Crossover Analysis - How to Run a Customer List through a Report

Rachael Norris
Rachael Norris
  • Updated

A Crossover Analysis can be generated by using a Customer List in conjunction with a Report. 

In this article, we'll cover:


What is a Crossover Analysis?

By running a Customer List against a Report, you can find the customers which appear only in both.

For example, let's say we're interested in finding customers who came to see Hamlet in 2023 and which Events they also attended in 2022.

We can use a Customer List to find out which customers came to see Hamlet in 2023. We can also use the Customer Behaviour Analysis Report to find out which shows customers booked in 2022. 

To find the crossover of which customers saw Hamlet and then also find out which Events those particular customers booked for in 2022, we run the Report against the original Customer List. 

Some other examples of reasons why you might want to use a Crossover Analysis are:

  • Run a Customer List to find any customers who have made a donation and then run this against an Event Occupancy Report to find customers who are also attending an Event today.
  • Run a Customer List to find any customers who have specific Access tags and then run this against an Event Sales Report to show how much Access bookers spend.


How to run a Customer List through a Report

In this example, let's say we're interested in finding customers who came to see Hamlet in 2022 and which other Events they also attended in 2022.

  • First, start by making sure the Report and Criteria Set you want to use exist already in the Report Explorer.
  • Next, you’ll need to create your Customer List including everyone who came to see Hamlet in 2023. You can find step by step instructions in the Customer List Builder article.
  • From within the Customer List, under the Choose an action drop down, select the Run through report option.



  • Then, set the criteria for this report to be for Instances with the start date of Last year.

  • Run the Report as a PDF or your preferred file type.

TIP: When using formatted reports that use a PDF template, you’ll need to run the Report as a PDF to be able to see this.

  • In this example, we've ran a Customer Behaviour Analysis Report as a PDF.

    The Report will display as a visualisation with multiple sections. To find the % crossover, head to the section: How many customers booked for which events?

    This will show the % of the people in the Customer List who also bought tickets for each of the other Events included in the Report.


Further reading

To continue learning about Customer Lists and Reports, we would recommend the following articles: