket Design is for.
- Orientation: here you can choose between Landscape and Reverse Landscape. Reverse Landscape will rotate your Ticket Design by 180 degrees.
- Width/Height (mm): set the size of your Ticket Design in millimetres based on the size of your ticket stock.
- Printing Mode: here you can choose between three modes of printing:
Generic: this option will use the Windows drivers for the printer. In this mode, Spektrix will list a choice of standard fonts. To use a custom font, contact the Support team with the name of the font and the font file (.ttf) for them to add it to your system. If using a custom font, you will also need to make sure the font is installed on any computer with a printer attached.
WARNING: custom fonts cannot be used for tickets that are designed to be part of a Print at Home Ticket/E-ticket design.
FGL Basic or FGL Extended: these options can only be used with BOCA printers, or some Stimare printers that have a BOCA emulation mode. FGL Ticket Designs will be limited to the fonts stored on your BOCA printers.
- Show/Snap to Grid: ticking Show Grid allows you to display a grid whilst working on your design. If you tick this check box, you'll also have the option to tick Snap to Grid, which snaps elements of your design to the grid for easier alignment.
- Snap to Guides: tick this to snap elements of your design to guidelines for easier alignment. You can create guidelines on your Ticket Design by clicking and dragging from the horizontal and vertical rulers.
Watch this video to see how to add guidelines to your Ticket Design template:
Designing your ticket
The design area has a vertical and horizontal ruler in millimetres. You can use this to place elements onto the Ticket Design in specific places. Ticket Designs use dynamic content which will populate with the specific information related to each Ticket printed.
In order to make a change to any element of the design, you'll need to click on it to highlight it in green.
Within the Ticket Design Tool, example information is presented on the template where Text Fields using dynamic content will populate specific information about each Ticket printed.
In the top left-hand side of the editor, you can Copy and subsequently Paste a highlighted element of your design. You can also Delete a highlighted element, and use the Undo and Redo buttons as required.
TIP: Use the + and - buttons to zoom in and out of the Ticket Design.
Watch this video to see where to find the basic functions in the Ticket Design Tool such as font size, copy, paste, and zoom.
Adding text fields to your tickets
To add information to your tickets, you'll need to click the Text Fields button and drag items from the pop-up.
Text fields are pieces of dynamic content which will populate with the specific information related to each Ticket printed. Within the Ticket Design Tool, example information is presented on the template.
Within the pop-up, these fields are broken down into categories:
Each section lists the standard Spektrix fields at the top, like Order, Customer numbers, prices an seat information. Then, any related custom Attributes that you have on your system.
To place a field on your design, simply drag and drop it from this list on to your Ticket Design.
Once you've placed a field on your design, click it to highlight it in green. When it is highlighted, you can use the formatting controls in the top right-hand side of the editor to change the font, size, and weight of the text, or to rotate the field:
Available Text Fields
The following are available as text fields in the Ticket Design Tool.
There are some text fields that are only best used for conditional logic in ticket designs and will be indicated as such.
- Order ID: The ID of the Order.
- Sales Channel: The Sales Channel from which the Order was made.
- User Confirmed: The Spektrix User that confirmed the Order. For web orders made online, the User will appear as "web".
- Date Confirmed: The Date Transaction Confirmed for the Order.
- Agent Sale: Customer Name: The First Name and Last Name listed under Details Supplied By Agent.
- Agent Sale: Customer First Name: The First Name listed under Details Supplied By Agent.
- Agent Sale: Customer Last Name: The Last Name listed under Details Supplied By Agent.
- Agent Sale: Customer Address: The Address listed under Details Supplied By Agent.
- Agent Sale: Order Reference: The Order Reference listed under Details Supplied By Agent.
- Order Attributes: Any Order Attributes that include text, date, currency, or dropdown values added to the Order. The values from the Order will be displayed. To display the Attribute Name with the values, add custom text to fields. Check box attributes are best used for conditional logic in ticket designs.
TIP: If the Order is a Facilitated Booking, the Facilitator's Customer information will be listed.
- Customer Id: The ID of the purchaser.
- Full Name: The First Name and Last Name of the purchaser.
- First Name: The First Name of the purchaser.
- Last Name: The Last Name of the purchaser.
- Title: The Title or Salutation of the purchaser.
Has Address: This is a data field best used for conditional logic in ticket designs. For example, you can use the {HasAddress} field to check if a Customer has an address and set a conditional that pulls {Address/FullAddress} if true.
TIP: The following address fields will be for the Billing Address.
- Address: Name: The Addressee Name of the purchaser.
- Address: Line 1-5: You can display any of the first five lines of the Address of the purchaser.
- Address: Post Town: The town or city of the purchaser.
- Address: County: The county of the purchaser.
- Address: Post Code: The post code or zip code of the purchaser.
