Spektrix generates and sends a range of automated emails. This article looks at each of the System Emails in Spektrix.
Types of System Emails
System emails are automated emails that can be edited and sent from your Spektrix system. System emails do not include integrated emails, which are designed and sent using our integration with Dotdigital.
The system emails in Spektrix are:
- E-ticket / Print at Home Delivery
- Login Link
- Gift Vouchers and Gift Memberships
- Account Emails
- Gift Aid
- Memberships
- Order Confirmation
- Summary Emails
- Spektrix Payments Failed Refund Notifications
How to find and edit System Emails
You can find System Emails in the Admin Interface under Document Designs.
TIP: To access the Admin Interface, you’ll need the General Administrator user role.
You can edit the content of emails by clicking the Edit button with the blue pencil in the bottom right corner of each email.
WARNING: Words in curly brackets are required merge fields, for example: {VoucherCode}. Do not edit or remove these fields.
You can only edit System Emails by using basic HTML. Using complex HTML such as adding multiple images, social media links or an unsubscribe link can stop your System Emails being delivered.
There are a number of pre-built HTML templates for System Emails which can be copied from the System Email Templates article.
E-Ticket/Print at Home Delivery
The E-Ticket/Print at Home Delivery email is sent to customers who choose the Print at Home delivery method for their tickets. This email will contain the customer’s tickets as a PDF attachment or download link.
To edit your system’s E-Ticket/Print at Home Delivery email:
- In Document Designs, click Print at Home
- Click the Edit button under Print at Home Delivery Email.
- Email Subject: Enter the subject line of the email. This will display in the customer’s inbox before they open the email.
- Email Body Text: Enter the body text of the email. You can use HTML to add styling to your email.
- Email tickets as an: Choose whether PDF tickets are attached directly to the email or included as a link that customers can click into to view the tickets in their account.
WARNING: If you select Link, customers will need to log in to their account to view and download their tickets. You will need to add the full URL for the ‘My Account’ page on your site into the body of the Print at Home email. This URL will not be automatically generated.
TIP: If you’d like to change the email address that your Print at Home emails are sent from, please get in touch with the Spektrix Support team.
Login Link
When a new Customer makes their first order using the Express Checkout, at the end of the process they’re given the option to set a password.
If a Customer chooses to set a password, they can log into their account in the future using their password or by requesting a login link.
The login link email generates an email containing a link that will allow the Customer to log in without needing to enter their password. This link remains active for ten minutes.
If you would like to make any changes to the text of the email, please contact Support.
Gift Vouchers and Gift Memberships
Gift Vouchers and Gift Memberships each need a corresponding Gift Design and Email Template. You can edit both the design and email text in Document Designs under the Gifts heading.
Gift Designs
Follow the steps in the Setting Up and Editing Gift Vouchers article to learn how to design a Gift Voucher template.
Follow the steps in the Gift Memberships article to learn how to design a Gift Membership template.
Gift Emails
To edit your system’s Gift Voucher and Gift Membership emails:
- In Document Designs, click Gifts
- Click the Edit button under Gift Voucher Email Template or Gift Membership Email Template.
- Email Subject: Enter the subject line of the email. This will display in the customer’s inbox before they open the email.
- Email Body Text: Enter the body text of the email. You can use HTML to add styling to your email.
TIP: Take a look at our System Email Templates article for pre-built HTML templates you can copy and edit.
Account Emails
There are three customer account emails you can edit:
- New Account Email (for accounts created through the website)
- New Account Email (for accounts created through Sales Interface)
- Change Password Email - received when a customer requests to change their password.
Before you can edit these emails, you must enable them in your Settings Interface by going to Configuration > System Setup > Automated Emails and checking the two boxes provided.
TIP: You’ll need the Settings Administrator User Role to access the Settings Interface.
Once you have these emails enabled in the Settings Interface, you can edit them in Document Designs under the Account Emails heading.
- In Document Designs, click Account Email
- Click the Edit button under the Account Email you would like to change
- Email Subject: Enter the subject line of the email. This will display in the customer’s inbox before they open the email.
- Email Body Text: Enter the body text of the email. You can use HTML to add styling to your email.
TIP: Take a look at our System Email Templates article for pre-built HTML templates you can copy and edit.
REMINDER: Customers who have never set a password for their account will receive a system email after entering their email address in the Express Checkout booking path. It isn't currently possible to manually edit this email. If you would like to make any changes to this email, please contact Spektrix Support.
Gift Aid
The Gift Aid system email is automatically sent to a customer when they make a verbal Gift Aid declaration.
To edit your system’s Gift Aid emails:
- In Document Designs, click Gift Aid
- Click the Edit button under Verbal Declaration Email.
- Email Subject: Enter the subject line of the email. This will display in the customer’s inbox before they open the email.
- Email Body Text: Enter the body text of the email. You can use HTML to add styling to your email.
TIP: Take a look at our System Email Templates article for pre-built HTML templates you can copy and edit.
