Selling and Renewing Memberships

Jessica Abejar
Jessica Abejar
  • Updated

In this article we’ll guide you through selling and renewing Memberships in the Sales and Opportunities Interfaces, and online. We’ll also cover overriding and reissuing Memberships when changing the details of individually sold Memberships.

This article covers:

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Selling and Renewing Memberships in the Sales and Opportunities Interface

TIP: Selling and Renewing takes place in the Sales and Opportunities Interfaces. In order to navigate to and access the Sales or Opportunities Interface you’ll need the Sales User or Opportunities User role, respectively.

If you don’t have either of these User Roles, contact a Settings Administrator in your organization to edit your User Account and add the Sales User and/or Opportunities User roles.

In order to sell a Membership, a Customer is required in the Basket/Cart. If you add a Membership first, you’ll immediately be prompted to add a Customer.

We recommend adding the Customer first to the Basket/Cart. This lets Spektrix look at the Customer’s Record to see if they already have an existing Membership and if it is available for renewal.

WARNING: A Customer can only purchase one of every type of Membership at a time. Attempting to purchase a new Membership that a Customer currently has may cause an error and will prevent you from completing the transaction.

If you are selling a Membership in the Sales Interface, go to Selling Memberships in the Sales Interface.

If you are selling a Membership in the Opportunities Interface, go to Selling Memberships in the Opportunities Interface.


Selling and Renewing Memberships in the Sales Interface

To sell or renew a Membership in the Sales Interface, follow these steps:

  1. Search for the Customer and click the blue Basket icon button to add them to the Basket/Cart.
  2. Choose a Sales Channel to start a New Transaction.
  3. Add a Membership by going to Subscriptions > Memberships.

You’ll see a list of all active Memberships:

Memberships in the Sales Interface.

Each Membership will have:

  • Membership Name
  • Image (if added)
  • Membership Price
  • Membership Period
  • Renewal Price
  • Renewal Period

You may see three different buttons to add to the Basket/Cart:

  • Basket icon: The Basket icon button means a new Membership is available for purchase. This will also include Memberships that have lapsed and are past their grace period. The Membership will be sold at the original Price for both new or lapsed and repurchased Memberships.
  • Renew button: If Renew appears on the button, this means the Customer can renew their current Membership. The Membership will be sold at the Renewal Price.
  • Renew button but not clickable: If the Renew button appears but is not clickable, this means the Customer has a current Membership but is not in the Renewal Period.

REMINDER: The Renewal Period is the designated time before a Membership expires when a Customer can renew their Membership at the Renewal Price.

Add to the Basket/Cart the Membership(s) that the Customer would like to purchase or renew.

TIP: A Customer can purchase and renew multiple different Memberships in the same Order and transaction.

Move onto Memberships in the Basket/Cart to complete the transaction.


Selling and Renewing Memberships in the Opportunities Interface

To sell or renew a Membership In the Opportunities Interface, follow these steps:

  1. Search for the Customer and click the blue Basket icon button to add them to the Basket/Cart. 
  2. Select or create an Opportunity for the Order.
  3. Choose a Sales Channel to start a New Transaction.

    TIP: Memberships are set up with a default Campaign which can be overridden when selecting or creating an Opportunity.

  4. Add a Membership by going to Donations and Memberships > Memberships.

You’ll see a list of all active Memberships:

Memberships in the Opportunities Interface.

Each Membership will have:

  • Membership Name
  • Image (if added)
  • Membership Price
  • Membership Period
  • Renewal Price
  • Renewal Period

You may see three different buttons to add to the Basket/Cart:

  • Basket icon: The Basket icon button means a new Membership is available for purchase. This will also include Memberships that have lapsed and are past their grace period. The Membership will be sold at the original Price for both new or lapsed and repurchased Memberships.
  • Renew button: If Renew appears on the button, this means the Customer can renew their current Membership. The Membership will be sold at the Renewal Price.
  • Renew button but not clickable: If the Renew button appears but is not clickable, this means the Customer has a current Membership but is not in the Renewal Period.

Add to the Basket/Cart the Membership(s) that the Customer would like to purchase or renew.

TIP: A Customer can purchase and renew multiple different Memberships in the same Order and transaction.

Move onto Memberships in the Basket/Cart to complete the transaction.


Memberships in the Basket/Cart

Once you’ve added a Customer and Membership are in the Basket/Cart, you can:


Make a Gift Aid Declaration (UK only)

For UK users who use the Gift Aid feature in Spektrix, if you add a Membership that contains a Donation element, you may be prompted to add a Gift Aid declaration if the Customer doesn’t already have one in their Customer Record.

Follow the steps in Tracking Gift Aid and Recording Declarations (UK) to record a Gift Aid Declaration. You may also choose to opt out of Gift Aid.

Once you return to the Basket/Cart, you can continue completing the transaction.