- Address: Country: The country of the purchaser.
- Address: State / Province Code: The state or province code of the purchaser.
- Address: Full Address: The full address of the purchaser.
- Attendee Name: Name of Guest of an Invitee. This is an option for Invitations made through the Opportunities Interface.
- Email: The email address of the purchaser.
- Customer Attributes: Any Customer Attributes that include text, date, currency, or dropdown values added to the purchaser's Customer Record. The values from the Customer Record will be displayed. To display the Attribute Name with the values, add custom text to fields. Check box attributes are best used for conditional logic in ticket designs.
- Name/Full Name: Name of the Organization.
- Customer Attributes: Any Customer Attributes that include text, date, currency, or dropdown values added to the Organization's Customer Record. The values from the Customer Record will be displayed. To display the Attribute Name with the values, add custom text to fields. Check box attributes are best used for conditional logic in ticket designs.
- Offer Name: Name of Offer, if used on the Ticket.
- Commission: Ticket Commission value of the Ticket.
- Value Of Discount: The value of the discount on the Ticket, if an Offer is used.
- Original Price: The original price of the Ticket before an Offer is used or the Price is overridden.
- Price: The Price of the Ticket after an Offer is used or the Price is overridden.
- Total Charged: The total sum of the Price and Commission values of the Ticket.
- Ticket type: The Ticket Type of the Ticket.
- Price band name: The Price Band of the Ticket.
- Fixed series name: The name of the Fixed Series, if the Ticket was purchased within a Fixed Series subscription.
- Price + Commission: The sum of the Price and Commission values of the Ticket.
- Price + Ticket Donation: The sum of the Price and Ticket Donation values of the Ticket.
- Ticket Donation Amount: The value of the Ticket Donation of the Ticket.
- Total Tax: The total value of the tax on the Ticket.
- Grand Total Without Tax: The total value of the Ticket without tax.
- Venue Name: The Name of the Venue.
- Venue Address: The Address of the Venue.
- Seating Plan Name: The Seating Plan Name.
- Seating Plan Area Name: The Seating Plan Area Name.
- Number: The Number of the Seat.
- Row: The Row of the Seat.
- Seat Name: The Seat Name, which is Row + Number.
- Seat Information: Any Seat Information.
- Barcode: The barcode letters.
- Lock Type: The Lock type of the Seat.
- Seat Attributes: Any Seat Attributes that include text, date, currency, or dropdown values added to the Seat. The values will be displayed. To display the Attribute Name with the values, add custom text to fields. Check box attributes are best used for conditional logic in ticket designs.
- Ticket Attributes: Any Ticket Attributes that include text, date, currency, or dropdown values added to the Ticket. The values will be displayed. To display the Attribute Name with the values, add custom text to fields. Check box attributes are best used for conditional logic in ticket designs.
Event and Event Instance
- Event Name: The Name of the Event.
- Event Attributes: Any Event Attributes that include text, date, currency, or dropdown values added to the Event. The values will be displayed. To display the Attribute Name with the values, add custom text to fields. Check box attributes are best used for conditional logic in ticket designs.
- Event Instance Start: The Date and start time of the Instance.
- Event Instance Attributes: Any Event Instance Attributes that include text, date, currency, or dropdown values added to the Organization's Customer Record. The values from the Customer Record will be displayed. To display the Attribute Name with the values, add custom text to fields. Check box attributes are best used for conditional logic in ticket designs.
Other Information
- Printing Date: The date the Ticket is printed.
- Client Name: The name of your organization as it appears on your system.
Adding text
Using the Text Editor, you can:
- Add custom text to a system text field.
- Join multiple fields together in one text box (rather than trying to line them up manually).
- Add unconditional free text fields on your design.
When you open your Text Editor, you'll see Text Fields contained with curly brackets { }.
To add custom text to a system text field on your design, click it to highlight it, then click the Text Editor button; the editor will pop up and show the code for that field:
Adding custom text to fields
You can type custom text around the code which is contained within curly brackets.
For example, entering Printed on: {PrintingDate} would print as Printed on: 13/07/20.
Joining multiple fields together
If you want to join multiple fields together, you can click on other fields in order to see the code they use and then copy these tags into one Text Editor box.
For example, Customer Name: {Customer/FirstName} {Customer/LastName} - {Order/OrderId} would print as Customer Name: Sarah Patel - 14-JB-1234
Watch this video to see how to join two Text Fields together. In this example, using the {Customer/FirstName} and {Customer/LastName} Text Fields.
Customise date and time format
To customise the way that dates and times are printed on the tickets, add your preferred format at the end of the code. Do this after a colon and within the curly brackets.
For example, {EventInstance/Start:dddd dd MMMM yyyy} at {EventInstance/Start: HH:mm} would print as Saturday 18 July 2020 at 19:00
REMINDER: Codes used in the Ticket Design Tool are case sensitive.
