Spektrix Payments: Investigating Card Transactions

Dave Carr
Dave Carr
  • Updated

In this article, we’ll guide you through investigating payment discrepancies and how to check if a customer has been charged. You’ll also find information on searching for payments, reasons why a payment might decline and ambiguous authorisations.

This article is for users of Spektrix Payments in all regions. If you use a different payment solution,(Worldpay, Opayo, Authorize.net, Moneris) visit the Manage Payments section of the Support Centre.


Checking if a Customer has been charged

There may be instances where a Customer thinks they have been charged but hasn’t received a confirmation of the Order.

To check if a Customer has been charged, follow these steps:

  • Look through your Open Transactions: These are Orders that have been started but not completed. Finding the transaction you’re looking for in Open Transactions would indicate that it has not been completed.
  • Search for any Customer Records: If you can’t find the Order under their Customer Record, searching by Postcode/Zip code/Postal Code to check for Customer Records with misspelt names or email addresses.
  • Search for Orders: You may want to search for Orders using a date range. Using a specific date range may help narrow the search results.
  • Look at the Sales History for the Event Instance: If the Customer knows the Event and Instance, you can look at the Sales History to track any Orders.
  • Run a Payments Report: This will help you find any transactions that match the amount, or date when the payment was taken. You can use this information to search for the Order.


If, after searching you can’t find any related Orders. The next step is to Search for Payments in your Adyen Essentials Dashboard.


Searching for Payments

To search for any payments, login to your Adyen Essentials Dashboard.

TIP: Chip & Pin/Chip payments will appear in the Essentials Dashboard as soon as the transaction has been processed.

To search for payments, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Adyen Essential dashboard click Payments from the left menu
  2. Enter your criteria in the Search box. By default these are listed from newest to oldest:



You can search for a payment using the following:

  • Name
  • Amount
  • Last four digits of the card number
  • Merchant Reference


Searching by Name

To search by Name, enter the Customer's name in the search box and press Enter:



Searching by Merchant Reference (TX Code)

The Merchant Reference in the Payments screen of the Essentials Dashboard corresponds to the TX Code in Spektrix.

You can use the TX Code obtained from Spektrix to search using the Merchant Reference criteria.

In the Essentials Dashboard, the Merchant Reference can appear in two formats:

  • Spektrix Client ID, TX Code: You’ll see two references separated by a colon (:). The first reference is your Spektrix Client ID and will never change. The second reference is the TX code in Spektrix. For example, 1234:1053753536.
  • Spektrix Client ID, TX Code and Stored Card: You’ll see three references each separated by a colon (:). The first two references are the same as those described above. The third reference identifies a stored card that was used to make the payment. For example, 1234:1053753536:789.


Here’s an example of how this looks in the Essentials Dashboard:

  • TX Code in the Basket/Cart

    To view a TX Code in the Basket/Cart, look in the Payments section:

    TX Code in the Order History

    To view a TX Code in the Order History, search for the Order. Scroll down to Order History:


Once you have your search criteria, input this in the search box and press Enter. In this example we’re using the TX Code from Spektrix as the Merchant Reference:


Once you’ve found the payment in your Essentials Dashboard, you’ll see the status of the payment.

If the payment has been authorised, you’ll see a green dot and Authorised in the Status column


If the payment has been declined, you’ll see a red dot and Refused in the Status column:



If the payment isn’t displayed in your Adyen Essentials Dashboard, this means the payment details weren’t fully transmitted. We refer to this as an Ambiguous Authorisation.

To learn more, go to the Ambiguous Authorisation section of this article.


Reasons why a Payment may be Declined

When taking a Chip & Pin/Chip payment in the Sales Interface, you’ll see a Chip & Pin Payment Screen.

If a payment is declined, you’ll see the reason in the Chip & Pin Payment screen or on the Payment Terminal screen:

There are several reasons why a payment may be declined. Click the box below to see more.

  • Result Error Condition Refusal Code Reason
    Failure Refusal 124  Acquirer Fraud
    Failure Invalid Card 128  PIN tries exceeded
    Failure Wrong PIN 129  Invalid Pin
    Failure Refusal 199  Card Blocked
    Failure Refusal 207  Issuer Unavailable
    Failure Refusal 210  Not Enough Balance
    Failure Refusal 214 Declined Online
    Failure Cancel 219 Contactless Limit exceed. Insert card



Ambiguous Authorisations

When you take a Chip & Pin/Chip payment, you’ll usually see an authorised or declined message. If you don’t see either of these messages, this indicates that Spektrix isn’t clear if the payment has been authorised or declined. This is what we call an Ambiguous Authorisation.

An ambiguous authorisation occurs when there’s an interruption to the payment process. Possible causes of this include:

  • A temporary blip in the connection while a Customer makes a purchase online. This means it isn’t clear if the card details have already been transmitted.
  • A temporary blip in the communication between Spektrix, Adyen or the Customer’s bank.
  • A failure in connection or service from either the Customer’s bank, card provider or 3D Secure services.

Ambiguous payments display in the Basket/Cart as Awaiting authorisation. Underneath the Awaiting authorisation message you’ll see a TX Code. You can use this to search for a payment:

Before clicking Confirm or Delete, you should check to see if the payment appears in Adyen and whether has been authorised or declined. Read Searching for Payments for more information.

WARNING: If you click Confirm and you haven’t received the payment, you’ll need to take payment again.

If you click Delete and you have received the payment. The Customer may be charged twice.

Once you have confirmed the Payment is showing in the Adyen You can confirm the Payment in Spektrix, by clicking Confirm:

If the payment has been declined, remove the payment from the Basket/Cart by clicking Delete:


If the Payment doesn’t show in Adyen, click Delete and reattempt the payment.

This article should give you the information you need to investigate Spektrix Payments Card Transactions.

To learn more about payments, visit the Manage Payments section of the Support Centre.