This article is about Facilitated Orders (also known as Facilitated Booking or Facilitated Purchases).
In this article you’ll find information on how to enable Customers to place Facilitated Orders through the Sales Interface (and Opportunities Interface, if you use it) and your website. We’ll also guide you through performing a Facilitated Sale in the Sales Interface and how to report on Facilitated Orders.
Before you read this article, you should be familiar with:
What is a Facilitated Order?
A Facilitated Order is where an Individual Customer can make a purchase on behalf of Individual or Organisation.
To make a Facilitated Order you'll need a Facilitator and an Owner:
- Facilitator: The Customer making the purchase
- Owner: The Customer who the purchase is for
When a Facilitator makes a purchase, they’ll receive the Order Confirmation. The Order will be visible on both the Facilitator and Owner’s Customer Records.
Why use Facilitated Orders?
One example use case for a Facilitated Order would be to enable a parent to make a purchase on behalf of their child.
Facilitated Orders also offer the following advantages:
- The Order history is stored in both the Facilitator and Owner’s Customer Records
- You can report on whether the Owner or Facilitator owns the items from the Order
- A Facilitator can use the Owner’s eligibility in Offers, Memberships, Priority Booking and Promotion Codes
Setting up Facilitated Orders in Spektrix
To use Facilitated Orders in Spektrix, you’ll need to set up Relationships in your system. A Relationship links two Customers together and enables one Customer to make a purchase on behalf of another.
To learn more about Relationships and how to set them up, read our article Customers and Relationships in Spektrix.
Setting up Facilitated Orders on your Website
If you want to let Customers place a Facilitated Order online, you’ll need to ask your web developers to implement the Choose Attendee iframe.
You can use the Choose Attendee iframe for:
- Facilitated Orders on all Events
- Facilitated Orders on specific Events
- Facilitated Orders on specific Event Instances
- Facilitated Orders for Memberships
TIP: The Choose Attendee iframe will pull through your existing CSS styling.
TIP: If you use Spektrix Subsite, you can find more information in the Checkout flow: Choose Seats page of the Configuring Spektrix Subsite article.
Facilitated Orders on all Events
To enable Facilitated Orders on all Events, your web developers will need to add the Choose Attendee iframe to the start of the purchase path.
In the example URL below, Customers will see the Choose Attendee iframe first, prompting them to choose an Attendee (Owner). Once the Customer has selected the Attendee, they’ll be forwarded to Events list:
You can test this by replacing clientname with your client name.
TIP: If you use a Custom Domain, replace with your domain.
Facilitated Orders on specific Events
To enable Facilitated Orders on specific Events, follow these steps:
- Create a checkbox Event Attribute specifically for Facilitated Orders, for example, called ‘Facilitated Orders’.
- Add this Attribute to the Event(s) in Spektrix you want to include in Facilitated Orders.
- Ask your web developers to build an automation or logic into your website to look for Events where the Attribute you’ve added is ‘true’. Where an Event is found append &ChooseAttendee=’true’ to all Choose Seats iframe URLs for that Event.
Facilitated Orders on specific Event Instances
To enable Facilitated Orders on specific Event Instances, ask your web developer to append ChooseAttendee=true to the Choose Seats iframe:
Where clientname is your client name and 123456 is the EventInstanceId for your Event Instance.
TIP: If you use a Custom Domain, replace with your domain.
Appending ChooseAttendee=true will prompt Customers to choose an Owner before adding Tickets to the Basket/Cart.
Facilitated Orders for Memberships
To enable Facilitated Orders on Memberships, ask your web developer to append the Choose Attendee iframe to your Memberships URL. For example:
Appending ChooseAttendee=true will prompt Customers to choose an Owner before adding a Membership to the Basket/Cart.
You can test this by replacing clientname with your client name.
TIP: If you use a Custom Domain, replace with your domain.
Customising Website text during the Facilitated Booking Path
You can customise the text displayed in two places during the purchase path:
Choose Attendee iframe
On the Choose Attendee iframe you can add custom text underneath the page header. In the image below, we’ve added Select attendee as an example:
To learn how to add custom text, read the Choose Attendee section of Custom Website messages for iframes article.
Basket iframe
On the Basket iframe, you can add custom text to display the name of the Order Owner. The Order Owner name is the name of the logged in Customer or the name selected in the Choose Attendee iframe for facilitated bookings.
This message will appear above the Savings panel:
To learn how to add custom text, read the Basket/Cart name of Order owner section of Custom Website messages for iframes article.
Customising Confirmation Emails
If you want to customise Confirmation Emails, for example, to include information about both the Owner and Facilitator in Order Confirmation emails, contact Support.
Performing a Sale using Facilitated Orders
Once you’ve set up Relationships in Spektrix, you can perform a sale for a Facilitated Order This process is the same whether an Individual is purchasing on behalf of another Individual or Organisation.
In the Sales Interface
TIP: If you use the Opportunities Interface, you can also perform sales for Facilitated Orders for Donations, Memberships and Tickets purchased using the Invitation feature.
Performing a sale for a Facilitated Order in Spektrix, is similar to how you would perform a Sale, with the following differences:
- Search for the Customer who will be the Order Owner and add them to the Basket/Cart first
- In the New order section of the Basket/Cart, click the down arrow next to Edit Soft Credit:
- Select Edit Facilitator:
- You’ll see a Select facilitator screen. Choose a facilitator and click Select facilitator:
TIP: Clicking on New facilitator will enable you to add a new Facilitator by searching for an existing Customer. If no Customer exists, you can create a new Customer Record. You’ll then need to create a Relationship between that Customer and the Owner.
Once you’ve selected the Facilitator, you’ll see who has facilitated the Order and their relationship to the Owner in the New Order section of the Basket/Cart:
When placing a Facilitated Order online, the Facilitator will log in first and then choose the Order Owner. This means the Owner’s details can be used for eligibility, enabling them to take advantage of Promo Codes, Offers, Locked Seats and more.
Depending on your website, customers might reach the Choose Attendee iframe at different points of the purchase with. Read Setting Up Facilitated Orders on your website for more information.
Once a Facilitator has logged in, they can select the Attendee and continue with the purchase. Here’s an example of how this may look:
The Facilitator can also choose Someone else:
This will create a new Individual Customer Record with the following information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Facilitator’s Relationship with the Attendee
The Relationship will be set up with an Importance of 1. To learn how to change this value, read Customers and Relationships.
TIP: If Date of Birth is a required field for a new account, the customer will be prompted to enter their date of birth.
A Customer Record created in this way doesn’t require an email address or password and online functionality is deactivated by default.
No email address is captured during account creation, therefore you may see duplicate Customer Records. It is possible to have multiple Customer Records with the same name and address, but only one Customer Record per email address.
Read the following articles to learn how to manage duplicate Customer Records
Viewing Facilitated Orders
Facilitated Orders are displayed in the same way as other Orders, with additional information displayed in the Order.
To view a Facilitated Order follow these steps:
- Search for a Customer
- Click Orders where you’ll see any Facilitated Orders:
You can view the Order:
Facilitated Orders in the Owner’s Customer Record
In the Order Details of the Owner’s Customer Record a Facilitated Booking will display the name of the Facilitator as a clickable link. This link will take you directly to the Facilitator’s Customer Record:
Facilitated Orders in the Facilitator’s Customer Record
In the Orders section of a Facilitator's Customer Record, a Facilitated Order will display the name of the Owner the Order was placed on behalf of. This link will take you directly to the Owner’s Customer Record:
Facilitated Orders in Reports and Customer Lists
Facilitated Orders report differently due to the Metrics used. In a standard Order, the data displayed in Reports contains the customer’s Title, First Name, Last Name.
When reporting on Facilitated Orders, both the Facilitator and Owner information is used.
Depending on whether you’re running a Report or Customer List, you’ll find different metrics associated with Facilitated Booking.
TIP: A Metric is the available data you select to display in a Report or Customer List.
Facilitated Orders in Analysis and Sales Reports
If you’re building Reports using either the Analysis or Sales Report Types, you’ll find output metrics related to Facilitated Booking within the Customer Wrapper:
TIP: A Wrapper is a container which holds Metrics.
The Facilitated Booking Metrics are:
- Facilitator Email Address
- Facilitator First Name
- Facilitator Id
- Facilitator Last Name
- Facilitator Mobile Number
- Facilitator Name
- Facilitator Phone Number
- Facilitator Title
- Owner Email Address
- Owner First Name
- Owner Id
- Owner Last Name
- Owner Mobile Number
- Owner Name
- Owner Phone Number
- Owner Title
- Relationship Email Address
TIP: Other Report Types, for example, Accounting or Customer Type Reports only contain standard customer Metrics. They will report the Owner’s information except for the Facilitator’s Name.
Facilitated Orders in Customer Lists
Booking Segment
In a Booking Segment, once you’ve chosen your metrics, you’ll see the Edit Segment screen.
Under Booking statistics, click the dropdown arrow next to ‘When data is grouped by':
Choose whether you want to include the Order owner or Order facilitator in the Customer List. It isn’t possible to include both in a Report.
Purchasing Segment
In a Purchasing Segment, once you’ve chosen your metrics, you’ll see the Edit Segment screen.
Under Purchasing statistics, click the dropdown arrow next to ‘When data is grouped by':
Choose whether you want to include the Order owner or Order facilitator in the Customer List. It isn’t possible to include both in a Customer List.
Further Reading
This article should give you the information you need on Facilitated Orders. To learn more about Sales and Orders, visit the Sell items and fulfill Orders section of the Support Centre.