Below this email is a section titled Verbal Declaration Letter. The system comes with a default template for the Verbal Declaration Letter. You can view this template by clicking the Download link next to the Use the default template option.
If you’d like to add a custom Verbal Declaration Letter template, click the Edit button and select Use a custom template to upload a Word file of up to 4Mb.
Once that’s been uploaded, you can view it by clicking the Download link next to the Use a custom template option.
There are four membership emails you can edit:
- Auto Renew Notification Email
- Auto Renew Update Card Email
- Auto Renew Success Email
- Auto Renew Failure Email
You are able to edit these system emails once you have the Auto Renew feature enabled in your system.
TIP: If you don’t have the Auto Renew feature active in your system, contact Spektrix Support to enable it.
To edit your system’s Auto Renew emails:
- In Document Designs, click Memberships
- Click the Edit button under the Membership email you want to edit.
- Email Subject: Enter the subject line of the email. This will display in the customer’s inbox before they open the email.
- Email Body Text: Enter the body text of the email. You can use HTML to add styling to your email.
TIP: Take a look at our System Email Templates article for pre-built HTML templates you can copy and edit.
Order Confirmation
The Order Confirmation email can only use plain text and cannot contain HTML.
The Order Confirmation email can only be edited by contacting the Spektrix Support team.
You can add lines to the email using Confirmation Text and some of the settings related to the Order Confirmation email are configurable.
When Order Confirmation Emails are Sent
Customers are automatically sent an Order Confirmation email when they buy tickets online, but you can choose to also send Order Confirmations for Phone and Counter bookings.
You can find the following options by going to Settings Interface > Configuration > System Setup > Automated Emails:
- Automatically send customers an order confirmation: select this option if you want all customers booking by Phone or Counter to receive a confirmation email.
- Prompt users to decide when to send an order confirmation: select this option if you want your box office staff to have the option of sending a confirmation email.
- Never send customers an order confirmation or prompt users to decide: select this option if you don’t want any customers booking by Phone or Counter to receive a confirmation email.
Email Address to Send From
By default, Order Confirmations will appear as to be sent from our fallback address.
You can improve the deliverability of your System Emails by using an email subdomain which your customers will recognise.
You can learn more about how to set up an email subdomain by reading our article on Improving System Email Delivery.
Subject Line
The default subject line for confirmation emails is: ‘Confirmation of your order from YOURORG’, where YOURORG is the name of your organisation.
You can contact Support to request a change to a subject line that is personalised to your venue.
Body Text
Confirmation emails are sent in plain text and consist of an overall summary followed by a breakdown of the order items.
This email is built so it only displays certain sections if the order contains the relevant items. For example, the Donations section will only display in the email if there’s one or more donations in the order.
You can add further information to the email by contacting the Spektrix Support team and letting us know what you’d like to include. For example, you might want to add a section on visitor information or your refunds policy that appears in every Order Confirmation email.
Confirmation Text
Confirmation Text is extra information which you can add into your Order Confirmation email.
There are two ways you can add or edit Confirmation Text:
- Custom Website Message
- Confirmation Text Attributes
Custom Website Messages
You can add Confirmation Text to your Confirmation Email by adding a Custom Website Message.
This message will also appear on the confirmation iframe when a sale is completed in Classic Checkout.
To add a Custom Website Message for Confirmation, navigate to the Settings Interface > Configuration > System Setup > Custom Website Messages.
Enter your custom message into the box marked Custom message for confirmation.aspx.
REMINDER: We don’t recommend using Wikitext on this Custom Website Message as the Confirmation Email will only ever display as plain text.
This text will appear in every Order Confirmation email before the item breakdown:
Confirmation Text
Confirmation Text Attributes can be used to add more information to your plain text confirmation emails.
This can be useful for adding extra details that you wish the customer to be alerted to. For example, directions to an external venue, running times, or age guidance.
You can set up Confirmation Text Attributes for:
To learn how to set up Confirmation Text Attributes, follow the steps in: Introduction to Attributes.
Summary Emails
You can generate a Summary email from an Order in the Sales Interface.
Summary emails use the same template as the Order Confirmation email but don’t include payment summaries.
Summary Emails can only use plain text and cannot contain HTML.
The Order Confirmation email can only be edited by contacting the Spektrix Support team.
You can add lines to the email using Confirmation Text.
To send a Summary email, go to the customer order in the Sales Interface and click the Send email button.
A Summary email will look like this:
Spektrix Payments Failed Refund Notifications
When a refund processed through Adyen fails, specified Users will receive an email containing details of the failed Refund(s).
This email is automatically generated and can't be edited. To learn more about Failed Refund Notifications, go to Spektrix Payments Failed Refund Emails.
How to Preview System Emails
To preview a System Email you will need to replicate the action required to generate the email to a Customer account with your own email address.
For example, to view an Order Confirmation email, you will need to create an Order under your own Customer account and then send an Order Confirmation email to yourself.
Further Reading
To continue learning about System Emails, we recommend the following articles:
For more information, take a look at the Communicate with your Customers section of the Support Centre.