Setting up a V400c Plus and V400m Spektrix Payments Terminal

Dave Carr
Dave Carr
  • Updated

This article is for Spektrix Payments users in all regions who accept payments by credit or debit card. 

When taking in person Card payments, you’ll need one or more Payment Terminals (also known as PIN Pads, Chip & PIN machines, Chip Readers or PEDs/peds). 

Spektrix Payments uses the Verifone V400c Plus and Verifone V400m integrated Payment Terminals provided by Adyen.

Spektrix Payments is a cloud based solution, therefore no installation is required. However you’ll need to set up the Payment Terminal before it can be used. This article guides you through the process step by step.

Before you read this article, you should be familiar with:


Initial Checks

Once you’ve received the terminal, you’ll need to inspect it. As Payment Terminals process sensitive card data, you must verify the terminal you have received is the correct one, and hasn't been tampered with.


Verify the Terminal’s Serial Number

Once you’ve received your Payment Terminal, check the following:

  • The outer box containing the Payment Terminal hasn't been opened.
  • The security seal is intact. The security seal is a red label with a barcode and a number underneath attached to the lid of the box. The image below shows an intact security seal:


WARNING: If the box has been opened, you’ll see OPEN VOID across the seal:

If the seal has been broken and you see OPEN VOID, contact Support immediately.

Once you’re ready to proceed, follow these steps:

  1. Break the security seal, take the Payment Terminal out of the box.
  2. Look for the serial number (S/N) on the box:


  3. Look for the serial number (S/N) on the V400c Plus Payment Terminal:


  4. Look for the serial number (S/N) on the V400m Payment Terminal:


  5. Verify that the serial number (S/N) on the Terminal matches the serial number on the box. If it doesn’t, contact Support immediately.

Once you’ve verified that the serial numbers match, check the serial number in your Adyen Essentials Dashboard.

TIP: You may receive your Payment Terminals before Adyen has activated your account. Once you’ve received an email from Spektrix advising your Adyen account is active, login and verify the serial number(s) of the Payment Terminal(s).

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to the Adyen Essentials dashboard and go to Terminals
  2. Verify that the serial number (S/N) on the box and Payment Terminal matches the serial number displayed under Terminals

WARNING: If there is a mismatch between the serial numbers on the box, the Payment Terminal or the Terminals section of the Adyen Essentials Dashboard, do not use the device. Contact Support immediately.


Inspect the Payment Terminal

Inspect the terminal for damage or any signs of tampering:

  • Look for missing seals, screws, additional wires, labels, holes in the device
  • Look for anything inserted into or attached to any part of the terminal

WARNING: If you find that the Payment Terminal has been tampered with, do not use the device. Contact Support immediately.

Once you’ve completed the initial checks, proceed to Setting Firewall Exceptions.


Setting Firewall Exceptions

You’ll need to follow this process when you go live with Spektrix Payments. If you use Spektrix Payments and have made changes to your firewall, you may need to set the exceptions again. Click the box below for more information.

  • To allowlist an IP address, you’ll need to add Adyen’s in-person payment URLs as exceptions on your firewall. Contact Support to request the URLs for your region.

    Once you have the URLS, ask your IT team to set the following Firewall Exceptions:

    • Add the URLs to your firewall’s allowlist to allow outgoing HTTPS traffic from the IP addresses of your POS apps and terminals to them
    • Configure your firewall to dynamically check for IP address updates at least every 60 seconds
    • Open the ports: tcp/443 to the internet, tcp/8443 on your LAN (Local Area Network)

    Once your I.T team have set the Firewall Exceptions, you can continue setting up the Payment Terminal.

Inserting a Receipt Roll

You can print receipts directly from the Payment Terminal. Each Payment Terminal will come supplied with 20 receipt rolls. Read Ordering Receipt Rolls for more information on purchasing additional rolls.

To insert a receipt roll, follow these steps:

  1. Pull up the latch of the paper compartment to unlock it
  2. Pull the paper compartment door downwards
  3. Insert the paper roll making sure the paper sticks out slightly
  4. Close the cover of the paper compartment

You can see these steps in the following video:



Powering on the Payment Terminal

Before you can use the terminal, you’ll need to plug it in or charge the battery, depending on which model you have.


V400c Plus Payment Terminal

The V400c Plus is a mains/AC powered device, you’ll need to plug it in before you can use it.

  • When you unpack the power supply, you’ll see a vertical and horizontal notch on the end that plugs into the device.

    The horizontal notch is used to lock the plug into place inside the terminal. The vertical notch is used to rotate the plug and lock into position. This prevents the power cable from detaching from the device.

    To power on the terminal, follow these steps:

    1. Turn the terminal over, the back of the terminal should be facing upwards.
    2. Remove the back cover of the terminal by lifting up the latch:

    3. Ensure the vertical notch on the plug is facing upwards:

    4. Insert the power cable into the socket (indicated by a lightning symbol). The vertical notch on the plug should face upwards:

    5. Using the notch on the plug, rotate the plug 90 degrees to your left. This will lock the plug into place and prevent the power cable from detaching from the device:

    6. Replace the back cover. Plug the power adapter into your mains/AC power and switch on.

    TIP: If you’re unable to fully rotate the plug, slide a pen top or a blunt instrument under the plug and push gently to lock into position.

    Once you’ve powered on your Payment Terminal, proceed to Connecting the Payment Terminal to your Wi-Fi network.

V400m Payment Terminal

The V400m Plus is powered by a rechargeable battery. You can also use the device while plugged into a mains power supply.

You’ll need to plug the Payment Terminal into your mains/AC power to charge the battery.

  • Using the supplied power adapter, plug in your Payment Terminal to charge the battery while setting up the device.

    Follow these steps:

    1. Place the Payment Terminal facing you, plug the power cable into the left side of the device:

    2. Insert the other end of the power cable into your mains/AC power supply and switch on.
    3. If the Terminal does not power on automatically, press and hold the green key on the keypad until the display turns on:

      V400m - Copy.png

    4. During startup, the display will turn on and off several times. Let the battery charge for at least four hours while you continue with the next steps.

    Once you’ve powered on the Payment Terminal, proceed to Connecting the Terminal to your Wi-Fi network.


Connecting the Payment Terminal to your Wi-Fi network

Once the Payment Terminal is powered on, you’ll need to connect it to your Wi-Fi network. The process is the same for both models.

When entering information on the Payment Terminal, you’ll use a combination of the onscreen keyboard and the terminal’s keypad. 

You can cancel, clear, or confirm any entries by pressing the relevant key:


  • Red: Cancel
  • Yellow: Clear
  • Green: Confirm

When setting up your Payment Terminal, you may see a padlock symbol next to certain menu options. You’ll need to enter your passcode to access these menus. If you don’t have your passcode, contact Support.

WARNING: Do not share or write the passcode on the Payment Terminal.

To connect the Payment Terminal to your Wi-Fi network, follow these steps:

  1. Tap Settings from the home screen of the device:


  2. Tap Network:


  3. Enter your passcode and confirm by pressing the green key on the keypad:


  4. Tap the switch to turn on Wi-Fi:


  5. Tap on the “Tap to Connect” blue circle in the bottom right corner:


  6. Select your Wi-Fi network from the list that appears:


  7. Enter your Wi-Fi password using the on screen keyboard. Tap the blue tick to save your password:



  8. You’ll see a connecting screen before being taken back to the Wi-Fi screen.
  9. Press the red x key on the keypad until you get back to the home screen:


TIP: If you go back to the home screen of the Payment Terminal, you’ll need to enter your passcode again to access the locked menu options.

Now you’ve connected your Payment Terminal to your network, proceed to Diagnostics.



Once you’ve connected the terminal to your Wi-Fi network, you’ll need to run some diagnostics. You should test the network connection and hardware to make sure everything works before you take a payment.


Network Diagnostics

To test your network connection, follow these steps:

  • Tap Settings from the home screen of the device:


  • Tap Diagnostics:


In Network Diagnostics you’ll see the following options:



Test the following by tapping the menu item:

  • PSP connection
  • Terminal API
  • Endpoints

Each option should return a successful status:


If you see any failures, first make sure your I.T team have set the firewall exceptions and that the terminal is connected to your Wi-Fi network. If you’ve checked this and still see a failure message, contact Support.

Press the red x key on the keypad to take you back to the Diagnostics screen. Proceed to the next section, Hardware Diagnostics.


Hardware Diagnostics

To test hardware diagnostics, you’ll need to use a credit or debit card to test the Swipe reader, Chip card reader and NFC antenna. No money will be taken from the card. 

Tap Diagnostics and scroll down to the Hardware section:

Test the following by tapping the menu item:

  • Swipe reader
  • Keypad
  • Chip card reader
  • NFC antenna

Each should return a successful status. If you see any diagnostic failures, contact Support. Please provide the serial number of the Payment Terminal.

Once you've completed Diagnostics, proceed to Software Updates.


Software Updates

Once you’ve tested your connection and performed diagnostics, the next step is to let the Payment Terminal check for Software Updates.

This is an automatic process and can take around an hour depending on the speed of your network connection. You’ll see an on screen notification indicating an update is in progress.

You’ll see the terminal reboot several times. Once any updates have downloaded, you’ll see a notification on your Payment Terminal.


