You can set up Seat Attributes to store extra information against individual reserved seats on Seating Plans in Spektrix.
In this article, we’ll provide some example use cases and cover how to create a Seat Attribute.
Before getting started with Seat Attributes, take a look at:
Why use Seat Attributes?
You can use Seat Attributes to add extra information to individual reserved seats. These Attributes can then be used in Reporting or Ticket Designs.
You can apply Seat Attributes to individual reserved seats on a Seating Plan.
Example use cases
The most common use case for Seat Attributes is to set a ‘Door’ or ‘Entrance Number’ against each reserved seat.
For example, you might wish to add information to indicate to customers with seats in certain areas to enter via the closest entrance.
You can then print this on the ticket to help customers find their way on arrival.
How to create a Seat Attribute
To create a new Seat Attribute, navigate to the Settings Interface > Attributes > Seat.
TIP: You'll need the Settings Administrator user role to create and edit Attributes. If you don’t have this permission, ask the administrator in your organisation.
Click the New Attribute Definition button.
Attribute Definition
Next, you’ll be asked to input information to define the parameters of your Attribute.
WARNING: You cannot change the name of an Attribute once you have created it.
Complete the following information.
- Name: give the Attribute a clear and descriptive name. Attribute names cannot include special characters (, . - & ! / etc.). Your Attribute name cannot be longer than 50 characters.
TIP: You can pull this Attribute through to your Ticket Design but it will only display the Attribute Value, not the name of the Attribute.
Type: choose the Attribute Type.
Description: use this field to make it clear to other members of your team what the purpose of this Attribute is. This description will only be visible in the Admin Interface.
- This Attribute is visible in your API integrations: check this box to make this Attribute available to the API.
This Attribute is always required: check this box to make it so that this Attribute cannot be skipped or left empty.
Required Attributes will appear with a red line. You’ll need to enter information in order to proceed:
REMINDER: Check Box Attributes can never be set to required, as they work on a Yes/No response. This means that leaving the box unchecked is a valid response.
This Attribute is protected: this option is greyed out as you cannot protect Seat Attributes.
Length: choose the maximum number of characters that can be entered, or set the exact number of characters which have to be entered to proceed. A text field can contain a maximum of 255 characters.
Allow users to enter free text for this Attribute: this option is only available for Dropdown List Attributes.
- Unique Value: check this box if you require a unique Value to be entered every time.
Once you are happy with the information you have inputted, click Create Attribute Definition.
Attribute Values
If you choose a Dropdown List, you will then need to add in the Values.
Type each of your Values for this Attribute on a separate line. Each line appears as a value in this Attribute’s Dropdown List:
REMINDER: Attribute Values can be pulled through to your Ticket Design but it will only display the Attribute Value. As such, you might want to consider including the name of your Attribute in your Attribute values. For example, ‘Door A’ rather than just ‘A’.
- Select the Attribute you want to edit.
- Go to Attribute Values.
- To add a new Attribute Value click New Attribute Value.
- You can rearrange the Values by clicking and dragging them from the grey dots on the left:
- Clicking the grey trash can icon will delete the Attribute value.
- Click on the name of the Attribute value to edit.
WARNING: Editing the name of an Attribute Value will replace all existing Values with the new value. If your website integration uses this Attribute then this may prevent your website from working properly.
- Click Update Attribute Value if you are happy to proceed.
Seat Attributes in the Admin Interface
Once created, your new Seat Attribute will appear in the Admin Interface > Seating > Seating Plans.
- Choose the Seating Plan which contains the Seat you want to add the Seat Attribute Value to.
- Go to the Seat Attributes tab.
- Click Edit:
- Click on the Seat you want to add the Seat Attribute Value to. When selected the Seat will appear as a smaller black dot with a circle.
TIP: You can assign Seat Attributes to multiple Seats at a time. To select multiple Seats you can click on them individually or use the rectangle or paintbrush tools in the top left corner of the Seating Plan.
- Click Add Attribute Value Set:
This will open a new window where you can add the Seat Attribute Values:
Unlike Seating Plan Overlays, you can only have one configuration of Seat Attributes per Seating Plan.
REMINDER: You can only apply one Seat Attribute Value to a seat because Attributes are Global. For example, you can’t have a Seat Attribute as one Value for some Events and another Value for other Events.
Seat Attributes online
Seat Attributes will only be visible online to customers if they are used as part of your API Website Integration.
Further Reading
To continue learning about Seating Plans, take a look at the following articles:
You can find more articles on Seating Plans in the Set Up Events, Offers, Subscriptions and Merchandise section of the Support Centre.