Dotdigital is a Customer Experience Platform that integrates with Spektrix to let you communicate with your customers through email campaigns.
This article offers an overview of how the Dotdigital integration works and how you can use it at your organisation.
You’ll also find links to other Support Centre articles that will help you get the best from Dotdigital.
What is Dotdigital?
Dotdigital is a cloud-based marketing automation platform which provides an accessible and user-friendly interface that you can use to send email marketing campaigns.
Spektrix is integrated with Dotdigital and is provided free of charge as part of your Spektrix agreement.
Some Spektrix users have an allowance of Dotdigital email sends included in their agreement, whereas others pay per-send. If you'd like to find out pricing information for your organisation, please get in touch with the Spektrix Support team.
How does the integration work?
Dotdigital uses data from your Spektrix system to send emails to Customers who have opted in to receive marketing emails.
The integration between Spektrix and Dotdigital is a two-way communication which means information is sent back and forth between Dotdigital and Spektrix.
When Contact Preferences are updated in either Spektrix or Dotdigital, the information is shared across both platforms.
Tags and Attributes
You can use Tags and Attributes from Spektrix in Dotdigital to power Dynamic Content and Personalisation.
You can learn how to sync Tags and Attributes from Spektrix into Dotdigital in the Data Fields in Dotdigital article.
TIP: To sync Tags and Attributes, and for any Email Automation you’ll also need to have a synced address book. To set this up you’ll need to contact Support.
What can I do with Dotdigital?
Using the Dotdigital integration you can effectively target your communications and ensure you are sending emails out to the right people at the right time.
As a Spektrix user, you can make use of the following integration features:
- Access the data and tools in Spektrix to create segmented Customer Lists without having to export and upload customer data.
- Collect Contact Preferences and automatically manage Contact Preference updates.
- Send Integrated Email campaigns. When a Customer engages with an Integrated Email campaign, this information is written back to their Customer Record in Spektrix. You can also use the ROI Report to track return on investment against the cost of Mailings.
- Use Customer List Schedules to automate communication tasks.
- Pre- and post-show emails.
- Capture data with Dotdigital Forms.
- Create and send automated email programs. There are a number of Program Templates available which are designed to help you with things like lapsed booker re-engagement, welcoming new customers and improving retention.
WARNING: Dotdigital offers a wide range of tools and features. Some of these features may not be relevant to our integration or may duplicate features already provided by Spektrix directly. If you're unsure whether a specific feature is part of our integration or not, feel free to reach out to the Spektrix Support Team.
How to request support
You will need to contact the Spektrix Support team for support with Dotdigital.
The Spektrix Support team is best placed with the knowledge and skills to support you with the Spektrix and Dotdigital integration. This includes consultancy, training and importing customers into your system.
WARNING:If you contact the Dotdigital support team, you will be passed back to the Spektrix Support team. This ensures you get the best and most accurate support and is because Spektrix is responsible for the integration between the two platforms.
Occasionally we’ll link out to the Dotdigital Help Centre in our resources. This means that you may see information about features which are not yet integrated with Spektrix or duplicate features already provided by Spektrix.
What is an email domain?
Your email domain is the host address that your organisation’s emails are sent from.
An email domain is the part of an email address that comes after the @ symbol - for example,,, or for personal emails.
We recommend that you use a different domain for your Dotdigital account than for sending automated system emails.
For example, if you already use as an email domain, you might want to use a subdomain of so that your Dotdigital account reputation won’t affect the sending reputation of your other emails.
If you want to add a Custom From Address, contact our Support Team.
Further Reading
If you’re new to Dotdigital, a great next step is to take a look at the Navigating Dotdigital article. This will help you become familiar with the interface and key email marketing concepts.
We’d also recommend reading:
This article should give you an Introduction to Dotdigital, to learn more visit the Communicate with your Customers section of the Support Centre.