Set the Membership to Auto Renew

If the Membership is set to be auto renewable and the Customer wants use this feature, check the Auto Renew box to set this up:

Auto Renew checkbox for a Membership in the Basket/Cart.

Once checked you’ll be prompted to select a card to be used for auto-renewal.

Select a card for auto renewal.

If a Customer already has a card stored in their Wallet, you can select Use Preferred Card or select another stored card.

You can also click Add card to add a new card to the wallet to be used for auto renewals.

    1. Select a Billing Address from the dropdown or click the + button to add a new Billing Address. You can also edit the selected Billing Address by clicking the pencil icon.

      Save payment card screen - Billing Address.

    2. Click Next.
    3. Add Card details:
      • Card Type
      • Card Number
      • Expiry Date (mm/yy)
      • Security Code

      Save payment card screen - Card details.

    4. Click Save card.
    5. When you return to the Select card to be used for auto-renewal screen, be sure to select the newly added card.

      Select card to be used for auto-renewal screen with selected card.

Once you have selected the card to use for auto renewals, click Confirm.

REMINDER: Payment is still due at the time of the transaction. Make sure to select a payment for the initial purchase of the Membership. This could be the card you had just selected or another payment method.

Once you return to the Basket/Cart, you can continue completing the transaction.

WARNING: Choosing Use Preferred Card without a stored card will cause the auto renewal attempt to fail. Make sure that a card has been added to the Wallet section of the Customer Record. Then edit the Membership to use the new stored card to take payment.

For more information and setup, read Auto Renewable Memberships.


Overriding Membership Details in the Basket/Cart

You can override various Membership details in the Basket/Cart before completing the transaction. For example, you can change the Price or Expiry/Expiration Date of a Membership for a particular Customer such as a Board Member.

Once you’ve added the Membership to the Basket/Cart, follow these steps to override the Membership.

  1. Check the box next to the Membership you’d like to amend.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow next to the Reserve button and select Override.

    The override button for Memberships.

  3. You’ll see the Override items pop-up for the Membership.

REMINDER: While you can override the details for multiple items in a transaction, you can only open the Override items pop-up one item at a time. If you need to make changes for multiple Membership types, you’ll need to override each one.

In the Override items pop-up for the Membership, you can see and make changes to the following:

Override items pop-up for the Membership.

  1. Benefit Amount: Check this box and enter a new Benefit amount/Goods & Services value. This is the portion that isn’t a Donation. The Default value is indicated. If the Benefit Amount changes and the Price remains the same, the Donation portion will change.
  2. Price: Check this box and enter a new Price for the Membership. The Default value is indicated. If the Price changes and the Benefit Amount remains the same, the Donation portion will change.
  3. Period: Check this box to change the Membership period:
    • Start date: Select a new start date for the Membership. You can view how long the Membership Period lasts in the Period: [days] text in the bottom left corner.

      TIP: To retain the same Membership period, click Calculate End Date. For example if the start date is changed to 5/1/2024, click Calculate End Date to change the Expiry/Expiration date. Spektrix will automatically change the date to 5/28/2024 so that the Membership still lasts 28 days.

    • End date: Select a new end date for the Membership. You can view how long the Membership Period lasts in the Period: [days] text in the bottom left corner.
    • Open ended: Select this option to leave the Membership without an Expiry/Expiration date. Future renewals and auto renewals will not apply.

Once you’ve made your changes, click Ok to save and return to the Basket/Cart to continue completing the transaction.

TIP: If you’ve already completed your transaction but would like to make changes to the Memberships details, read Editing and Reissuing already sold Memberships.


Viewing Memberships in the Customer Record

Once a Membership is sold, it can be viewed in the Subscriptions tab of the Customer Record. You can also renew Memberships directly from the Customer Record.

Memberships in the Customer Record.

Here you can:

  • View Membership Details: You can view the name of the Membership, start date, end date and start date of the renewal period. You can also see if auto renewal is turned on and what card is used for the auto renewal.
  • View Expired Memberships: Check the box to see a list of Expired Memberships and their details.
  • Auto renew: You can change the Membership to automatically renew or uncheck the box to remove auto renewal.
  • View Order: You can view the Order that contains the Membership purchase.
  • Info: You can see the original Price of the Membership, original period, renewal price and renewal period.
  • Renew: You can click on the renew button of a Membership if it’s in the renewal period. This will start a new transaction and add the Customer and Membership to the Basket/Cart. The Membership will be sold at the Renewal Price.


Editing and Reissuing already sold Memberships

Once a Membership has been sold, it's still possible to amend the details without returning and reselling it. For example, if you want to change the start or end date of a Membership but didn’t override these details during the transaction.

TIP: Editing and reissuing a current Membership takes place in the Sales Interface. In order to navigate to and access the Sales Interface you’ll need the Sales User role.

If you don’t have this User Role, contact a Settings Administrator in your organization to edit your User Account and add the Sales User role.