Automatic Updates

To ensure your Payment Terminals are up-to-date, several automatic processes will take place on your Payment Terminals:

  • Maintenance calls: Every couple of hours, the terminal contacts Adyen to check for any configuration changes and software updates.
  • Rebooting: For security reasons, the terminal reboots once every 24 hours at the restart hour. This is necessary to clear the terminal’s cache.
  • Configuration changes: Any configuration changes discovered during a maintenance call are implemented when the terminal reboots at the restart hour.
  • Software updates: Any software updates discovered during a maintenance call are installed when the terminal reboots at the restart hour.

TIP: We recommend you keep your terminals switched on and connected to the network at all times. This enables the terminal to make at least one maintenance call every day and reboot at the restart hour.

To learn more about these processes, click the box below.

  • Maintenance calls

    Every day, the Payment terminal contacts Adyen several times to check for updates. We refer to these as maintenance calls.

    During a maintenance call, the terminal is informed of any changes in the configuration. For example, customising the terminal’s homescreen logo.

    The maintenance calls run in the background, and take approximately 1.8 seconds. Any changes or updates aren’t installed yet with a few exceptions:

    • Changes initiated by Adyen that must be applied as soon as possible. With these changes, Adyen will send an instruction to the terminal to restart after the maintenance call. Restarting takes about 30 seconds.
    • Updating the configuration manually on the physical terminal.

    Terminals are scheduled to make a maintenance call every three hours. We call this the maintenance interval.

    If the terminal is busy at the time it is scheduled to make a maintenance call, it waits for a minute and tries again until it has succeeded in making a maintenance call.

    When the terminal has succeeded in making a maintenance call, it waits until the next scheduled maintenance call.

    Restart Hour

    Rebooting means the terminal is turned off and on again. The software restarts as part of this process. This can take around two minutes. Rebooting clears the terminal's cache, which is important for security reasons.

    When the terminal reboots, it also installs any configuration changes or software updates that the terminal was informed of during a maintenance call. Installing the software can take up to 30 minutes.

    To ensure the terminal's cache is cleared regularly and the terminal is updated, the terminal will reboot once every 24 hours at the restart hour. By default, the restart hour is at 6:00 AM in the timezone of the terminal.

While the software update is in progress, you can proceed to Setting the default Payment Terminal in Spektrix.


Setting the default Payment Terminal in Spektrix

TIP: You'll only be able to proceed with this step once you're live with Spektrix Payments.

If you're new to Spektrix, this will be completed during implementation. For existing Spektrix Users, this will be completed during a phone call with one of our Support Team.

If you use multiple Payment Terminals and PCs, select the default terminal on each PC to send payments to. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Control Panel (in the bottom left corner of Spektrix):


  2. Under User Options, click Change Local Settings:


  3. A pop up will appear listing all the Payment Terminals by serial number. Select the serial number that matches your Payment Terminal and click OK:


All future payments initiated from your User Account will automatically be sent to the selected terminal. To change the default Payment Terminal, repeat the steps above.

TIP: If you haven’t selected a default Payment Terminal, when you take your first payment, you’ll see a pop up. Select the default terminal and click Ok.

Once you’ve finished setting up the Payment Terminal, you can now take a test payment.


Taking a test Chip & Pin/Chip payment

Once you’ve finished setting up the Payment Terminal, you can now take a test payment.

In the Sales Interface click Counter to start a new transaction. You don’t have to add a Customer to the Basket/Cart:


Once you’re in the Basket/Cart, follow these steps:

  1. Click Chip & Pin/Chip:


  2. Set the Amount you wish to collect via Chip & Pin/Chip and click Ok:


  3. The amount will be displayed on the Payment Terminal. Tap your card on the terminal to continue.
  4. If the authorisation succeeds the pop up will close. The payment will be added to the Basket/Cart

You can refund the payment in the same transaction by following these steps:

  1. Click Refunds and select Chip & Pin/Chip:


  2. Check the Amount to refund is correct and click Ok:


  3. Click Confirm & Mark as Printed.
  4. You may see a confirmation pop up appear. Click Confirm:


Cancelling a test Chip & Pin/Chip Payment

If you need to cancel a Chip & Pin transaction before you take the payment, you should click Cancel in the Chip & Pin Payment pop up:


Click Delete to remove the payment:

WARNING: The red cancel key on the Payment Terminal will not cancel the transaction in Spektrix.

You can now take in-person payments through your Spektrix Payments Terminal.


Further Reading

If you want to customise your V400c Plus and V400m Payments Terminals, you may find the following article helpful:

To learn more about Spektrix Payments go to the Manage Payments section of the Support Centre.