For dates:
- Use d to print the date number in one figure where possible, e.g. 4 for the fourth day of the month or 25 for the twenty-fifth day
- Use dd to print the figure always in two figures, e.g. 04 for the fourth day of the month
For days of the week:
- Use ddd for short days, e.g. Mon, Tues
- Use dddd for the full day, e.g. Monday, Tuesday }
For months:
- Use M for the number of the month, e.g. 2
- Use MM for a two figure number, e.g. 02
- Use MMM for the three letter text version, e.g. Feb
- Use MMMM for the full word, e.g. February
For years:
- Use yy for the last two digits of the year, e.g. 23
- Use yyyy for the full year, e.g. 2023
For times:
- Use h or hh for the hour in the 12-hour clock, e.g. 3 or 03
- Use HH for the 24-hour clock, e.g. 15
- Use mm for minutes
- Use ss for seconds
- Use tt if you want to add AM or PM after the time
Upper and lowercase
To make a text field appear either in all lowercase or all uppercase letters, type :TOLOWER or :TOUPPER at the end of the code, after a colon and within the curly brackets.
For example, {Event/Name:TOUPPER} would print as NOUGHTS & CROSSES.
Unconditional free text
To add an unconditional free text field to your design, click the New Text button. Click this newly created field to highlight it, then click the Text Editor button to add the messaging you require.
Unconditional free text will always print the same free text on each Ticket. For example, entering the free text ‘the car park will close 30 minutes after the performance’.
Placing barcodes/QR codes
You can place a barcode and/or a QR code using the New Barcode and New QR Code buttons at the top of the editor. With these added, any tickets printed will have a barcode and/or QR code that visually represents their unique order number; this can then be scanned at the point of entry.
Just in case your Front of House team need to manually enter the order number into the Scanning Interface, you can add it below a barcode/QR code by selecting it then ticking the Show Label check box:
Here you can also convert an existing QR code to a barcode and vice versa by choosing the other option from the dropdown.
We recommend making your barcodes/QR codes as big as your ticket stock and/or Print at Home PDF allows in order to speed up scanning. To do this, select the barcode/QR code and drag one of its corners to resize it.
You may also wish to have one horizontal and one vertical barcode, just in case of any printing problems.
TIP: QR codes as well as barcodes can be printed on Print at Home tickets/e-tickets.
BOCA Lemur can print QR codes but only in Generic mode and not while using FGL. All Stimare printers have the ability to print QR Codes.
Watch this video to see how to add, place and resize QR codes and barcodes onto your Ticket Design.
Conditional logic in Ticket Designs
Using conditional logic on your Ticket Design allows you to show additional messaging depending on whether the ticket meets specific criteria.
Let's say you have a free text Order Attribute called Accessibility Needs where customers can input any relevant accessibility requirements they might have. If you add a text field with {Order/Attributes/Accessibility Needs} to your Ticket Design, the free text entered for this Order Attribute will be printed on the ticket.
Using conditional logic, you can add a custom text field based on any value having been entered into this field. Here we have added code that says IF any order attribute has any value in the field for Accessibility Needs then it will display the text: Patron has accessibility needs.
{IF:Order/Attributes/Accessibility Needs}Patron has accessibility needs.{END}
Further, if you add a text field with an IF and an ELSE condition this can provide an alternative in the event of the IF condition not being met. So, if the customer doesn’t have free text in the Accessibility Needs field, you can display alternative custom text.
{IF:Order/Attributes/Accessibility Needs}Patron has accessibility needs.{ELSE}Patron did not specify any accessibility needs.{END}
This will print Patron did not specify any accessibility needs if a value wasn't entered for this Order Attribute, and Patron has accessibility needs if a value was entered.
Our Support Team will be happy to help if you need more guidance on using conditional logic on Ticket Designs.
Checking and testing your Ticket Design
In order to ensure your design looks as you'd expect, you'll want to test print it before you start using it. The Print button at the top right of the editor allows you to run a test print from a connected printer.
To test your Print at Home ticket design, follow the steps laid out in the Print at Home Tickets / E-tickets guide.
For help troubleshooting and testing printers, take a look at our guide to ticket printers.
Further reading
Hopefully this article has given you everything you need in order to create and edit your Ticket Designs using the Ticket Design Tool. We'd recommend you also check out these other articles:
- Print at Home Tickets/E-tickets: a guide to creating and editing your Print at Home tickets/e-tickets
- Access Control and Ticket Scanners - An Introduction: a look at the basics of how ticket scanners work with Spektrix, as well as the different documentation that’s available on installing, using, and troubleshooting scanners
- Setting Up and Using the Scanning Interface: an article outlining how to use and understand the Scanning Interface