To edit a current Membership, you first need to find the relevant Order that it was sold in. You can search for the Order or search for the Customer and go to Memberships in the Subscriptions tab of the Customer Record.

In the Customer Record, find the Membership you would like to edit and click View Order.

WARNING: Attempting to edit and reissue a Membership Renewal after the Membership’s start date will cause an error.

In the Order, you will find the Membership under Other Items. Here you will see the Membership name and the Price at which it was purchased and two buttons: Return and Reissue.

Check the box next to the Membership you’d like to edit and then the Reissue button. Choose a Sales Channel to edit the Order.

Memberships in Orders.

You’ll see the Customer appear in the Basket/Cart and the Membership in both the Items and Returns sections.

Edit the Membership in the Items section by checking the box next to the Membership name and overriding the Membership details. Once your changes have been made, continue completing the transaction.

The reissued Membership will appear in the Subscriptions tab of the Customer Record with its latest details updated. The previously sold Membership will appear as an Expired Membership.


Returning Memberships

You can also return a current Membership for a refund or exchange.

TIP: Returning Memberships takes place in the Sales Interface. In order to navigate to and access the Sales Interface you’ll need the Sales User role.

If you don’t have this User Role, contact a Settings Administrator in your organization to edit your User Account and add the Sales User role.

To return a current Membership, you first need to find the relevant Order that it was sold in. You can search for the Order or search for the Customer and go to Memberships in the Subscriptions tab of the Customer Record.

In the Customer Record, find the Membership you would like to edit and click View Order.

WARNING: You can’t return a Membership once it has Expired.

In the Order, you will find the Membership under Other Items. Here you will see the Membership name and the Price at which it was purchased and two buttons: Return and Reissue.

Check the box next to the Membership you’d like to edit and then the Return button. Choose a Sales Channel to edit the Order

Memberships in Orders.

You’ll see the Customer appear in the Basket/Cart and the Membership in the Returns sections. You can continue to refund the Order or exchange for another Membership or Item. 

The returned Membership will appear in the Subscriptions tab of the Customer Record as an Expired Membership.


Selling and Renewing Memberships Online

Customers can also purchase and renew Memberships online. There are several tools that can be used to sell Memberships online; this article will take a look at selling through the Memberships iframe.

In order to sell Memberships online, you must set up the Website details of each Membership you would like to display online.


Memberships Iframe

The Memberships iframe lists all the Memberships that are available for Customers to buy.

The Memberships page will include this text in the header: “If you hold a membership and wish to renew it, please log in to your account before adding the item to your cart.”

You can also change the name “Membership” in the header as well as add other text by updating Custom Website Messages.

Example of the Memberships iframe.

Each Membership will be listed with:

  • Web Content: You should include the name of the Membership here.
  • Membership Period: The default Membership Period.
  • Price: The default Price of the Membership.
  • Automatically Renew? Checkbox: If Auto Renew is available, this box is checked by default.
  • Add to cart button: This adds the Membership to the Basket/Cart.
  • Gift Membership: This takes the Customer to the Gift Voucher iframe. For more information, read Gift Memberships.

When a Customer with a current Membership logs into their account, they'll also see the following buttons:

  • Renew button: For Memberships that are in the renewal period.

    Renew button for current Membership in the renewal period.

  • Cannot be Renewed Yet button: For Memberships that are not in the renewal period. This is an unclickable button.

    Cannot be Renewed Yet button for current Memberships not in the renewal

In the Basket/Cart, renewal Memberships will be indicated as such:

Renewal Membership in Basket/Cart online.

For Auto Renewals, Customers will have the option to select a card or add a new card at the Billing Details part of the checkout.

Billing Details

TIP: You can set the Store my card for future purchases box to default to checked. While a Customer can choose to confirm the Order without checking this option, without a stored card, the auto renewal attempt will fail. Make sure that a Customer adds a preferred card in the future and adds it to their Membership auto renewal.


Viewing Memberships and Updating Auto Renewals Online

Customers can view their Memberships online including updating its auto renew options.

You can enable these features in the Settings Interface.

  • TIP: In order to navigate to and access the Settings Interface you’ll need the Settings Administrator role.

    If you don’t have this User Role, contact a Settings Administrator in your organization to edit your User Account and add the Settings Administrator role.

    Go to Configuration > System Setup > Website.

    Toggle on Display the Memberships section on your website’s “My Account” page. We also recommend turning on the Display the Payment Cards section on your website’s “My Account” page option as well so a Customer can add a new card for auto renewal at any time.

    Display on My Account page options.

Customers can see their current Memberships online:

Memberships online.

Their Memberships will display:

  • Membership Name
  • Start Date
  • Expiry/Expiration Date
  • Automatically Renew checkbox (if enabled)
  • Renew using [selected card]

They can select or deselect Auto Renew options including selecting a stored card from their wallet for auto renewals.


Further Reading

This article should give you the information you need to sell and renew Memberships. For more information on Memberships, you may find the following articles helpful: